Web Services for Core SDK
This page describes how to make api calls from SDK.
This section provides a reference for the following Web Service APIs for Android Core SDK. Before you integrate these APIs, you must follow Step 1 and Step 2 of this section.
- Enable Payment Options
- Get Checkout Details API
- Lookup API
- Eligible Bins for EMI API
- Get EMI According to Interest API
- Get Transaction Info API
- Verify Payment API
- Get BIN Info API
- Get Card Information API
- Offer APIs
- Check Balance API
- Tokenized Payment APIs
Step 1: Initialise web service
Create an object of MerchantWebService with any of the supported API commands.
MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey(merchantKey); // Merchant key
merchantWebService.setCommand(<Api Commands>); // Pass the command name
merchantWebService.setVar1(<Pass var 1 value>) // Pass the var1 calue
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula
For more information on Web Service hash generation, refer to Generate Static Hash.
Generate Hash for MerchantWebService
To generate Hash refer to Hash Generation.
Formula :-sha512(key|command|var1|salt)
key= "Your Key"
command= <"Api Commands"> // Pass Command Name
var1= <"default"> // Pass the var1 value
salt= "Your SALT"
Step 2: Create Merchant web service PostData
PostData postData = new MerchantWebServicePostParams(merchantWebService).getMerchantWebServicePostParams();
if (postData.getCode() == PayuErrors.NO_ERROR) {
Troubleshoot Postdata code errors
If the PostData code snippet (above) is returning errors, check the data point set in merchantWebService.
Commands | Description | Task | Listener |
PAYMENT_RELATED_DETAILS_FOR_MOBILE_SDK | To get all enabled payment options | GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask payuTask = GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | PaymentRelatedDetailsListener |
VAS_FOR_MOBILE_SDK | To get the health status of payment options | ValueAddedServiceTask payuTask = ValueAddedServiceTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | ValueAddedServiceApiListener |
GET_BIN_INFO | Get Bin information on CC/DC | BinInfoTask binInfoTask = new BinInfoTask(this); binInfoTask.execute(payuConfig); | GetCardInformationApiListener |
CHECK_IS_DOMESTIC | Get Card information on CC/DC | GetCardInformationTask payuTask = GetCardInformationTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | |
GET_TRANSACTION_INFO | Getting Transaction information | GetTransactionInfoTask payuTask = GetTransactionInfoTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | GetTransactionInfoApiListener |
VERIFY_PAYMENT | Verify Payment Status | VerifyPaymentTask payuTask = VerifyPaymentTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | VerifyPaymentApiListener |
CHECK_OFFER_DETAILS | To get the offer details. | CheckOfferDetailsTask payuTask = CheckOfferDetailsTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | CheckOfferDetailsApiListener |
API_GET_EMI_AMOUNT_ACCORDING_INTEREST | To get the EMI amount according to interest. | GetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestTask payuTask = GetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | GetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestApiListener |
CHECK_OFFER_STATUS | To check the status of the offer | GetOfferStatusTask payuTask = GetOfferStatusTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | GetOfferStatusApiListener |
ELIGIBLE_BINS_FOR_EMI | To check if the bin is eligible for EMI | EligibleBinsForEMITask payuTask = EligibleBinsForEMITask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig); | EligibleBinsForEMIApiListener |
GET_CHECKOUT_DETAILS | To get info about additional charges, bank down, tax info, and offers | GetCheckoutDetailsTask getCheckoutDetailsTask = GetCheckoutDetailsTask(this); getCheckoutDetailsTask.execute(payuConfig); | CheckoutDetailsListener |
GET_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT | To get stored cards of the user | GetTokenisedCardTask getTokenisedCardTask = GetTokenisedCardTask(this); getTokenisedCardTask.execute(payuConfig); | GetTokenisedCardApiListener |
DELETE_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT | To delete the stored card of the user | DeleteTokenisedCardTask deleteTokenisedCardTask = DeleteTokenisedCardTask(this); deleteTokenisedCardTask.execute(payuConfig); | DeleteTokenisedCardApiListener |
GET_PAYMENT_DETAILS | To get details of the stored card to make payment on another PG | GetTokenisedCardDetailsTask getTokenisedCardDetailsTask = GetTokenisedCardDetailsTask(this); getTokenisedCardDetailsTask.execute(payuConfig); | GetTokenisedCardDetailsApiListener |
CHECK_BALANCE | To get info about Sodexo saved Card | CheckBalanceTask checkBalanceTask= CheckBalanceTask(this); checkBalanceTask.execute(payuConfig); | CheckBalanceListener |
Updated 6 months ago