Upload Registration Transactions in Bulk

This section describes the procedure to upload the registration transactions in bulk for collecting recurring payments.


  • Download the sample file as in below procedure (Steps 1 to 5) and update it to include the data to be uploaded.
  • Ensure that all mandatory fields in the file are filled with the correct details. The columns in the Excel sheet for upload are described in the following table:
Column NameField Type (Mandatory/ Optional)Character Limit
AmountMandatoryNo Limit
Invoice IdOptional16 (Should be unique)
Merchant Ref IdOptional50 (should be unique and to support - "^[A-Za-z0-9@#().+_;\\-\\[\\]]*$" )
Product DescriptionMandatory255
Customer NameOptional255
Customer EmailOptionalBasic email validations
Customer Phone NumberOptionalBasic phone number validations
Validation PeriodOptionalNo max limit. Should be numeric 
Time UnitOptionaldefault value is d (days). Other supported values = m (minutes), h (hours)
SendsmsOptionalSupported value = 0, 1 or empty 
Note: To send a SMS, the following is required:

- Phone number must be specified
- Sendsmscolumn = 1
- Notify via SMS check box specified in Step 7 is selected
SendemailOptionalSupported value = 0, 1 or empty
Note: To send an email, the following is required:

- Email ID must be specified
- Sendemail column = 1
- Notify via Email check box specified in Step 7 is selected
Customer AddressOptional255
Cutomer CityOptional255
Customer StateOptional255
Customer CountryOptional255
Zip codeOptional255
Udf 1Optional255
Udf 2Optional255
Udf 3Optional255
Udf 4Optional255
Udf 5Optional255
IsSiEnabledMandatorySupported value = 0, 1 or empty. If the value = 1 only then SI bulk upload link will be generated and the SI-related parameters will be mandatory
Billing amountMandatory (if isSienabled =1)Minimum value = 1
Billing cycleMandatory (if isSienabled =1)Value should be monthly, daily, weekly, adhoc, yearly
Billing intervalMandatory  a. if isSienabled =1 b. if billing cycle ≠ adhocFor adhoc cycle, it is not mandatory, for other billing cycles, it is mandatory
Start dateMandatory (if isSienabled =1)DD/MM/YYYY format
End dateMandatory (if isSienabled =1)DD/MM/YYYY format
Payment MethodMandatory (if isSienabled =1)creditcard|debitcard|upi|enach

  • Ensure that your bulk upload files are in the CSV format, as this is the only supported file type. 
  • The upload file size should not exceed 5 MB to ensure smooth processing. 
  • Each batch can contain up to 60,000 records (approximately), which is the maximum number of records processed in a single batch.


  1. Login to the Merchant Dashboard. For more information, refer to Log in to Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Subscriptions. 

The Subscriptions Overview page is displayed on the right-pane. 

  1. Click Bulk Upload at the top-right corner. 

The Bulk Upload pop-up page is displayed. 


  1. Select Registration to upload the registration transactions. 
  2. Click Continue. 

The Bulk Upload Registration screen is displayed. 


  1. Enter a batch description in the Batch Description to identify this particular upload. 
  2. Select the following check boxes if you wish to notify the customer: 
  • Email 
  • SMS 
  1. Click Continue

Note: Download the sample file for registration of mandate using the Download button and update to include the registration transactions. For more information, refer to Prerequisites

  1. Click Choose file and select the file containing all the mandates details that need to be created.  
  2. Click Upload. 

Note: After you submit a batch file, it will be picked up for processing within 60 minutes. 

After uploading the file, the system will automatically check for discrepancies. If there’s an issue, an error message is displayed on the screen. The error message will highlight the specific columns with issues, allowing you to quickly identify and correct the errors before re-uploading the file. 


After your file is successfully uploaded, a message similar to the following screenshot is displayed and then you will be redirected to the Bulk Upload listing screen. 


A record is added with the status as “Partially Processed” to the Registration tab sub-tab under the Bulk Upload tab similar to the following screenshot.