Check Pluxee Card Balance API

The Check Pluxee Card Balance API can be used to fetch detail of the Sodexo card with the source ID.

  1. Set the sodexoSourceId and checkBalanceApiHash parameter for instance:
self.paymentParamForPassing.sodexoSourceId = @"<Sodexo source id>;
self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.checkBalanceApiHash =  @"hash";
  1. Call the fetchSodexoCardDetails method to integrate with this API similar to the following code block:
fetchSodexoCardDetails.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelSodexoCardDetail *sodexoCardDetail, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
      if (errorMessage) {
        // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
        // sodexoCardDetail object is having the required detail