LazyPay BNPL Integration - iOS Core SDK

To pay using LazyPay (BNPL), perform the following steps.

  1. Set the Notify URL to the HTTPS Callback URL of the merchant where notification of transaction status will be sent on completion of a transaction.
self.paymentParamForPassing.notifyURL= @"";
paymentParamForPassing.notifyURL = ""
  1. Get the request by using thecreateRequestWithPaymentParam method as follows:
    self.createRequest = [PayUCreateRequest new];

    [self.createRequest createRequestWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParamForPassing forPaymentType:PAYMENT_PG_LAZYPAY withCompletionBlock:^(NSMutableURLRequest *request, NSString *postParam, NSString *error) {
      if (error == nil) {
        //It is good to go. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
        //Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string
reateRequest.createRequest(withPaymentParam: paymentParamForPassing, forPaymentType: PAYMENT_PG_LAZYPAY, withCompletionBlock: { request, postParam, error in
if error == nil {
//It is good to go. You can use request parameter in webview to open Payment Page
} else {
//Something went wrong with Parameter, error contains the error Message string