SKU-Based Offer using Merchant Hosted Checkout
After you create a SKU-based offer on PayU Dashboard, you can start collecting payments for products with SKU-based offer. For more information on creating a SKU-based offer, refer to Create a SKU-Based Offer.
For payment journey of instant discount offers using Merchant Hosted Checkout, refer to Instant Discount or Cashback using Merchant Hosted Checkout.
Steps to integrate
Step 1: Fetch offers
Additional request parameter skusDetail for SKU
In addition to the request parameters listed in the Fetch Offers API section, the skusDetail parameter is posted with the following fields are posted in an array:
Field | Description |
skuAmount optional | String The price of one/ single unit of SKU is specified in this field. |
skuId mandatory | String The product identifier to select offer is specified in this field. |
 optional | String The quantity for the product is specified in this field.**** |
offerKeys optional | _String The offer keys to filter at SKU-level is specified in this field. |
skusDetail parameter in sample request
The sample request posted will include the skusDetail parameter similar to the following:
"skusDetail": [
"skuAmount": 600,
"quantity": 3,
"skuId": "123",
"offerKeys": null
Sample Response
"skusDetail": [
"skuAmount": 600,
"quantity": 3,
"skuId": "123",
"offerKeys": null
Step 2: Validate Offer
Additional request parameters
In addition to the request parameters listed in Validate Offer API, the skusDetail parameter with skus in an JSON array is posted, where each skus contain the following fields are posted in an array:
Field | Description |
autoApply | The flag to specify to automatically apply the offer. |
skuAmount | The price of one/ single unit of SKU is specified in this field. |
offerKeys | The offer keys to filter at SKU-level is specified in this field. |
quantity | The quantity for the product is specified in this field. |
skuId | The product identifier to select offer is specified in this field. For more information on creating a SKU offer. |
skusDetail Object in request
"skusDetail": {
"skus": [
"autoApply": false,
"skuAmount": 1000,
"offerKeys": [
"quantity": 1,
"skuId": "1"
skusDetail Object in response
"skusDetail": {
"skusDiscountDetail": {
"totalCashbackDiscount": null,
"totalInstantDiscount": 100,
"totalDiscountedAmount": 900
"skus": [
"skuId": "1",
"quantity": 1,
"name": "One Plus",
"skuAmount": 1000,
"isValid": true,
"autoApply": false,
"discountDetail": {
"offerKey": "SummerSpecialOffer2021@q1Bh0jsogwqP",
"offerType": "INSTANT",
"discount": 100,
"discountedAmount": 900,
"discountType": "PERCENTAGE"
"description":"SummerSpecialOffer discount",
"validFrom":"2021-07-01 17:02:11",
"validTo":"2022-08-05 15:53:16",
"disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": false,
"isSkuOffer": true,
"isSubventedOffer": true
Step 3: Payment request
Additional request parameters for SKU-Based offer
For the checkout flow and list of request parameters required for the Offer integration, refer to Instant Discount or Cashback using Merchant Hosted Checkout.
Field | Description |
cart_detailsmandatory for SKU | JSON Object The card details is specified in this parameter in a JSON format. Note: If given null, no cart will be created for the transaction. |
cart_details.amountmandatory | String The amount for the SKU-based offer. |
cart_details.itemsmandatory | String The number of the items for the SKU-based offer. |
cart_details.surchargesconditional | String Total txn amount is now increased, but the cart_details.amount is lesser, to handle the difference, the additional amount added by the merchant should be passed in surcharges field |
cart_details.pre_discountconditional | String If there are any pre discount given by merchant on their checkout page. Total txn amount is now reduced, but the cart_details.amount is higher, to handle the difference, the discount given by the merchant should be passed in pre_discount field |
cart_details.sku_detailsmandatory | JSON Object The SKU details is specified in this parameter in a JSON format. |
cart_details.sku_details.sku_idmandatory | String This parameter contains the unique identifier for SKU. Note: The Product ID in the Excel file as described in the Create a SKU-Based Offer section and the skuId request parameter used in the Merchant Hosted Checkout Integration for SKU-based offer have the same function, Hence, after you create Product IDs on Dashboard, use them as values for the skuId parameter. |
sku_details.sku_namemandatory | String This parameter contains the SKU name. |
sku_details.quantitymandatory | String The parameter must contain the quantity of SKU added in cart. |
sku_details.amount_per_skumandatory | String The parameter must contain the per SKU amount. |
sku_details.offer_keyoptional | String This parameter must contain the Offer Key(s) which can be used for this transaction. | |
sku_details.offer_auto_applyoptional | _String_This parameter contains the flag for when to enable auto application of best offer on this SKU. |
- The following order must be used for hashing:
For more information on hash generation process, refer to Hashing Request and Response.- If any of the keys is null/not configured, "|" character must be concatenated.
- The above hash logic is for _payment API version 10 or later.
cart_details Object in sample request
"cart_details": {
"amount": 55000,
"items": 2,
"sku_details": [
"sku_id": "smartphone234",
"sku_name": "Smartphone",
"amount_per_sku": "45000",
"quantity": 1,
"offer_key": null,
"offer_auto_apply": true
"sku_id": "smartwatch132",
"sku_name": "Smartwatch",
"amount_per_sku": "10000",
"quantity": 1,
"offer_key": [
"offer_auto_apply": false
Step 4: Check the response from PayU
You need to look for the skusDetail object in the response. For the complete response, refer to Merchant Hosted Checkout.
Success scenario
The skusDetail JSON in the following sample response:
{"cart_details": {
"id": "18",
"payu_id": "999000000000983",
"total_items": "2",
"total_cart_amount": "55000",
"offer_applied": null,
"offer_availed": null,
"instant_discount": "1000",
"cashback_discount": "500",
"total_discount": "1500",
"net_cart_amount": "54000",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"sku_details": [
"id": "35",
"cart_id": "18",
"payu_id": "999000000000983",
"mid": "180012",
"sku_id": "smartphone234",
"sku_name": "Smartphone",
"amount_per_sku": "45000.00",
"quantity": "1",
"amount_before_discount": "45000",
"discount": "1000",
"amount_after_discount": "44000",
"offer_key": null,
"offer_status": null,
"offer_type": null,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
"id": "36",
"cart_id": "18",
"payu_id": "999000000000983",
"mid": "180012",
"sku_id": "smartwatch132",
"sku_name": "Smartwatch",
"amount_per_sku": "10000.00",
"quantity": "1",
"amount_before_discount": "10000.00",
"discount": "500",
"amount_after_discount": "10000.00",
"offer_key": null,
"offer_status": null,
"offer_type": null,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null
Step 5: Verify the payment
Verify the payment using the Verify Payment API. For the sample response using the Verify Payment API from PayU involving offers, refer to Additional Info for General APIsI.
Updated 4 months ago