Net Banking Integration

Integrate TPV through Net Banking using the procedure described in this section.


Seamless integration has to be done as per the standard kit. For more information, refer to Collect Payments API under API Reference.

Step 1: List the account numbers

Collect or prepare a list of account numbers that must be posted to PayU for TPV at step 2.

Step 2: Post the parameters to PayU and check response

With the following additional parameters, make the transaction request with the customer’s bank account number to the PayU using the Collect Payment (_payment) API. For more information, refer to Collect Payment API - Merchant Hosted Checkiout..


pgIt defines the payment category for which you wish to perform TPV. For Net Banking, pg= ’NB’.NB
bankcodeIt defines the bank with which you wish to perform TPV using the bank code. For more information on the list of bank codes, refer to Bank Codes for TPVAXNBTPV, SBINBTPV, ICINBTPV
beneficiarydetailThis is a JSON format text and there should be key named beneficiaryAccountNumber with account number as value.{‘beneficiaryAccountNumber':'123456789012345’}
api_versionThe api_version “6” must be passed fro this parameter.6



PayU recommends you. to verify the transaction details using the Verification Payment API. For more information, For API reference, refer to Verify Payment API.