Tokenized Payments Integration

You can store and get stored card details from the vault.

Get tokenized payment details

  1. Get details of the stored card to make payment on another PG.
self.paymentParam.userCredentials = @"<user_credentials>";  
self.paymentParam.cardToken = @"<cardToken>";    
self.paymentParam.amount = @"100";  
self.paymentParam.currency = @"INR";
self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.getTokenizedPaymentDetailHash = @"hash";
  1. Call the getTokenizedPaymentDetails method to integrate this similar to the following:
[webServiceResponse getTokenizedPaymentDetails.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelTokenizedPaymentDetails *tokenizedPaymentdetails,NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
            if (errorMessage) {
        // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
        //It is good to go & deleteStoredCardMessage is having the full detail of it

Get tokenised stored cards

This API is helpful in getting all the stored cards for a particular user.

  1. Set theuserCredentials in the payment params similar to the following:
self.paymentParam.userCredentials = @"<user_credentials>";  
self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.getTokenizeddStoredCardHash = @"hash";
  1. Call the getTokenizedStoredCards method to integrate this API similar to the following:
[webServiceResponse getTokenizedStoredCards:self.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(NSDictionary *dictStoredCard,NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
            if (errorMessage) {
        // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
        //It is good to go & deleteStoredCardMessage is having the full detail of it

Delete tokenised stored cards

This API is helpful in deleting stored cards.

  1. Set theuserCredentials in the payment params similar to the following:
self.paymentParam.userCredentials = @"<user_credentials>";  
self.paymentParam.cardToken = @"<cardToken>";    
self.paymentParam.networkToken = @"<networkToken>";  
self.paymentParam.issuerToken = @"<issuerToken>";
self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.deleteTokenizedStoredCardHash = @"hash";
  1. Call the deleteTokenizedStoredCard method to integrate this API similar to the following:
[webServiceResponse deleteTokenizedStoredCard:self.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(NSString *deleteStoredCardStatus, NSString *deleteStoredCardMessage, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
            if (errorMessage) {
        // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
        //It is good to go & deleteStoredCardMessage is having the full detail of it