Troubleshooting Magento integration

When integrating PayU with Magento v2.4, you may sometimes encounter some issues. This section describes the recommended steps to troubleshoot any issues you face while integrating with Magento.

PayU Plugin is not working

Payments are not reflected

If you had switched to Magento Developer mode before starting the integration with the PayU plugin, you might not see the payments made by customers reflected if you did not switch to the Magento Production mode. For more information, refer to Magento Configuration Guide.

Magento upgrade issues

After you upgrade from a previous version of Magento, you cannot see the new features of Magento.

You need to clear the cache and refresh your Magento cache:

  1. Clear the Magento cache. For more information, refer to Magento Documentation
  2. Refresh the Magento cache by executing the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  1. Recompile the Magento installation using the following command:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile



For any other issues you face with Magento v2.4, refer to Magento Troubleshooting.