1. SDK Integration
Create a PayU account
First, create a PayU account. For more information, refer to Register for a Merchant Account.
Step 1: Set up pod
The CheckoutPro SDK is offered through CocoaPods. To add the SDK in your app project:
Include the SDK framework in your podfile.
// make sure to add below-mentioned line to use dynamic frameworks
// Add this to include our SDK
pod 'PayUIndia-CheckoutPro'
- Install dependency using the pod install command in terminal
- Add the following imports in the class where you need to initiate a payment.
import PayUCheckoutProKit
import PayUCheckoutProBaseKit
import PayUParamsKit
#import <PayUCheckoutProKit/PayUCheckoutProKit.h>
#import <PayUCheckoutProBaseKit/PayUCheckoutProBaseKit.h>
#import <PayUBizCoreKit/PayUBizCoreKit.h>
#import <PayUParamsKit/PayUParamsKit.h>
- Refer to the following Test the key and salt environments:
- Production: Generate Production Merchant Key and Salt
- Test: Generate Test Merchant Key and Salt
Swift Package Manager Integration
You can integrate PayUIndia-Checkoutpro with your app or SDK using the following methods:
- Using Xcode: Navigate to File > Add Package menu and add the following package:
https://github.com/payu-intrepos/PayUCheckoutPro-iOS - Using Package.Swift: Add the following line in the Package.swift dependencies:
.package(name: "PayUCheckoutProKit", url: "https://github.com/payu-intrepos/PayUCheckoutPro-iOS", from: "7.4.0")
In order to receive all the crashes related to our SDKs, add the following line to your AppDelegate’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
[PayUCheckoutPro start];
Please add NSCameraUsageDescription key in your application
Step 2: Build the payment parameters (mandatory step)
To initiate a payment, your app must send the transaction information to the Checkout Pro SDK. To pass this information, build a payment parameter object as in the following code snippet:
Step 2.1: Basic Integration
let paymentParam = PayUPaymentParam(key: <String>,
transactionId: <String>,
amount: <String>,
productInfo: <String>,
firstName: <String>,
email: <String>,
phone: <String>,
surl: <String>,//Pass your own surl
furl: <String>,//Pass your own furl
environment: <Environment> /*.production or .test*/)
paymentParam.userCredential = <String> // For saving and fetching user’s saved card
PayUPaymentParam *paymentParam = [[PayUPaymentParam alloc] initWithKey:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
transactionId:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
amount:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
productInfo:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
firstName:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
email:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
phone:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
surl:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
furl:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>
environment:<#(enum Environment)#> /*EnvironmentProduction or EnvironmentTest*/];
paymentParam.userCredential = <#(NSString)#>; // For saving and fetching use saved card
- The URL used in surl and furl are for temporary use. PayU recommends you to design or use your own surl and furl after testing is completed.
- Kindly refer the below toGenerate own SURL/FURL
- The TransactionId parameter cannot have a special character and not more than 25 characters.
Mandatory parameters
Parameter | Description | Data Type and Validation |
Keymandatory | String Merchant Key received from PayU Dashboard | Cannot be null or empty |
TransactionIdmandatory | String Cannot be null or empty and should be unique for each transaction. Maximum allowed length is 25 characters. It cannot contain special characters like: - /, & , @ etc. | Should be unique for each transaction |
Amountmandatory | String Total transaction amount. | Cannot be null or empty |
Product Infomandatory | String Information about Product | Cannot be null or empty |
First Namemandatory | String Customer’s first name | Cannot be null or empty |
Emailmandatory | String Customer’s Email ID | Cannot be null or empty |
Phonemandatory | String Customer’s phone number | Should be of 10 digits |
surlmandatory | String When the transaction gets successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.Sample URL: https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success Note:- This URL is used for only Testing Purposes. Don't go live, Refer to Generate own SURL/FURL | Cannot be null or empty |
furlmandatory | String When the transaction gets fail, PayU will load this url and pass transaction response.Sample URL: https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure Note:- This URL is used for only Testing Purposes. Don't go live, Refer to Generate own SURL/FURL | Cannot be null or empty |
Environmentmandatory | String Environment of SDK | Should be either Swift: production or test ObjectiveC: EnvironmentProduction or EnvironmentTest |
User Credentialoptional | String This is used for the store card feature. PayU will store cards corresponding to passed user credentials and similarly, user credentials will be used to access previously saved cards | Should be a unique value Format: : Here, UserId is any id/email/phone number to uniquely identify the user |
PayUSIParamsoptional | Object of PayUSIParams. This contains SI Details. | Object of PayUSIParams |
SplitPaymentDetailsoptional | String This parameter is required for splitting the transactions. | Should be a json String |
additionalCharges | String This parameter is required if merchant want to take additional charge from user | should be string with PG:Amount or IBIBOCode:Amount Sample: CC:10,NB:20,SBIB:15 |
percentageAdditionalCharges | String This parameter is required if merchant want to take percentage of TDR as additional charge from user for this feature dynamicConvFeeMerchant flag must be enable | should be string with PG:Amount or IBIBOCode:Amount Sample: CC:100,NB:50,SBIB:25 |
The code block for passing the parameters is similar to the following:
If you required any value in the response then pass the below value
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf1] = <String>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf2] = <String>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf3] = <String>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf4] = <String>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf5] = <String>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.walletURN] = <String> // Required for Amul Wallet
paymentParam.additionalParam = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
<#(NSString)#>, PaymentParamConstant.udf1,
<#(NSString)#>, PaymentParamConstant.udf2,
<#(NSString)#>, PaymentParamConstant.udf3,
<#(NSString)#>, PaymentParamConstant.udf4,
<#(NSString)#>, PaymentParamConstant.udf5,
<#(NSString)#>, PaymentParamConstant.walletURN,
Step 2.2:For Recurring Payments(SI) (Optional)
If you are integrating SI, create an object of SIParam. After creating an object, pass the object similar to the following code:
let siInfo = PayUSIParams(billingAmount: <String>,
paymentStartDate: <Date>,
paymentEndDate: <Date>,
billingCycle: <PayUBillingCycle>,
billingInterval: <NSNumber>)
siInfo.billingLimit = <PayuBillingLimit>
siInfo.billingRule = <PayuBillingRule>
paymentParam.siParam = siInfo
paymentParam.siParams = siParam;
For more information on the PayUSIParams parameters, refer to PayU Standing Instructions Parameters.
UPI Intent SI not supported
We don't support UPI Intent SI in IOS, We support only Card/NB/UPI Collect.
Step 2.3: For Split Payments details (Optional)
If you are integrating Split Settlements, the splitPaymentDetails parameter is required to split the transactions.
After creating an object, pass the object similar to the following code:
paymentParam.splitPaymentDetails = ""
paymentParam.splitPaymentDetails = @"";
JSON request structure of splitInfo field
The sample JSON structure for the splitPaymentDetails field:
- For the absolute type split, you must ensure that the sum of amount of all splits is equal to the parent transaction amount.
- For the percentage type split, you must ensure that the sum of percentage of all splits is equal to 100. You can use any number decimal places for each split, but ensure the sum of percentage of all splits is equal to 100.
The following fields are included in the splitPaymentDetails parameter in a JSON format to specify the split details. The fields in the JSON format are described in the following table:
Field | Description | Example |
typemandatory | string Any of the following types of split is specified in this field.absolute: The absolute amount is specified for each part of the split. The absolute amount is specified in the aggregatorSubAmt field of the JSON for each child or aggregator. For a sample request and response, refer to Absolute Split During Payment percentage: The percentage of the amount is specified for each part of the split. The percentage of the amount is specified in the aggregatorSubAmt field of the JSON for each child or aggregator. For a sample request and response, refer to Split by Percentage During Payment | absolute |
splitInfomandatory | JSON This parameter must include the list of aggregator sub-transaction IDs and sub-amounts as follows:aggregatorSubTxnId: The transaction ID of the aggregator is posted in this parameter. This field is mandatory and applicable only to child merchants. aggregatorSubAmt: The transaction amount split for the aggregator is posted in this parameter. This field is mandatory. aggregatorCharges: The transaction amount split for aggregator charges is posted in this parameter. This field is optional. Note: Only the parent aggregators can have the aggregatorCharges field as part of their JSON to collect charges. The sample request structure JSON Request Structure of splitInfo Field. | { "merchantKey1": { "aggregatorSubTxnId": "30nknyhkhib", "aggregatorSubAmt": "8", } |
Step 2.4:For Additional Charges
If you are integrating additional charges or percentage additional charges, then generate the below payment params additionally
paymentParam.additionalCharges = "CC:12,AMEX:19,SBIB:98,DINR:2,DC:25,NB:55"
paymentParam.percentageAdditionalCharges = "CC:50,SBIB:100,DINR:100,DC:25,NB:50"
paymentParam.additionalCharges = @"CC:12,AMEX:19,SBIB:98,DINR:2,DC:25,NB:55";
paymentParam.percentageAdditionalCharges = @"CC:50,SBIB:100,DINR:100,DC:25,NB:50";
For more information on the Additional Charges, refer to [Collect Additional Charges].
Step 3: Set up the payment hashes
Always generate the hashes on your server. Do not generate the hashes locally in your app, as it will compromise the security of the transactions.
The CheckoutPro SDK uses hashes to ensure the security of the transaction and prevent any unauthorized intrusion or modification. The CheckoutPro SDK requires two types of hashes. For more information on the two types of hashes, refer to Hash Generation for CheckoutPro SDK.
Step 4: Initiate the payment
Initialize and launch the Checkout Pro SDK by calling the following method from your UIViewController subclass:
PayUCheckoutPro.open(on: self, paymentParam: paymentParam, config: <PayUCheckoutProConfig>, delegate: self)
[PayUCheckoutPro openOn:self paymentParam:paymentParam config:<#(PayUCheckoutProConfig * _Nullable)#> delegate:self];
Step 5: Handle the payment completion
Confirm to PayUCheckoutProDelegate and use these functions to get appropriate callbacks from the SDK:
/// This function is called when we successfully process the payment
/// - Parameter response: success response
func onPaymentSuccess(response: Any?) {
/// This function is called when we get failure while processing the payment
/// - Parameter response: failure response
func onPaymentFailure(response: Any?) {
/// This function is called when the user cancel’s the transaction
/// - Parameter isTxnInitiated: tells whether payment cancelled after reaching bankPage
func onPaymentCancel(isTxnInitiated: Bool) {
/// This function is called when we encounter some error while fetching payment options or there is some validation error
/// - Parameter error: This contains error information
func onError(_ error: Error?) {
/// Use this function to provide hashes
/// - Parameters:
/// - param: Dictionary that contains key as HashConstant.hashName & HashConstant.hashString
/// - onCompletion: Once you fetch the hash from server, pass that hash with key as param[HashConstant.hashName]
func generateHash(for param: DictOfString, onCompletion: @escaping PayUHashGenerationCompletion) {
// Send this string to your backend and append the salt at the end and send the sha512 back to us, do not calculate the hash at your client side, for security is reasons, hash has to be calculated at the server side
let hashStringWithoutSalt = param[HashConstant.hashString] ?? ""
// Or you can send below string hashName to your backend and send the sha512 back to us, do not calculate the hash at your client side, for security is reasons, hash has to be calculated at the server side
let hashName = param[HashConstant.hashName] ?? ""
let postSalt = param[HashConstant.postSalt] ?? "" //// compulsory for Additional Charges and Split Payment
// Set the hash in below string which is fetched from your server
// "<create SHA -512 hash of 'hashString+salt+postSalt'>"
let hashFetchedFromServer = <#T##String#>
onCompletion([hashName : hashFetchedFromServer])
/// This function is called when we successfully process the payment
/// @param response success response
- (void)onPaymentSuccessWithResponse:(id _Nullable)response {
/// This function is called when we get failure while processing the payment
/// @param response failure response
- (void)onPaymentFailureWithResponse:(id _Nullable)response {
/// This function is called when the user cancel’s the transaction
/// @param isTxnInitiated tells whether payment cancelled after reaching bankPage
- (void)onPaymentCancelWithIsTxnInitiated:(BOOL)isTxnInitiated {
/// This function is called when we encounter some error while fetching payment options or there is some validation error
/// @param error This contains error information
- (void)onError:(NSError * _Nullable)error {
/// Use this function to provide hashes
/// @param param NSDictionary that contains key as HashConstant.hashName & HashConstant.hashString
/// @param onCompletion Once you fetch the hash from server, pass that hash with key as param[HashConstant.hashName]
- (void)generateHashFor:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> * _Nonnull)param onCompletion:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> * _Nonnull))onCompletion {
// Send below string hashStringWithoutSalt to your backend and append the salt at the end and send the sha512 back to us, do not calculate the hash at your client side, for security is reasons, hash has to be calculated at the server side
NSString *hashStringWithoutSalt = [param objectForKey:HashConstant.hashString];
// Or you can send below string hashName to your backend and send the sha512 back to us, do not calculate the hash at your client side, for security is reasons, hash has to be calculated at the server side
NSString * hashName = [param objectForKey:HashConstant.hashName];
// Set the hash in below string which is fetched from your server
NSString *hashFetchedFromServer = <#(NSString)#>;
NSDictionary *hashResponseDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:hashFetchedFromServer, hashName, nil];
UPI Intent (Optional)
Currently, PayU supports only PhonePe and GooglePay through Intent. Add the query schemes in theinfo.plist
Sample Responses
Watch Out
- In case of UPI intent/Collect flow, you will not receive a callback response in surl or furl. In this case, the format of PayU response received will be different from other payment options that you need to handle at your end.
- Consider the mihpayid in the PayU response as PayU ID/ID
Card/NB/Wallet and other transactions
"id": 403993715526319631,
"mode": "CC",
"status": "success",
"unmappedstatus": "captured",
"key": "gtKFFx",
"txnid": "iOS220530192146",
"transaction_fee": "1.00",
"amount": "1.00",
"cardCategory": "domestic",
"discount": "0.00",
"addedon": "2022-05-30 19:22:39",
"productinfo": "Nokia",
"firstname": "Umang",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "9876543210",
"udf1": "udf11",
"udf2": "udf22",
"udf3": "udf33",
"udf4": "udf44",
"udf5": "udf55",
"hash": "35e9b2f143abb2bcfbbe5e1b3fb7d95a8a2fad3b8e0fc2d737aa087b52a2f620847048e2794bfcfd06708e8095428314268a88867fffa30430275c496dc70847",
"field1": "718984",
"field2": "617544",
"field3": "20220530",
"field4": "0",
"field5": "172989726099",
"field6": "00",
"field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
"field8": "Approved or completed successfully",
"field9": "No Error",
"payment_source": "payu",
"bank_ref_no": "718984",
"ibibo_code": "MASTCC",
"error_code": "E000",
"Error_Message": "No Error",
"offer_key": "CardsOfferKey@11311",
"offer_failure_reason": "Invalid Offer Key.",
"name_on_card": "PayUUser",
"card_no": "512345XXXXXX2346",
"issuing_bank": "HDFC",
"card_type": "MAST",
"is_seamless": 2,
"surl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_success",
"furl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_failure"
"id": 403993715530851078,
"mode": "CC",
"status": "failure",
"unmappedstatus": "failed",
"key": "gtKFFx",
"txnid": "iOS240117182325",
"transaction_fee": "1.00",
"amount": "1.00",
"cardCategory": "domestic",
"discount": "0.00",
"addedon": "2024-01-17 18:23:43",
"productinfo": "Nokia",
"firstname": "Umang",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "9999999999",
"udf1": "udf11",
"udf2": "udf22",
"udf3": "udf33",
"udf4": "udf44",
"udf5": "udf55",
"hash": "0503b628ba7fe4716a7a96ac6b2c668634200419416af887766a417f3fc048200b155b04ccd3f4f5f601f5a22c3fb3af571773499605ee0446c98fe541b089f9",
"field1": 793583808525231700,
"field2": 833617,
"field5": "63",
"field6": "02",
"field7": "AUTHNEGATIVE",
"field9": "Bank was unable to authenticate.",
"payment_source": "payu",
"bank_ref_no": 793583808525231700,
"ibibo_code": "CC",
"error_code": "E308",
"Error_Message": "Transaction Failed at bank end.",
"card_no": "XXXXXXXXXXXX2346",
"issuing_bank": "AXIS",
"card_type": "MAST",
"is_seamless": 2,
"surl": "https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success",
"furl": "https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure"
UPI Collect/Intent payments
"txnid": "iOS240117183850",
"address1": "",
"udf1": "udf11",
"furl": "https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure",
"address2": "",
"field6": "NA!NA!NA!NA",
"lastname": "",
"zipcode": "",
"status": "success",
"offer_key": null,
"udf5": "udf55",
"city": "",
"udf9": "",
"field2": "87768967657",
"udf4": "udf44",
"addedon": "2024-01-17 18:39:13",
"state": "",
"field0": "",
"udf6": "",
"card_no": "",
"discount": "0.00",
"udf10": "",
"hash": "44161a41207d4bc29ad802ecd6e06f0b350930fa539675bdd24ba8321e22972d2d12fee84a02af549717a5e52fd93db56be5f1c89388eaf2a2740b20491f8bac",
"field4": "",
"mode": "UPI",
"bank_ref_num": "401789868507",
"field9": "SUCCESS|Completed Using Callback",
"offer_availed": null,
"udf3": "udf33",
"payment_source": "payuPureS2S",
"key": "smsplus",
"productinfo": "Nokia",
"field1": "",
"bank_ref_no": "401789868507",
"mihpayid": 18978067105,
"field8": "Phone Pe",
"country": "",
"curl": "https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure",
"bankcode": "INTENT",
"udf2": "udf22",
"field3": "8700908382@ybl",
"phone": "9999999999",
"email": "[email protected]",
"net_amount_debit": 1,
"amount": "1.00",
"firstname": "Umang",
"field5": "PPPL18978067105170124183913",
"card_token": "",
"unmappedstatus": "captured",
"surl": "https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success",
"udf8": "",
"error": "E000",
"error_Message": "No Error",
"udf7": "",
"address2": "",
"field0": "",
"field1": "",
"udf9": "",
"udf1": "udf11",
"hash": "f995befdf65dacf0b71db83a94776efe9154ab9f0c5a378f4f07821fd61088a6f0a9cedbbf273df9048df64c4a4adb071701e9b2136e0b3e60f3c30e21aaa1ca",
"txnid": "iOS220706164103",
"field3": "",
"mode": "UPI",
"field5": "",
"surl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_success",
"udf7": "",
"bankcode": "TEZ",
"amount": "1.00",
"udf5": "udf55",
"additionalCharges": "0.59",
"bank_ref_no": null,
"payment_source": "payuPureS2S",
"zipcode": "",
"firstname": "Umang",
"lastname": "",
"net_amount_debit": 0,
"productinfo": "Nokia",
"city": "",
"udf2": "udf22",
"mihpayid": 15463188898,
"email": "[email protected]",
"field4": "",
"state": "",
"phone": "9876543210",
"furl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_failure",
"curl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/ios_failure",
"card_token": "",
"field6": "",
"addedon": "2022-07-06 16:41:28",
"udf6": "",
"udf8": "",
"bank_ref_num": null,
"field7": "",
"udf10": "",
"error": "E308",
"field2": "",
"udf3": "udf33",
"card_no": "",
"field9": "P|PENDING|Completed Using Verify API",
"field8": "INTENT",
"unmappedstatus": "failed",
"key": "3TnMpV",
"udf4": "udf44",
"country": "",
"status": "failure",
"address1": "",
"error_Message": "Transaction Failed at bank end."
Distributing your app (App Store / Ad-hoc)
PayU provides a fat framework that allows you to test your app seamlessly on the device as well as a simulator. But before archiving your app, you need to remove simulator slices from the framework. To archive your app with the PayU CheckoutPro integration, refer to Releasing the app.
Additional integration
Add custom notes
Step 1: Create a Custom Note list
Create a list of custom notes that you want to pass to the CheckoutPro SDK. For each custom note, custom_note and custom_note_category need to be passed.
var customNotes = [PayUCustomNote]()
// for specific custom_note_category
let customNote = PayUCustomNote()
customNote.note = "Please welcome note"
customNote.noteCategories = [.ccdc]
// when want to pass same custom note for multiple custom_note_category
let customNote2 = PayUCustomNote()
customNote2.note = "Please welcome note"
customNote2.noteCategories = [.ccdc , .netBanking]
// If you want to show custom note on L1 screen, please set custom_note_category to nil
let customNote3 = PayUCustomNote()
customNote3.note = "Please welcome note"
customNote3.noteCategories = nil
Step 2: Pass the Custom Note list to SDK
To pass the custom note list (array) created in Step 1 to the SDK, create a PayUCheckoutProConfig object and set customNotes
similar to the following code block:
let checkoutProConfig = PayUCheckoutProConfig()
config.customNotes = customNotes
Integrate convenience fee
Set up Convenience Fee
When the Convenience Fee is set for a payment mode like NB. In CheckoutPro SDK, whenever the user selects any NetBanking option then the header amount will be updated with a convenience fee. Amount breakup is accessed by clicking “View Details” in the toolbar. Below screen will be displayed that shows the breakup of the transaction amount with a convenience fee.
The above screenshot displays the amount breakup with the Convenience Fee
By default, when no convenience fee is set, an amount breakup will be similar to the following screenshot.
Integrate Closed Loop wallet
Before you begin
- Enable Closed-Loop Wallet from your Dashboard.
- Build the payment parameters with PaymentParamConstant.walletURN parameters. See Integrate with PayU checkoutpro for iOS to learn more.
The following screens show how Closed-Loop wallet payment works on the PayU payment page:
- When you enable the Closed-Loop wallet for your account, your customer sees the Closed-Loop wallet payment on top of the payment page under the SAVED OPTION tab.
- The closed-loop wallet balance is fetched and loaded (see the screenshot below) by default.
- If the balance is not loaded due to some error, an error message will be displayed (see the screenshot below). The customer can tap on the wallet option to reload the amount.
- Once the balance is loaded the customer can make the payment by clicking Pay Now.
Updated about 1 month ago