1. SDK Integration

Explore a complete, working code sample of integration with Android checkout pro SDK.

Before you start with the integration, enable the payment methods that you want to offer to your customers from Dashboard > Settings > Payment methods. For more information, refer. to Checkout Payment Modes. By default, Cards, UPI, and other payment methods are enabled, and PayU recommends you to enable other payment methods that are relevant to you.

Step 1: Create a PayU account

First, create a PayU account. For more information, refer to Register for a Merchant Account.

Step 2: Include the SDK in your app build.gradle


Maven Central

PayU has moved to Maven Central, update your existing dependency with the following configuration:

implementation 'in.payu:payu-checkout-pro:2.6.1' 

To include the CheckoutPro SDK in your project, add the following code snippet to your app’s build.gradle file inside the android{} block:

compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = '1.8'



  1. Android SDK — Version 21 and above.
  2. Compile SDK — version 31 and above.

2.1 Import Runtime Issue


Import Runtime Issue

  1. Dependency 'androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0' requires libraries and applications that
    depend on it to compile against version 34 or later of the Android APIs.

      :app is currently compiled against android-33.
      Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdk
      of at least 34, for example 34.
      Note that updating a library or application's compileSdk (which
      allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating
      targetSdk (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) and
      minSdk (which determines which devices the app can be installed
  2. Error: Attribute application@theme value=(@style/Theme.TestApp) from AndroidManifest.xml:13:9-45 is also present at [in.payu:payu-checkout-pro-ui:1.9.20] AndroidManifest.xml:29:9-44 value=(@style/OnePayuTheme). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:theme"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:5:5-24:19 to override.

Solution: After adding PayUCheckoutPro SDK gradle dependency, if below build error is received, add the below code in application tag of your App's AndroidManifest.xml file

  1. Manifest merger failed: Attribute application@allowBackup value=(true) from AndroidManifest.xml:6:9-35 is also present at [com.minkasu:minkasu-2fa:3.0.0] AndroidManifest.xml:14:18-45 value=(false). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:allowBackup"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:5:5-25:19 to override.

Solution: After adding PayUCheckoutPro SDK gradle dependency, if below build error is received, add the below code in application tag of your App's AndroidManifest.xml file


Step 3: Build the payment parameters (mandatory step)

To initiate a payment, your app must send transactional information to the CheckoutPro SDK. To pass this information, create thepayUPaymentParamsobject with the payment parameters.

Step 3.1: Basic Integration

PayUPaymentParams.Builder builder = new PayUPaymentParams.Builder(); 
        .setIsProduction(<Boolean>)  //set is to true for Production and false for UAT
        .setSurl(<String>) //Pass your own surl your
        .setFurl(<String>) //Pass your own furl your
        .setAdditionalParams(<HashMap<String,Object>>); //Optional, can contain any additional PG params  
PayUPaymentParams payUPaymentParams = builder.build();
val payUPaymentParams = PayUPaymentParams.Builder() 
    .setIsProduction(<Boolean>)  //set is to true for Production and false for UAT
    .setSurl(<String>) //Pass your own surl your
    .setFurl(<String>) //Pass your own furl your
    .setAdditionalParams(<HashMap<String,Any?>>) //Optional, can contain any additional PG params 

See Payment Params Definition for parameter descriptions and sample values.



  • The URLs used in surl and furl are for temporary use. PayU recommends you to design or use your own surl and furl after testing is completed. See Handling SURL and FURL.

  • The TransactionId parameter must not include special characters and must not exceed 25 characters.

Step 3.2:For Recurring Payments(SI) (Optional)

If you are integrating SI, then generate the below payment params additionally

PayUSIParams siDetails  = new PayUSIParams.Builder()
                .setIsFreeTrial(true) //set it to true for free trial. Default value is false 
                .setRemarks("SI Txn")
val siDetails  = PayUSIParams.Builder()
                .setIsFreeTrial(true) //set it to true for free trial. Default value is false
                .setRemarks("SI Txn")

For more information on the PayUSIParams parameters, refer to PayU Standing Instructions Parameters. After creating the above PayUSIParams object, configure it in the PayUPaymentParams object. For Standing Instruction, complete PayUPaymentParams similar to the following code block:

paymentParam.setPayUSIParams = "";

Step 3.3:For Additional Charges

If you are integrating additional charges or percentage additional charges, then generate the below payment params additionally


For more information on the Additional Charges, refer to Collect Additional Charges.

Step 3:4: For split Payments details (Optional)

For a split payment transaction, create a JSON string with the split payment parameters as shown below:

JSON Request Structure of splitInfo Field

Here is a sample JSON structure for the splitPaymentDetails field:


Then create an object of the PayUPaymentParam class and set the splitPaymentDetails property of the object to the JSON string you created in the earlier step.

paymentParam.splitPaymentDetails = "";



  • For the absolute type split, you must ensure that the sum of amount of all splits is equal to the parent transaction amount.
  • For the percentage type split, you must ensure that the sum of percentage of all splits is equal to 100. You can use any number decimal places for each split, but ensure the sum of percentage of all splits is equal to 100.

The following fields are included in the splitPaymentDetails parameter in a JSON format to specify the split details. The fields in the JSON format are described in the following table:

string Any of the following types of split is specified in this field.

- absolute: The absolute amount is specified for each part of the split. The absolute amount is specified in the aggregatorSubAmt field of the JSON for each child or aggregator. For a sample request and response, refer to Absolute Split During Payment

- percentage: The percentage of the amount is specified for each part of the split. The percentage of the amount is specified in the aggregatorSubAmt field of the JSON for each child or aggregator. For a sample request and response, refer to Split by Percentage During Payment
JSON This parameter must include the list of aggregator sub-transaction IDs and sub-amounts as follows:

- aggregatorSubTxnId: The transaction ID of the aggregator is posted in this parameter. This field is mandatory and applicable only for child merchants.

- aggregatorSubAmt: The transaction amount split for the aggregator is posted in this parameter. This field is mandatory.

- aggregatorCharges: The transaction amount split for aggregator charges is posted in this parameter. This field is optional.

Note: Only the parent aggregators can have the aggregatorCharges field as part of their JSON to collect charges.
The sample request structure JSON Request Structure of splitInfo Field.
"merchantKey1": {
"aggregatorSubTxnId": "30nknyhkhib",
"aggregatorSubAmt": "8",

Step 3:5 : SKU details (Optional)

SkuDetails: It contains below properties
SkuDetails(val skus: List<SKU>)
skus: "<ArrayList of SKU>"

    val quantity: Int,
    val skuAmount: String,
    val skuId: String,
    val skuName: String,
    var offerKeys:ArrayList<String>?=null

skuId: "<Product Id which you use when creating offer on dashboard >"
skuName: "<Name of product>"
skuAmount: "<Amount of product>"
quantity: "<total quantity of product>"
offerKeys: "<Optional - Provide offer keys only if want to restrict offer for mention products, else set null>"

For more information on the SkuDetails parameters, refer to Create SKU Based Offers details. After creating the above SkuDetails object, configure it in the PayUPaymentParams object. For SKU Details, complete PayUPaymentParams similar to the following code block:

paymentParam.setSkuDetails = "";


Keep in mind

if we are adding details of SKU offers, the amount passed in PayUPaymentParam must be equal to the sum of quantities * skuAmount of each item.

Step 3.6: Additional parameters (Optional)

Additional parameters are optional parameters such as UDF (User Defined Fields), static hashes, etc. More details on static hash generation and passing are mentioned in the hash generation section. The following is a list of other parameters that can be passed in additional parameters.

PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF1 optionalString User-defined field, Merchant can store their customer ID, etc.udf1
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF2 optionalStringUser-defined field, Merchant can store their customer ID, etc.udf2
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF3 optionalStringUser-defined field, Merchant can store their customer ID, etcudf3
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF4 optionalStringUser-defined field, Merchant can store their customer ID, etc.udf4
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF5 optionalStringUser-defined field, Merchant can store their customer ID, etc.udf5
PayUCheckoutProConstants.SODEXO_SOURCE_ID mandatoryStringWhen we use SODEXO Card payment then it's a mandatory parameter otherwise not required.456788765678
PayUCheckoutProConstants.WALLET_URN mandatoryStringWhen we use ClossedLoop Wallet payment then it's a mandatory parameter otherwise not required.67890987

HashMap additionalParams = new HashMap(); 
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF1, "udf1"); 
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF2, "udf2"); 
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF3, "udf3"); 
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF4, "udf4"); 
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF5, "udf5"); 
// to show saved sodexo card
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.SODEXO_SOURCE_ID, "srcid123"); 
// to show ClooseLoop Wallet 
 additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.WALLET_URN] = "<Wallet URN>"
PayUPaymentParams.Builder builder = new PayUPaymentParams.Builder(); 
        .setProductInfo("Macbook Pro") 
        .setEmail("[email protected]") 
        .setSurl("https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success") // This URL is used for Test Only. Don't go live
        .setFurl("https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure") // This URL is used for Test Only. Don't go live
        .setUserCredential(key+":[email protected]") 
        .setUserToken("")  //Optional, Only use for Offers
        .setSkuDetails(<SkuDetails>) //optional, create SKU Details as mention above
        .setAdditionalParams(<HashMap>); //Optional, can contain any additional PG params  
        .setPayUSIParams(siDetails) //Only for SI parameter
        .setSplitPaymentDetails(splitPaymentDetails); //Only for Split parameter
PayUPaymentParams payUPaymentParams = builder.build();  
val additionalParamsMap: HashMap = HashMap() 
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF1] = "udf1" 
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF2] = "udf2" 
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF3] = "udf3" 
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF4] = "udf4" 
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF5] = "udf5" 
  //to show saved sodexo card
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.SODEXO_SOURCE_ID] = "srcid123" 
  //to show ClossedLoop Wallet
  additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.WALLET_URN] = "<Wallet URN>"

  val payUPaymentParams = PayUPaymentParams.Builder() 
                          .setProductInfo("Macbook Pro") 
                          .setEmail("[email protected]") 
                          .setSurl(“https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success”) // This URL is used for Test Only
                          .setFurl("https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure ") // This URL is used for Test Only
                          .setUserCredential("$key:[email protected]”) 

Step 3.7: Payment Param Definitions

String This parameter must contain your merchant key received from PayU."sms***"
String It should be unique for each transaction.
Cannot be null or empty and should be unique for each transaction. The maximum allowed length is 25 characters. It cannot contain special characters like: - "_,$,%,&, etc"
String Total transaction amount.100.0
String Information about the product."ProductInfo"
String Customer’s first name."Firstname"
String Customer’s email id."[email protected]"
String Customer’s phone number."9999999999"
String When the transaction is successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.

Sample SURL for testing: https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success

Note:- This URL is used for only Testing Purposes. Going live with this sample URL may result in transaction error.
The Surl that you have configured
String When the transaction fails, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.

Sample FURL for testing: https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure

Note:- This URL is used for only Testing Purposes. Going live with this sample URL may result in transaction error.
The Furl that you have configured
User Credential
String This is used for the store card feature. PayU will store cards corresponding to passed user credentials and similarly, user credentials will be used to access previously saved cards. Format:
Here, the UserId is any ID/email/phone number to uniquely identify the user. **
isProduction mandatoryString Set the value of this parameter as trueWhen you deploy the integration in production. To test the integration set the value as false. true
String The use for this param is to allow the offer engine to apply velocity rules at a user level.

-Card Based Offers (CC, DC, EMI): For card payment mode offers, if this parameter is passed then the velocity rules would be applied on this token, if not passed the same would be applied to the card number.

-UPI, NB, Wallet: It is mandatory for UPI, NB, and Wallet payment modes. If not passed the validation rules would not apply.
Note:- When we use Offer features then it's a mandatory parameter otherwise it's not required.
Create list of SKU as per products added in cart and add this list in SKU details. and set sku detials to PayUPaymentParams.
Note:- When we use SKU features then it's a mandatory parameter otherwise it's not required.
This parameter is required if merchant want to take additional charge from user
should be string with PG:Amount or IBIBOCode:Amount
Sample : CC:10,NB:20,SBIB:15
This parameter is required if merchant want to take percentage of TDR as additional charge from user for this feature dynamicConvFeeMerchant flag must be enable
should be string with PG:Amount or IBIBOCode:Amount
Sample : CC:100,NB:50,SBIB:25

Step 4: Secure the payment request using Hash

This step is to generate a hash that secures your payment request to PayU.



Always generate the hashes on your server. Do not generate the hashes locally in your app, as it will compromise the security of the transactions.

The CheckoutPro SDK uses hashes to ensure the security of the transaction and prevent any unauthorized intrusion or modification. The CheckoutPro SDK requires two types of hashes. For more information on the two types of hashes, refer to Generate Hash CheckoutPro SDK.

Step 4.1: Set Up Payment Hashes

Passing static hashes

For passing static hashes during integration, use the following code snippet:

HashMap<String, Object> additionalParams = new HashMap<>();  
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_VAS_FOR_MOBILE_SDK], <String>); 
additionalParams.put(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYMENT_RELATED_DETAILS_FOR_MOBILE_SD K], <String>); 
val additionalParamsMap: HashMap<String, Any?> = HashMap() 
additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_VAS_FOR_MOBILE_SDK] = <String> 
additionalParamsMap[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYMENT_RELATED_DETAILS_FOR_MOBILE_SDK] = <String> 

Step 4.2: Passing dynamic hashes

For generating and passing dynamic hashes, the merchant will receive a call from the generateHash method of PayUCheckoutProListener.

public void generateHash(@NotNull HashMap map, @NotNull PayUHashGenerationListener hashGenerationListener) { 
 fun generateHash(map:HashMap<String,String>,hashGenerationListener: PayUHashGenerationListener) 


map -> a hash map that contains hash string and hash name
hashGenerationListener -> After the hash is generated on the merchant side. Pass the generated hash in the onHashGenerated() method of the hashGenerationListener.

interface PayUHashGenerationListener { 
    void onHashGenerated(HashMap<String,String> map) 
interface PayUHashGenerationListener { 
    fun onHashGenerated(map: HashMap<String,String?>) 

The generateHash() method is called by the SDK each time it needs an individual hash. The CP_HASH_NAME will contain the name of the specific hash requested in that call, and the CP_HASH_STRING will contain the data/string that needs to be hashed.

Step 4.3: Getting Hash data to calculate hash

Checkout Pro SDK will give a callback in the generateHash() method whenever any hash is needed by it. The merchant needs to calculate that hash and pass it back to the SDK.

To extract the hash string and hash name from the map received in generateHash() method, use the following keys:

CP_HASH_STRING -> This will contain a complete hash string excluding salt. For eg, for vas for mobile SDK hash, the hash string will contain “|||”. Merchant can append their salt at the end of the hash string to calculate the hash.
CP_HASH_NAME -> This will contain the hash name.

Step 4.4: Pass generated hash to SDK

Prepare a map, where the key should be the hash name in Step 2: Build the Payment Parameters and value should be generated hash value and pass this map in onHashGenerated() method described above.

public void generateHash(@NotNull HashMap map, @NotNull PayUHashGenerationListener hashGenerationListener) { 
    String hashName = map.get(CP_HASH_NAME); 
    String hashString = map.get(CP_HASH_STRING); 
    String postSalt = map.get(CP_POST_SALT); // compulsory for Additional Charges and Split Payment
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hashName) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(hashString)) { 

//Do not generate hash from local, it needs to be calculated from server side only. Here, hashString contains hash created from your server side.
        String hash = "<create SHA -512 hash of 'hashString+salt+postSalt'>"  
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hash)) { 
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); 
            hashMap.put(hashName, hash); 
override fun generateHash( 
    map: HashMap, 
    hashGenerationListener: PayUHashGenerationListener 
) { 
    if (map.containsKey(CP_HASH_STRING) 
        && map.containsKey(CP_HASH_STRING) != null 
        && map.containsKey(CP_HASH_NAME) 
        && map.containsKey(CP_HASH_NAME) != null 
    ) { 
        val hashData = map[CP_HASH_STRING]  
        val hashName = map[CP_HASH_NAME]  
 //Do not generate hash from local, it needs to be calculated from server side only. Here, hashString contains hash created from your server side.
        val hash: String? = hashString;

        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hash)) { 
            val hashMap: HashMap = HashMap() 
            hashMap[hashName!!] = hash!! 

Step 5: Initiate the Payment

Initialize the PayUCheckoutPro SDK by submitting the payment parameters prepared in the previous step and a reference to the transaction listener.

    Activity activity, 
    PayUPaymentParams payUPaymentParams, 
    PayUCheckoutProListener payUCheckoutProListener)
    activity: Activity, 
    payUPaymentParams: PayUPaymentParams,  
    payUCheckoutProListener: PayUCheckoutProListener) 

Step 6: Handle the Payment Callback

Confirm to PayUCheckoutProListener and use these functions to get appropriate callbacks from the SDK:

            new PayUCheckoutProListener() {
/// This function is called when we successfully process the payment
/// - Parameter response: success response           
                public void onPaymentSuccess(Object response) {
                    //Cast response object to HashMap
                    HashMap result = (HashMap) response;
                    String payuResponse = (String)result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYU_RESPONSE);
                    String merchantResponse = (String) result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_MERCHANT_RESPONSE);

/// This function is called when we get failure while processing the payment
/// - Parameter response: failure response
                public void onPaymentFailure(Object response) {
                    //Cast response object to HashMap
                    HashMap result = (HashMap) response;
                    String payuResponse = (String)result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYU_RESPONSE);
                    String merchantResponse = (String) result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_MERCHANT_RESPONSE);

/// This function is called when the user cancel’s the transaction
/// - Parameter isTxnInitiated: tells whether payment cancelled after reaching bankPage
                public void onPaymentCancel(boolean isTxnInitiated) {
                     // call Verify API
                  }else {
                    // Show message

/// This function is called when we encounter some error while fetching payment options or there is some validation error
/// - Parameter error: This contains error information
                public void onError(ErrorResponse errorResponse) {
                    String errorMessage = errorResponse.getErrorMessage();

                public void setWebViewProperties(@Nullable WebView webView, @Nullable Object o) {
                    //For setting webview properties, if any. Check Customized Integration section for more details on this

/// Use this function to provide hashes
/// - Parameters:
///   - param: Dictionary that contains key as PayUCheckoutProConstants.hashName & PayUCheckoutProConstants.hashString
///   - onCompletion: Once you fetch the hash from server, pass that hash with key as param[HashConstant.hashName]
                public void generateHash(HashMap valueMap, PayUHashGenerationListener hashGenerationListener) {
                    String hashName = valueMap.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_HASH_NAME);
                    String hashData = valueMap.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_HASH_STRING);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hashName) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(hashData)) {
                        //Do not generate hash from local, it needs to be calculated from server side only. Here, hashString contains hash created from your server side.
                        String hash = hashString;
                        HashMap dataMap = new HashMap();
                        dataMap.put(hashName, hash);
        this, payUPaymentParams, 
        object : PayUCheckoutProListener { 

            override fun onPaymentSuccess(response: Any) { 
                response as HashMap 
                val payUResponse = response[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYU_RESPONSE]
                val merchantResponse = response[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_MERCHANT_RESPONSE]  

            override fun onPaymentFailure(response: Any) { 
                response as HashMap 
                val payUResponse = response[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYU_RESPONSE]
                val merchantResponse = response[PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_MERCHANT_RESPONSE]  

            override fun onPaymentCancel(isTxnInitiated:Boolean) { 

            override fun onError(errorResponse: ErrorResponse) { 
                val errorMessage: String 
                if (errorResponse != null && errorResponse.errorMessage != null && errorResponse.errorMessage!!.isNotEmpty()) 
                    errorMessage = errorResponse.errorMessage!! 
                    errorMessage = resources.getString(R.string.some_error_occurred) 
            override fun setWebViewProperties(webView: WebView?, bank: Any?) {
                //For setting webview properties, if any. Check Customized Integration section for more details on this
            override fun generateHash( 
                valueMap: HashMap, 
                hashGenerationListener: PayUHashGenerationListener 
            ) { 
                if ( valueMap.containsKey(CP_HASH_STRING) 
                    && valueMap.containsKey(CP_HASH_STRING) != null 
                    && valueMap.containsKey(CP_HASH_NAME) 
                    && valueMap.containsKey(CP_HASH_NAME) != null) { 
                    val hashData = valueMap[CP_HASH_STRING] 
                    val hashName = valueMap[CP_HASH_NAME] 
                    //Do not generate hash from local, it needs to be calculated from server side only. Here, hashString contains hash created from your server side.
                    val hash: String? = hashString
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hash)) { 
                        val dataMap: HashMap = HashMap() 
                        dataMap[hashName!!] = hash!! 

Sample Responses


Watch Out

  • In case of UPI intent/InApp flow, you will not receive a callback response in surl or furl. In this case, the format of PayU response received will be different from other payment options that you need to handle at your end.
  • Consider the mihpayid in the PayU response as PayU ID/ID

Card/NB/Wallet and other transactions

  "id": 403993715526100438,
  "mode": "CC",
  "status": "success",
  "unmappedstatus": "captured",
  "key": "gt***",
  "txnid": "1651831862726",
  "transaction_fee": "1.00",
  "amount": "1.00",
  "cardCategory": "domestic",
  "discount": "0.00",
  "addedon": "2022-05-06 15:41:38",
  "productinfo": "Macbook Pro",
  "firstname": "John",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": "7879*******",
  "udf1": "udf1",
  "udf2": "udf2",
  "udf3": "udf3",
  "udf4": "udf4",
  "udf5": "udf5",
  "hash": "62928c2f7490480951d25ae01bd0e748bb0b777ae27ef72eb93b7c1cc29eb2d84c4836faabe5ab1e1205a6f4a3f0876c5aece2ae96464c0cc9f1628693b074b1",
  "field1": "711633",
  "field2": "393337",
  "field3": "20220506",
  "field4": "0",
  "field5": "341867702575",
  "field6": "00",
  "field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
  "field8": "Approved or completed successfully",
  "field9": "No Error",
  "payment_source": "payu",
  "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
  "bank_ref_no": "711633",
  "ibibo_code": "MASTCC",
  "error_code": "E000",
  "Error_Message": "No Error",
  "offer_key": "OfferKey@9227",
  "offer_failure_reason": "Invalid Offer Key.",
  "name_on_card": "PayuUser",
  "card_no": "512345XXXXXX2346",
  "issuing_bank": "HDFC",
  "card_type": "MAST",
  "is_seamless": 1,
  "surl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/success",
  "furl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/failure"
  "id": "15130876153",
  "mode": "CC",
  "status": "failure",
  "unmappedstatus": "failed",
  "key": "sm*****",
  "txnid": "1651832033713",
  "transaction_fee": "1.00",
  "amount": "1.00",
  "cardCategory": "domestic",
  "offer_type": "instant",
  "addedon": "2022-05-06 15:44:09",
  "productinfo": "Macbook Pro",
  "firstname": "John",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": "7879*******",
  "udf1": "udf1",
  "udf2": "udf2",
  "udf3": "udf3",
  "udf4": "udf4",
  "udf5": "udf5",
  "hash": "c9c2d09d3387e7da70bc4ad6241f4ad3f610b3fcb0f9e481f5954a0d89d57791a5d027c303b239c1e8d6e0cad9c2d0b7ad87ba4911a60318675b15826c265929",
  "field5": "sl/mvXcXQLCWm49B/EAYjXMUh1o=",
  "field7": "EVNEGATIVE",
  "field9": "PROCEED",
  "payment_source": "payu",
  "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
  "ibibo_code": "CC",
  "error_code": "E1302",
  "Error_Message": "Bank failed to authenticate the customer due to 3D Secure Enrollment decline",
  "offer_key": "OfferKey@9227",
  "offer_failure_reason": "Invalid Offer for merchant. ",
  "name_on_card": "PayuUser",
  "card_no": "512345XXXXXX2346",
  "issuing_bank": "HDFC",
  "card_type": "MAST",
  "is_seamless": 1,
  "surl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/success",
  "furl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/failure"

UPI Intent /InApp payments

  "status": "success",
  "result": {
    "mihpayid": 15130530926,
    "mode": "UPI",
    "status": "success",
    "key": "sm*****",
    "txnid": "1651828235258",
    "amount": "1.00",
    "addedon": "2022-05-06 14:40:48",
    "productinfo": "Macbook Pro",
    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "",
    "state": "",
    "country": "",
    "zipcode": "",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "7879*******",
    "udf1": "udf1",
    "udf2": "udf2",
    "udf3": "udf3",
    "udf4": "udf4",
    "udf5": "udf5",
    "udf6": "",
    "udf7": "",
    "udf8": "",
    "udf9": "",
    "udf10": "",
    "card_token": "",
    "card_no": "",
    "field0": "",
    "field1": "",
    "field2": "",
    "field3": "andy**********@okhdfcbank",
    "field4": "",
    "field5": "",
    "field6": "ANAND*************|0000000000",
    "field8": "",
    "field9": "Success|Completed Using Callback",
    "payment_source": "payuPureS2S",
    "PG_TYPE": "UPI-PG",
    "error": "E000",
    "error_Message": "No Error",
    "net_amount_debit": 1,
    "unmappedstatus": "captured",
    "hash": "8710a26e6f9da96e2de8648b7122b2ee243ba12e92059b69c66c831ec08cc69eaabff07bfea65de781a6a1c7605271164bf6075ab6e459687baa4888f4d97f2e",
    "bank_ref_no": "212631548690",
    "bank_ref_num": "212631548690",
    "bankcode": "INTENT",
    "surl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/success",
    "furl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/failure"
  "status": "success",
  "result": {
    "mihpayid": "15130540072",
    "mode": "UPI",
    "status": "failure",
    "key": "sm*****",
    "txnid": "1651828340011",
    "amount": "1.00",
    "addedon": "2022-05-06 14:42:25",
    "productinfo": "Macbook Pro",
    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "",
    "address1": "",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "",
    "state": "",
    "country": "",
    "zipcode": "",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "7879******",
    "udf1": "udf1",
    "udf2": "udf2",
    "udf3": "udf3",
    "udf4": "udf4",
    "udf5": "udf5",
    "udf6": "",
    "udf7": "",
    "udf8": "",
    "udf9": "",
    "udf10": "",
    "card_token": "",
    "card_no": "",
    "field0": "",
    "field1": "",
    "field2": "",
    "field3": "",
    "field4": "",
    "field5": "",
    "field6": "",
    "field7": "",
    "field8": "",
    "field9": "response_from_psp",
    "payment_source": "payuPureS2S",
    "PG_TYPE": "UPI-PG",
    "error": "E308",
    "error_Message": "Transaction Failed at bank end.",
    "net_amount_debit": "0",
    "unmappedstatus": "failed",
    "hash": "5c4d80992f88a3cdd1b5b2a1452d69fe27fece37bc33838e2fb31a70e5636e857fc66952a750b638876bceace31fb8435307a9e2b3bda0e4b29f3478e4bb595a",
    "bank_ref_no": "",
    "bank_ref_num": "",
    "bankcode": "INTENT",
    "surl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/success",
    "furl": "https://payu.herokuapp.com/failure"

Placeholder for CheckoutPro Recipes

Additional Integrations

The following are the additional Android SDK offerings:

  • Offer Integration
  • MCP Integration
  • Custom Note Integration
  • Add-on SDKs

Offers Integration

Kindly add the setUserToken parameter in paymentParam.

paymentParam.setUserToken = "";
The use for this param is to allow the offer engine to apply velocity rules at a user level.

-Card Based Offers (CC, DC, EMI): In the case of card payment mode offers, if this parameter is passed the velocity rules would be applied on this token, if not passed the same would be applied to the card number.

-UPI, NB, Wallet: It is mandatory for UPI, NB, and Wallet payment modes. If not passed the validation rules would not apply. Note:- When we use Offer features then it's a mandatory parameter otherwise it's not required.

Kindly refer to the below link for more details about Offer Integration.

MCP Integration



MCP is inbulit in CheckoutPro SDK. Get in touch with your KAMs to enable this feature for your MID.

Custom Note Integration

This section describes how to integrate custom notes in PayUCheckoutPro SDK.

Step 1: Create a Custom Note List

Create a list of custom notes that you want to pass to the CheckoutPro SDK. For each custom note, custom_note and custom_note_category need to be passed.

// for specific custom_note_category

      ArrayList<CustomNote> customNote = new ArrayList<>();
      ArrayList<PaymentType> noteCategory1 = new ArrayList<>();
      CustomNote customNote1 = new CustomNote("Please welcome note", noteCategory1);
      customNote1.setCustom_note("Please welcome note");

      ArrayList<PaymentType> noteCategory2 = new ArrayList<>();
      CustomNote customNote2 = new CustomNote("Please welcome note", noteCategory1);
      customNote2.setCustom_note("Please welcome note");
      customNote.add( customNote1);
      customNote.add( customNote2); 
// when want to pass same custom note for multiple custom_note_category

        ArrayList<CustomNote> customNote = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<PaymentType> noteCategory1 = new ArrayList<>();
        CustomNote customNote1 = new CustomNote("Please welcome note", noteCategory1);
        customNote1.setCustom_note("Please welcome note");
        customNote.add( customNote1);
        // if do not want to pass any custom_note_category
        ArrayList<CustomNote> customNote = new ArrayList<>();
        CustomNote customNote1 = new CustomNote("Please welcome note", null);
        customNote1.setCustom_note("Please welcome note");
     // for specific custom_note_category
        val customNote = ArrayList<CustomNote>()
        it.custom_note = "Please welcome in Cards"
        it.custom_note_category = ArrayList<PaymentType>().also {
        // when want to pass same custom note for multiple custom_note_category
        val customNote = ArrayList<CustomNote>()
        it.custom_note = "Please welcome in Cards"
        it.custom_note_category = ArrayList<PaymentType>().also {
        // if do not want to pass any custom_note_category
        val customNote = ArrayList<CustomNote>()
        it.custom_note = "Please welcome in Cards"
        it.custom_note_category = null

Step 2: Pass Custom Note List to SDK

To pass the custom note list created in the above section to the SDK. Create a PayUCheckoutProConfig object and set the CustomNoteDetails similar to the following code block:

PayUCheckoutProConfig payUCheckoutProConfig = new PayUCheckoutProConfig();
val checkoutProConfig = PayUCheckoutProConfig()  
checkoutProConfig.customNoteDetails = customNote

Additional SDK Offerings

If you want to add features like Native OTP, Gpay InApp, PhonePe Inapp, and Ola Money in our PayUCheckoutPro SDK, then please refer to the below Add-on SDKs