Third-Party Payment Support
If you want to make payments by any third-party payment application, such as GooglePay, PhonePe, Samsung Pay, etc, you have to include the changes as described in this section.
Google Pay
Configure the following in the payment post data:
- Bank code parameter with the value as TEZ
- PG parameter with the value of as UPI
Gradle dependency
Add the following dependency in the application’s build.gradle.
implementation 'in.payu:payu-gpay:3.1.3'
Configure the following in the payment post data:
- Bankcode parameter with the value as PPINTENT.
- PG parameter with the value as CASH.
Gradle dependency
Add the PhonePeIntent SDK URL in the root project’s build.gradle similar to the following:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
Add the following dependency in your application’s build.gradle:
implementation 'in.payu:phonepe-intent:1.8.3'
Updated 3 months ago