1. Integration Steps
Before you start with the integration, enable the payment methods that you want to offer to your customers from Dashboard > Settings > Payment methods. We enable Cards, UPI, and other payment methods by default, and we recommend that you enable other payment methods that are relevant to you.
Create a PayU account
First, create a PayU account. See Register for a Merchant Account.
Download Java SDK
You can download the Java web SDK from the following GitHub link: https://github.com/payu-intrepos/web-sdk-java
Install the SDK
To install the PayU Java SDK using the terminal:
- Install the latest version of Java from https://java.com and Maven from https://maven.apache.org/download.html.
- Set the environment variable:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=your-key-filename.json Configure JAVA_HOME.
cd java-docs-samples/storage/xml-api/cmdline-sample
#Compile and run
mvn compile install
mvn -q exec:java -Dexec.args="your-bucket-name"
Run the SDK
- Right-click on project
- Run As > Java Application
- If asked, type "StorageSample" and click OK
Build the PayU object
Use the sample code snippet to build an instance of PayU Object for Java SDK:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("KEY", "SALT");
// Need to set merchant key and salt
Verify payment
The Verify Payment (verify_payment) API gives you the status of the transaction. PayU recommends using this API to reconcile with PayU’s database after you receive the response.
- Method:
- Request header:
Content-Type multipart/form-data
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForverify_payment = verifyPaymentHash.generateHashForverify_payment();
Verify_Payment obj1 = new Verify_Payment();
obj1.key = "key";
obj1.var1 = "txnid";
obj1.environment = "env"; //(Test / Production)
obj1.hash = HashForverify_payment;
String response1 = obj1.Get_Verify_Payment();
Get bin type
The BIN API or check_isDomestic API is used to detect whether a particular BIN number is international or domestic. It is also useful to determine:
- card’s issuing bank
- card type such as, Visa, Master, etc.,
- card category such as Credit/Debit, etc.
- var1 is bin number which is the first 6 digits of a Credit/Debit card.
- Method:
- Request header:
Content-Type multipart/form-data
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForcheckdomastic = checkdomastic.generateHashForcheckisDomestic();
CheckisDomestic checkdomasticObj = new CheckisDomestic();
checkdomasticObj.key = "QyT13U";
checkdomasticObj.environment = "Test";
checkdomasticObj.var1 = "512345"; //This is the Card Number(First 6 digits of a card)
checkdomasticObj.hash = HashForcheckdomastic;
String response3 = checkdomasticObj.Get_Check_is_Domestic();
Get checkout details
The get_checkout_details API is a generic API using which they can get information when you create the custom checkout-pages, that will contain the payment options, offers, recommendations, and downtime details. The API provides the following details:
Payment option details: The extended details for each payment option available for the merchant. Additional charges: The additional charges configured for all payment options. eligibility details Downtime details: The downtime status of the payment options.
- Method:
- Request header:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForcheckoutDtls = checkoutDtls.generateHashForcheckoutDtls();
CheckoutDetails checkoutdtl = new CheckoutDetails();
checkoutdtl.key = "key";
checkoutdtl.environment = "Test";
checkoutdtl.var1 = json;
checkoutdtl.hash = HashForcheckoutDtls;
String response5 = checkoutdtl.Get_Checkout_Details();
Check downtime
The Downtime Check APIs help you get the downtime of the Net Banking or card BINs for all the banks which are observing either full downtime or partial downtime.
This API is used to help you in handling the credit card/debit card issuing bank’s downtime. It allows you to get the present status of the issuing bank using the specific Bank Identification Number (BIN). BIN is identified as the first six digits of a credit or debit card. You need to provide the BIN number as input and the corresponding issuing bank’s status would be returned in the output (whether up or down). This API is used to retrieve the card BINs for all banks which are observing either full downtime or partial downtime at an instant. The information related to full/partial downtime depends on the input. This section describes how to use the following APIs:
- getNetbankingStatus
- getIssuingBankStatus
Method: POST
Request type: multipart/form-data
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashFornetbankingStatus= netbankingStatus.generateHashForNetbankingStatus();
DowntimeCheckAPI obj1 = new DowntimeCheckAPI();
obj1.key = "QyT13U";
obj1.var1 = "AXIB";
obj1.environment = "Test";
obj1.hash = HashFornetbankingStatus;
String response1 = obj1.getNetbankingStatus();
String HashForissuingBankStatus= issuingBankStatus.generateHashForissuingBankStatus();
DowntimeCheckAPI obj2 = new DowntimeCheckAPI();
obj2.key = "QyT13U";
obj2.var1 = "512345";
obj2.environment = "Test";
obj2.hash = HashForissuingBankStatus;
String response2 = obj2.getissuingBankStatus();
Validate VPA
This web service will let you validate VPA if it is a valid VPA or not.
After the customer enters VPA on the merchant page, you need to call this API to check for VPA validation. If VPA is valid only then, the second call should be made.
- Method:
- Request type:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForvalidateVPA = validateVPA.generateHashForvalidateVPA();
ValidateVPA validate_VPA = new ValidateVPA();
validate_VPA.key = "QyT13U";
validate_VPA.environment = "Test";
validate_VPA.var1 = "9999999999@upi"; //customerVPA
validate_VPA.hash = HashForvalidateVPA;
String response4 = validate_VPA.Get_validateVPA();
Get transaction details
The Get Transaction Details (get_Transaction_Details) API takes works on basis input as two dates (initial and final), between which the transaction details are needed. The output consists of the status of the API (success or failed) and all the transaction details in an array format.
- Method:
- Request header:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashFortransactionDtls = transactionDtls.generateHashFortransactionDtls();
Get_Transaction_Details txndtls = new Get_Transaction_Details();
txndtls.key = "key";
txndtls.environment = "Test";
txndtls.var1 = "startdate"; //parameter must contain the starting date
txndtls.var2 = "enddate"; //This parameter must contain the end date
txndtls.hash = HashFortransactionDtls;
String response5 = txndtls.GetTransactionDetails();
Create an email professional invoices so that your customers, wherever they are, can pay you faster. Use the PayU Invoicing solution to send or manage invoices.
PayU helps you send Invoices to your customers through email using the following APIs:
- create_invoice
- expire_invoice
- Method:
- Request header:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForcreateinvoice = crate_invoiceHash.generateHashForCreateInvoice();
Invoice obj1 = new Invoice();
obj1.key = "QyT13U";
obj1.var1 = json;
obj1.environment = "Test";
obj1.hash = HashForcreateinvoice;
String response1 = obj1.Get_Create_invoic();
String HashForexpireinvoice = expire_invoiceHash.generateHashForexpireInvoice();
DowntimeCheckAPI obj2 = new DowntimeCheckAPI();
Invoice obj2 = new Invoice();
obj2.key = "QyT13U";
obj2.var1 = "oknjhyg64tgd";
obj2.environment = "Test";
obj2.hash = HashForexpireinvoice;
String response2 = obj2.Get_expire_invoic();
The EMI APIs allows you to check the customer’s eligibility for EMI and get the EMI amount according to interest using the following APIS:
- eligibleBinsForEMI
- getEmiAmountAccordingToInterest
- Method:
- Request header:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForeligibleBinsForEMI= eligibleBinsForEMI.generateHashForeligibleBinsForEMI();
DowntimeCheckAPI obj1 = new DowntimeCheckAPI();
EMI_APIs obj1 = new EMI_APIs();
obj1.key = "QyT13U";
obj1.var1 = "bin";
obj1.var2 = "512345";
obj1.environment = "Test";
obj1.hash = HashForeligibleBinsForEMI;
String response1 = obj1.geteligibleBinsForEMI();
String HashForEmiAmountAccordingToInterest= EmiAmountAccordingToInterest.generateHashForEmiAmountAccordingToInterest();
DowntimeCheckAPI obj2 = new DowntimeCheckAPI();
EMI_APIs obj2 = new EMI_APIs();
obj2.key = "QyT13U";
obj2.var1 = "100";
obj2.environment = "Test";
obj2.hash = HashForEmiAmountAccordingToInterest;
String response2 = obj2.getEmiAmountAccordingToInterest();
Refund transaction
The Cancel Refund Transaction API (cancel_refund_transaction) can be used for the following purposes:
Cancel a transaction that is in ‘auth’ state at the moment Refund a transaction that is in a ‘captured’ state at the moment. In this API: var1 is the Payu ID (mihpayid) of the transaction, var2 should contain the Token ID (unique token from the merchant), and va
- Method:
- Request header:
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt");
String HashForrefund = refund.generateHashForrefund();
Refund refundObj = new Refund();
refundObj.key = "QyT13U";
refundObj.environment = "Test";
refundObj.var1 = "403993715527261883"; //This parameter must contain the Payu ID
refundObj.var2 = "rfveds238456uyt8yh34"; //unique token from the merchant
refundObj.var3 = "05.00"; //Refund Amount
refundObj.hash = HashForrefund;
String response2 = refundObj.Get_cancel_refund_transaction();
Updated about 1 year ago