1. Integration Steps
To integrate PayU CheckoutPro with Flutter SDK:
- Step 1: Include the SDK in your app project
- Step 2: Initialize PayU Checkout Pro Flutter object
- Step 3: Setup PayU Checkout Pro protocol
- Step 4: Setup payment hashes
- Step 5: Build the Payment Parameters
- Step 6: Initiate payment
- Step 7: Configure AndroidManifest.xml
For IOS, refer to iOS Specific Integration and check Distributing Your App (App Store/ Ad-hoc) to deploy your application. For more information, refer to Explore iOS SDKs
Step 1: Include the SDK in your app project
The CheckoutPro SDK for Flutter is offered through Flutter pub.dev
- To add the PayU Checkout Pro Flutter plugin add the following dependency in your app:
$ flutter pub add payu_checkoutpro_flutter
import 'package:payu_checkoutpro_flutter/payu_checkoutpro_flutter.dart';
import 'package:payu_checkoutpro_flutter/PayUConstantKeys.dart';
- For iOS: Install the pod using the following command inside
folder:$ pod install
Step2: Initialize PayU Checkout Pro Flutter object
- Create PayUCheckout Pro Flutter instance.
late PayUCheckoutProFlutter \_checkoutPro;
Initialize the PayUCheckoutProFlutter object using the current object.
void initState()
_checkoutPro = PayUCheckoutProFlutter(this);
Note: Make sure your minimum deployment target is iOS 11.
Step3: Setup PayU Checkout Pro protocol
- Implement Checkout Pro protocol methods to get hash generation callback and transaction status callback from Checkout Pro SDK:
class MyClass extends SupeprClass implements PayUCheckoutProProtocol
- Implement the following methods in your class to get a callback from the SDK.
generateHash(Map response) {
// Pass response param to your backend server
// Backend will generate the hash which you need to pass to SDK
// hashResponse: is the response which you get from your server
Map hashResponse = {};
_checkoutPro.hashGenerated(hash: hashResponse);
onPaymentSuccess(dynamic response) {
//Handle Success response
onPaymentFailure(dynamic response) {
//Handle Failure response
onPaymentCancel(Map? response) {
//Handle Payment cancel response
onError(Map? response) {
//Handle on error response
Step4: Setup payment hashes
This step describes how to pass the static and dynamic hashes. For detailed information, refer to Generate Hash.
Pass static hashes
To pass static hashes during integration, use the following code snippet:
var payUPaymentParams = {
“key”: "Merchant key",
“additionalParam”: {
“payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk”: "payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk hash",
“vas_for_mobile_sdk”: "vas_for_mobile_sdk hash",
“payment": "Payment Hash"
Pass dynamic hashes
To pass dynamic hashes, the merchant will receive a call on the generateHash method. In the method parameter, you will receive a dictionary or hashMap, then extract the value of hashString from that. Pass that value to the server to append the Salt at the end and generate the sha512 hash over it. The server gives that hash back to your app, and the app will pass that hash to PayU through a callback mechanism.
To pass the dynamic hashes during integration, use the following code snippet:
var hashName = response[PayUHashConstantsKeys.hashName];
var hashStringWithoutSalt = response[PayUHashConstantsKeys.hashString];
var hashType = response[PayUHashConstantsKeys.hashType];
var postSalt = response[PayUHashConstantsKeys.postSalt];
var hash = <Get Hash Backend with < hashString, merchantSalt , postSalt >
Call hashGenerated with HashResponse< hashName , Hash>
_checkoutPro.hashGenerated(hash: hashResponse);
We need the following type of hashes to be generated at your backend: V1 Hash, V2 Hashes, MCP Lookup, and Post Salt Hash.
Use the following code snippet to generate the required hashes:
if (hashType == “V2”) {
hash = <Get HmacSHA256Hash with (hashStringWithoutSalt, merchantSalt)>
} else if (hashName == “mcpLookup”) {
hash = <Get HmacSHA1Hash with (hashStringWithoutSalt, merchantSecretKey)>
} else if (postSalt != null)
//Add salt first then add post salt to create final hash string.
hash = <Get SHA512Hash with <hashStringWithoutSalt + merchantSalt + <postSalt)>>
hash = <Get SHA512Hash from Backend with <hashStringWithoutSalt > + <merchantSalt>>
- Always generate the hashes on your server. Do not generate the hashes locally in your app, as it will compromise the security of the transactions.
- The CheckoutPro SDK uses hashes to ensure the security of the transaction and prevent any unauthorized intrusion or modification. The CheckoutPro SDK requires two types of hashes. For more information on the two types of hashes, refer to Generate Hash for CheckoutPro SDK.
Step 5: Build the payment parameters
To initiate the payment, your app needs to send transactional information to the Checkout Pro SDK.
Payment parameters
Parameter | Description |
Keymandatory | String This parameter must contain your merchant key received from PayU. |
transactionIdmandatory | String It should be unique for each transaction.Cannot be null or empty and should be unique for each transaction. The maximum allowed length is 25 characters. It cannot contain special characters like: - "_,$,%,&, etc" |
Amountmandatory | String Total transaction amount. |
productInfomandatory | String Information about the product. |
firstNamemandatory | String Customer’s first name |
Emailmandatory | String Customer’s email id |
Phonemandatory | String Customer’s phone number, Max character limit : 10 Digits |
ios_surlmandatory | String When the transaction gets successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.Note: This field is applicable for iOS integration |
ios_furl mandatory | String When the transaction fails, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.Note: This field is applicable for iOS integration |
android_surlmandatory | String When the transaction gets successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.Note : This field is applicable for Android integrationSample URL: https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/success |
android_furlmandatory | String When the transaction fails, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.When the transaction gets successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response. Note : This field is applicable for Android integrationSample URL: https://cbjs.payu.in/sdk/failure |
Environmentmandatory | String Environment of SDK |
User Credentialmandatory | String This is used for the store card feature. PayU will store cards corresponding to passed user credentials and similarly, user credentials will be used to access previously saved cards. Format:<merchantKey>:<userId> Here, UserId is any id/email/phone number to uniquely identify the user. |
For details on Standing Instructions parameters, refer to PayU Standing Instruction Parameters.
Additional Parameters (Optional)
The additional parameters that are optional that can be passed for the SDK are udf parameters, static hashes, and other parameters. For more details on Static Hash generation and passing them, refer to Generate Hash. The following is a list of parameters that can be passed in additional parameters:
Parameter | Description |
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF1 | String User defined field, Merchant can store their customer id, etc. |
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF2 | String User defined field, Merchant can store their customer id, etc. |
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF3 | String User defined field, Merchant can store their customer id, etc. |
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF4 | String User defined field, Merchant can store their customer id, etc. |
PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_UDF5 | String User defined field, Merchant can store their customer id, etc. |
Static hashes | String The static hashes is specified in this parameter. For more information, refer to Hash Generation section. |
PayUCheckoutProConstants.SODEX_OSOURC_EID | String Sodexo Source ID, Merchant can store it from the third field of PayU response. |
PaymentParamConstant.walletUrn | String Pass this parameter if closed loop wallet (clw) payment mode is enabled for your account. |
The payment parameters and additional parameters can be passed using the following code snippet:
class PayUTestCredentials {
static const merchantKey = "<ADD YOUR MERCHANT KEY>";
static const iosSurl = "<ADD YOUR iOS SURL>";
static const iosFurl = "<ADD YOUR iOS FURL>";
static const androidSurl = "<ADD YOUR ANDROID SURL>";
static const androidFurl = "<ADD YOUR ANDROID FURL>";
static const merchantAccessKey = "<ADD YOUR MERCHNAT ACCESS KEY>"; // Optional
static const sodexoSourceId = "<ADD YOUR SODEXO SOURCE ID>"; // Optional
var siParams = {
PayUSIParamsKeys.isFreeTrial: true,
PayUSIParamsKeys.billingAmount: '1', //REQUIRED
PayUSIParamsKeys.billingInterval: 1, //REQUIRED
PayUSIParamsKeys.paymentStartDate: '2023-04-20', //REQUIRED
PayUSIParamsKeys.paymentEndDate: '2023-04-30', //REQUIRED
'daily', //REQUIRED //Can be any of 'daily','weekly','yearly','adhoc','once','monthly'
PayUSIParamsKeys.remarks: 'Test SI transaction',
PayUSIParamsKeys.billingCurrency: 'INR',
PayUSIParamsKeys.billingLimit: 'ON', //ON, BEFORE, AFTER
PayUSIParamsKeys.billingRule: 'MAX', //MAX, EXACT
var additionalParam = {
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf1: "udf1",
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf2: "udf2",
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf3: "udf3",
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf4: "udf4",
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf5: "udf5",
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.sourceId: PayUTestCredentials.sodexoSourceId,
var spitPaymentDetails = [
"type": "absolute",
"splitInfo": {
"imAJ7I": {
"aggregatorSubTxnId": "Testchild123",
"aggregatorSubAmt": "5"
"qOoYIv": {
"aggregatorSubTxnId": "Testchild098",
"aggregatorSubAmt": "5"
var payUPaymentParams = {
PayUPaymentParamKey.key: ", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.amount: "1", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.productInfo: "Info", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.firstName: "Abc", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.email: "[email protected]", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.phone: "9999999999", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.ios_surl: PayUTestCredentials.iosSurl, //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.ios_furl: PayUTestCredentials.iosFurl, //REQUIRED
PayUTestCredentials.androidSurl, //REQUIRED
PayUTestCredentials.androidFurl, //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.environment: "0", //0 => Production 1 => Test
null, //Pass user credential to fetch saved cards => A:B - OPTIONAL
PayUPaymentParamKey.transactionId: "<ADD TRANSACTION ID>", //REQUIRED
PayUPaymentParamKey.additionalParam: additionalParam, // OPTIONAL
PayUPaymentParamKey.enableNativeOTP: true, // OPTIONAL
"<Pass a unique token to fetch offers>", // OPTIONAL
PayUPaymentParamKey.payUSIParams: siParams, // OPTIONAL
PayUPaymentParamKey.splitPaymentDetails: spitPaymentDetails, // OPTIONAL
Step 6: Initiate payment
Initialize and launch the Checkout Pro SDK by calling the following code snippet:
payUPaymentParams: < payUPaymentParams >,
payUCheckoutProConfig: <payUConfigParams>,
Step 7: Configure AndroidManifest.xml
To automatically fill OTP on bank pages, SDK requires the RECEIVE_SMS permission, configure the AndroidManifest.xml by adding receive sms permission as shown below.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
IOS specific integration
Flutter SDK offers a few optional customizations for IOS as mentioned below:
Customization (Optional)
- For UPI Intent
Currently, PayU supports only PhonePe and GooglePay through Intent. Add the query schemes in the info.plist.
- Card Scanner, Camera Permission
<string>Please mention the description to give user info</string>
Distributing your app (App Store / Ad-hoc)
What you get by default is a fat framework that allows you to test your app seamlessly on the device and simulator. But before archiving your app, you need to remove simulator slices from the framework. For detailed information on archiving your app with PayU ChekoutPro, refer to Releasing Apple App Store.
Updated 2 months ago