Integrate with Android

To integrate React Native Code SDK on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Installation
  2. Generate payment hash
  3. Build the Payment Parameters
  4. Make payment
  5. Register listeners
  6. Check the response

Step 1: Installation

React Native SDK for PayU’s Core PG is offered through Node Package Manager (NPM). Run the following command to install PayU Core PG SDK for React:

npm i payu-core-pg-react 

Setup Command

git clone payuSdkExample
  cd payuSdkExample
  npm i
  cd example
  npm i
  react-native start
  react-native run-android

Step 2: Generate payment hash

Generate the payment hash and pass the hash in the JSON payUPaymentParams.hashes.payment parameter similar to the following code snippet:

  payUPaymentParams: {
      payment: <String>, // hash for payment sha512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||salt)

To learn more about sash generation, see Hash Generation.



Always generate the hashes on your server. Do not generate the hashes locally in your app, as it will compromise the security of the transactions.

Step 3: Build the Payment Parameters

To initiate a payment, your app needs to send Transactional Information to the Custom Browser SDK. Build the payUPaymentParams object with the mandatory parameters as shown in the following code snippet:

 var payUPaymentParams = {
      payUPaymentParams: {
        key: <String>, //merchant key 
        transaction_id: new Date().getTime().toString(),
        amount: <String>, // amount in Double format
        product_info: <String>,
        first_name: <String>,
        email: <String>,
        phone: <phoneNumber>,
        ios_surl: <String>,
        ios_furl: <String>,
        android_surl: <String>,
        android_furl: <String>,
        environment: <String>, // "1" for Stage, "0" for production
        user_credentials: <String>, // "user:password"
        hashes: {
          payment: <String>, // generated hash for payment
          udf1: "user defined value 1",
          udf2: "user defined value 2",
          udf3: "user defined value 3",
          udf4: "user defined value 4",
          udf5: "user defined value 5",
         merchantAccessKey:"", //This is for lookup API, optional
         sourceId:"", //Sodexo source ID, optional 

Build parameters for different payment methods:

Set Net Banking params for payment

To build the mandatory parameters to integrate Net Banking as a payment Method in JSON, use the following code snippet:

var params={
  payUPaymentParams: {
        bankcode:<String>, // ex: ICIB,AXIB 

Set Card payment parameters

To build the mandatory parameters to integrate Cards as a payment Method in JSON, use the following code snippet:

var params={
  payUPaymentParams: {
        cvv: <String>,
        expiry_year: <String>,
        expiry_month: <String>,
        name_on_card: <String>,
        store_card: <String>, // 0,1 (true | false)
        user_credentials: <String>, // "user:password"

Set Wallet payment parameters

To build the mandatory parameters to integrate wallets as a payment Method in JSON, use the following code snippet:

var params={
  payUPaymentParams: {
        bankcode: <String>, // Payu provide Wallet Id (ex: AMON) 

Step 4: Make payment

Use the following code snippet to start a payment:

Payment Mode <String> , // CC(CARD), CASH(WALLET), NB (NET BANKING)
      (error) => {
        console.log("-----------Error Callback---------");
      (payuResponse) => {
        console.log("-----------Success Callback---------");

Step 5: Register listeners

Register event listener (DeviceEventEmitter for this SDK)to capture the response of the transaction from Custom Browser SDK. Use the following code snippet to register the listener:


Step 6: Check the response

This is what a sample response from the Custom Browser SDK looks like:

  "eveneType": <String>, (onPaymentFailure | onPaymentTerminate | onPaymentTerminate | onCBErrorReceived | onBackButton | onBackApprove | onBackDismiss)
  "payuResult": <String>, //conditional
  "merchantResponse": <String>, //conditional
  errorCode: <String>, //conditional