Payouts Dashboard
The Payouts module of PayU Dashboard is a handy user interface to manage your payouts. You can view, create, and check the statuses of the Payouts corresponding to the accounts you have. Payouts Dashboard is enabled only after the successful activation of Payouts for the specified merchant account.
The capabilities of Payouts Dashboard are:
- Displays data for all the accounts hosted by you
- Displays Account Balance and Account Statements specific to each account
- Enables you to make a payout without calling any APIs
- Shows summary of all Payouts together or individually as per their statuses
- Allows you to add Maker/Checker flow for heavy transactions
The following table explains the fields available on the dashboard:
Field Name | Description | Additional Information |
Virtual Account List | Used to select the Virtual Accounts associated with a particular merchant whose details you want to view | One merchant can have multiple accounts. Each account is linked with a unique Payouts ID. |
Duration | Used to select the time period or date range to filter the account and payout details | Valid values are Today, Yesterday Past 7 days, Past 30 days since onboarding custom range. |
Add Money | Displays the details corresponding to the virtual account you have selected, such as Account Number, IFSC Code, Beneficiary Name, Account Type | Displays step-by-step procedure for adding money to the Virtual Account using from merchant’s bank account |
Make a Transfer | Used to create a Payouts request. | On clicking this button, you are redirected to the Make a Payment web page. |
Account Balance | Indicates the balance of the virtual account whose details you are viewing | – |
Payout Volume | Indicates the amount of funds sent via Payouts and the number of successful Payouts | Payouts with status as Success are only considered while displaying this data. |
Account Statement | Used to view the details of the financial transactions done corresponding to the account selected | Additional options like Filter, Duration, and Download are available under this tab. |
Payouts | Used to view the details of all the payouts done within a specific duration for a particular virtual account | Additional options like Filter, Duration, and Download are available under this tab. |
Deposits | Used to view the details of transactions done to add money/funds into the virtual account | Additional options like Filter, Duration, and Download are available under this tab. |
Reversed Payouts | Used to view the payouts that are moved into the reversed state | Additional options like Filter, Duration, and Download are available under this tab |
Pending Approval tab | Used to view the payouts that are pending for Maker/Checker Approval | Maker/Checker Approval workflow is imposed on certain high amount payouts |
Rejected Payouts tab | Used to view the payouts that are cancelled or rejected due to certain conditions or issues | Additional options like Filter, Duration, and Download are available under this tab. |
Updated 10 months ago
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