1. Integration Steps

Before you start with the integration, enable the payment methods that you want to offer to your customers from Dashboard > Settings > Payment methods. We enable Cards, UPI, and other payment methods by default, and we recommend that you enable other payment methods that are relevant to you.


Download Go SDK

You can download the Go web SDK from the following GitHub link: https://github.com/payu-india/web-sdk-go

Create a PayU account

First, create a PayU account. See Register for a Merchant Account.

Install the SDK

To install the PayU GO SDK using go get , run the following command:

go get github.com/payu-india/web-sdk-go

Build the PayU object

Use the following sample code for creating an instance of the PayU Object:

import (
 payu "github.com/payu-india/web-sdk-go"

payuClient, err := payu.NewClient(