Decoupled Flow Integration
The S2S decoupled flow for cards involves the following steps for the redirect experience.
Steps to Integrate
- Initiate payment request with PayU
- Redirect the customer
- Authorize (charge) the Payment
- Check the response from PayU
Before you begin:
Register for a account with PayU before you start integration. For more information, refer to Register for a Merchant Account.
- This API is backward compatible and you can continue to the existing integration parameters to process the 3DS 1.0.2 transactions.Β
- If you are using legacy integration of decoupled flow for S2S, refer to Legacy Flow for Server-to-Server.
Step 1: Initiate payment request with PayU
The merchant initiates PayU with the required transaction mandatory or optional parameters. This needs to be a server-to-server curl call request. URL, parameters, and their descriptions. For more information, refer to Cards Decoupled Flow.
Test Environment | |
Production Environment | |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Example |
keymandatory | String Merchant key provided by PayU during onboarding. | |
txnidmandatory | String The transaction ID is a reference number for a specific order that is generated by the merchant. | |
amount mandatory | String The payment amount for the transaction. | |
productinfo mandatory | String A brief description of the product. | |
firstname mandatory | String The first name of the customer. | Ashish |
emailmandatory | String The email address of the customer. | |
phonemandatory | String The phone number of the customer. | |
pgmandatory | String The pg parameter determines which payment tabs will be displayed on the PayU page. For cards, 'CC' will be the value. | CC |
bankcode mandatory | String Each payment option is identified with a unique bank code at PayU. The merchant must post this parameter with the corresponding payment optionβs bank code value in it. For more information, refer to Card Type Codes and Supported Banks for Cards. | AMEX |
ccnummandatory | String Use 13-19 digit card number for credit/debit cards (15 digits for AMEX, 13-19 for Maestro) and validate with LUHN algorithm. Refer to Card Number Formats and display error message on invalid input. | 5123456789012346 |
ccname mandatory | String This parameter must contain the name on card β as entered by the customer for the transaction. | Ashish Kumar |
ccvvmandatory | String Use 3-digit CVV number for credit/debit cards and 4-digit security code (4DBC/CID) for AMEX cards. Validate with BIN API. | 123 |
ccexpmon mandatory | String This parameter must contain the cardβs expiry month β as entered by the user for the transaction. It must always be in 2 digits or in MM format. For months 1-9, this parameter must be appended with 0 β like 01, 02β¦09. For months 10-12, this parameter must not be appended β It should be 10,11 and 12 respectively. | 10 |
ccexpyrmandatory | String This parameter must contain the cardβs expiry year β as entered by the customer for the transaction. It must be of four digits. | 2021 |
furlmandatory | String The success URL, which is the page PayU will redirect to if the transaction is successful. | |
surlmandatory | String The Failure URL, which is the page PayU will redirect to if the transaction is failed. | |
hashmandatory | String It is the hash calculated by the merchant. The hash calculation logic is:sha512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||SALT) | |
txn_s2s_flowmandatory | String This parameter must be passed with the value as 4 for Legacy Decoupled flow. | |
auth_onlymandatory | String This parameter must be passed with the value as 1 for this parameter. | |
termUrlmandatory | String This parameter must contain the URL which will receive the authentication response from ACS. | |
authentication_flowmandatory | String This parameter must be passed with value as REDIRECT. | |
s2s_client_ipmandatory | String This parameter must have the source IP of the customer. | |
s2s_device_infomandatory | String This parameter must have the customer agent's device. | |
notifyurl optional | String It is used to send response regarding current transaction to notify about the current transaction done in merchant site. | |
address1optional | String The first line of the billing address.For Fraud Detection: This information is helpful when it comes to issues related to fraud detection and chargebacks. Hence, it is must to provide the correct information. | |
address2optional | String The second line of the billing address. | |
cityoptional | String The city where your customer resides as part of the billing address. | |
stateoptional | String The state where your customer resides as part of the billing address, | |
countryoptional | String The country where your customer resides. | |
zipcodeoptional | String Billing address zip code is mandatory for the cardless EMI option.Character Limit -20 | |
udf1optional | String User-defined fields (udf) are used to store any information corresponding to a particular transaction. You can use up to five udfs in the post designated as udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, udf5. | |
udf2optional | String User-defined fields (udf) are used to store any information corresponding to a particular transaction. You can use up to five udfs in the post designated as udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, udf5. | |
udf3optional | String User-defined fields (udf) are used to store any information corresponding to a particular transaction. | |
udf4optional | String User-defined fields (udf) are used to store any information corresponding to a particular transaction. | |
udf5optional | String User-defined fields (udf) are used to store any information corresponding to a particular transaction. |
You must hash the request parameters using the following hash logic:
For more information, refer to Generate Hash.
Sample request
curl --location \
--request \
POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=mj185cifujktpv1igu9tmuoaal; PAYUID=6b0d4cbbe43702a8a938a4d4c546ae01; PHPSESSID=6388ab6306272' \
--data \
-urlencode 'hash=5e0f040fb08759d621caf04baab4bd893e1d9f5d3edfc2aa42bea00c2ac7140b14b7883028a3b7fc5df6fb728f7542d85c2930c3f3dc4bab6a8b3da1ff33d9fe' --data \
-urlencode 'key=smsplus' --data \
-urlencode 'txnid=payuTestTransaction8169502' --data \
-urlencode 'amount=1.1' --data \
-urlencode 'firstname=Postman' --data \
-urlencode '[email protected]' --data \
-urlencode 'phone=9988776655' --data \
-urlencode 'productinfo=Product Info' --data \
-urlencode 'surl=' --data \
-urlencode 'furl=' --data \
-urlencode 'notifyurl=' --data \
-urlencode 'codurl=' --data \
-urlencode 'ipurl=' --data \
-urlencode 'lastname=' --data \
-urlencode 'udf1=' --data \
-urlencode 'udf2=' --data \
-urlencode 'udf3=' --data \
-urlencode 'udf4=' --data \
-urlencode 'udf5=' --data \
-urlencode 'pg=CC' --data \
-urlencode 'bankcode=CC' --data \
-urlencode 'ccnum=XXXXXXXXXXX8006' --data \
-urlencode 'ccname=ASHISH' --data \
-urlencode 'ccvv=XXX' --data \
-urlencode 'ccexpmon=05' --data \
-urlencode 'ccexpyr=2023' --data \
-urlencode 'txn_s2s_flow=4' --data \
-urlencode 'auth_only=1' --data \
-urlencode 'termUrl=' --data \
-urlencode 'authentication_flow=REDIRECT'
Sample response
Understanding response parameters:
The response for the S2S payment request is not similar to Merchant Hosted or PayU Hosted Checkout. For description of response parameters, refer to Additional Info for Payment APIs.
"metaData": {
"message": null,
"referenceId": "00c44a4c8306f9cbe5ecf6133afe08a7",
"statusCode": null,
"txnId": "payuTestTransaction447674",
"txnStatus": "Enrolled",
"unmappedStatus": "pending"
"result": {
"otpPostUrl": "",
"binData": {
"pureS2SSupported": false,
"issuingBank": "ICICI",
"category": "creditcard",
"cardType": "VISA",
"isDomestic": true
Step 2: Redirect the customer
Basis a successful response of the authentication API, you need to redirect the user to the bank page using acsTemplate.Β This API specifies the response that is posted toΒ termUrl
Β after the authentication for the transaction has been processed.
- All callbacks POST form data on the merchantβs
that is passed in Initiate Transaction API.Β- Validation of the response happens on the basis of the hash value being returned in the hash value of the response.
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
rawBankData mandatory | String This parameter contains the raw response that is received from bank after authentication. The response is urlencoded and in query string format. |
referenceId mandatory | String This parameter contains the reference id being returned for the transaction |
bankData mandatory | JSON This parameter contains the JSON string that is to be used for authorization call.This parameter is received in case of successful OTP submission of decoupled transactions.β¨The postToBank contains messageDigest and pares that is to be posted back for authorization. For more information on the fields in this JSON, refer to bankData JSON Fields Description. |
authenticationStatus mandatory | String This parameter contains the authentication status of the transaction |
hash mandatory | String This parameter contains the calculated hash of the data that is posted to the merchant. For security purpose it is recommended to validate the hash value before consuming the response |
bankData JSON fields description
Field | Description | Applicable for EMV 3DS |
cres mandatory | String This field contains the Base64 encoded value received from ACS as part of the authentication response. | Yes |
referenceId mandatory | String This field is returned in case of decoupled flow. This field contains the reference id for the transaction | Β |
messageDigest mandatory | String This field is returned in case of decoupled flow. This field contains the MD value being returned by the bank. | Β |
pares mandatory | String This field is returned in case of decoupled flow. This field contains the pares being returned by the bank | Β |
additionalInfo mandatory | String This field is returned in case of decoupled flow. This field contains the data that is being used for the gateways that do not return pares. | Β |
authorizationUrl mandatory | String This integration document assumes that you have opt-ed out for the particular configuration.The authorization URL in legacy integrations are present basis the config at PayU. Please reach out to [email protected] to know more about. |
Sample response
βrawBankDataβ : ββ
βreferenceIdβ: β00c44a4c8306f9cbe5ecf6133afe08a7β
βbankDataβ : {
"referenceId": "00c44a4c8306f9cbe5ecf6133afe08a7",
"messageDigest": "c2e9e456037f033e5cc3d7b6e556189adf41eeabf706844dff70aac91f6b8e73bb1846286c8f99ea768cf38f7c12369c|523727493647950f32684bd6f1ab07aa6474016f",
"pares": "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β,
"authUdf1": "",
"authUdf2": "",
"authUdf3": "",
"authUdf4": "",
"authUdf5": "",
"authUdf6": "",
"authUdf7": "",
"authUdf8": "",
"authUdf9": "",
"authUdf10": ""
βauthenticationStatusβ : βsuccessβ,
βhashβ : β664b8ddd1b5b2d1b68abb7eee5ea6e001a02773499ddcd86956ba0833315e7d4e69c641d7b0b3e7590532e21e71936da173f4eda716fc09f83cd1117f0d0c37cβ}
Step 3: Authorize (charge) the payment
The authorization request is the final step of transaction processing. This again needs to be an S2S call from the merchantβs server to PayU server.
Request parameters
Post URL: The data to be posted has to be exactly the same as the JSON response received in the authentication response in Step 2. The data must include the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
key mandatory | String The merchant key is provided by PayU and acts as a unique identifier for a specific merchant account in PayUβs database. |
txnid mandatory | String The transaction ID is the order reference number generated by the merchant to track a particular order. It can be used only once and PayUβs system does not accept a duplicate Transaction ID. |
amount mandatory | String It should contain the payment amount of the particular transaction. The amount must be greater than Rs. 8000 for the cardless EMI option. |
hash mandatory | String It is used to avoid the possibility of transaction tampering. The hash must in the following structure:valueOf(key)| valueOf(txnid) | valueOf(amount) |valueOf(authentication_info) | valueOf(salt) |
authentication_info mandatory | JSON The JSON value received in the bankData on the Term URL or pass the fields as in the JSON example. |
Example for authentication_info JSON
"referenceId": "00c44a4c8306f9cbe5ecf6133afe08a7",
"cres": "eyJhY3NUcmFuc0lEIjoiODc3OTFjZWUtMjUxNC00MzZjLWJlZDgtYTYzYTg3YmJkZjAxIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlQ29tcGxldGlvbkluZCI6IlkiLCJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSI6IkNSZXMiLCJtZXNzYWdlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMS4wIiwidGhyZWVEU1NlcnZlclRyYW5zSUQiOiJkNDFmNjIwMC0wNDM1LTQ5ZWUtYWExMS1mMzY2ZjA2NjFjNmYiLCJ0cmFuc1N0YXR1cyI6IlkifQ==",
"messageDigest": "",
"pares": "",
"additionalInfo": {
"authUdf1": "",
"authUdf2": "",
"authUdf3": "",
"authUdf4": "",
"authUdf5": "",
"authUdf6": "",
"authUdf7": "",
"authUdf8": "",
"authUdf9": "",
"authUdf10": ""
Β authentication_info JSON Fields Description
Field | Description | Applicable to EMV 3DS |
cres | This field contains the Base 64 encoded value received from ACS as part of the authentication response | Yes |
referenceId | This field contains the same referenceId which sent in response of the first call | Β |
additionalInfo | This field can be used in the case of schemes where different parameters may need from merchant side. | Β |
messageDigest | This field includes the Base 64 encoding of (sha56 hash of the JSON data (post to server). | Β |
pares | This parameter contains the pares being returned by the bank. | Β |
Step 4: Check the response from PayU
The response from PayU for Merchant Hosted and S2S integration is similar.
Hash validation logic for payment response (Reverse Hashing)
While sending the response, PayU takes the exact same parameters that were sent in the request (in reverse order) to calculate the hash and returns it to you. You must verify the hash and then mark a transaction as a success or failure. This is to make sure the transaction has not tampered within the response.
The order of the parameters is similar to the following code block:
Response parameters
The parameters in the response for similar for all S2S flows. For more information, refer to Additional Info for Payment APIs.
Sample response
The formatted JSON response is similar to the following:
"metaData": {
"message": "No Error",
"referenceId": "b6035f64240b1862295bc571952cf984",
"statusCode": "E000",
"txnId": "payuTestTransaction2746829",
"unmappedStatus": "success",
"submitOtp": {
"status": "success"
"result": {
"mihpayid": "15270336226",
"mode": "CC",
"status": "success",
"key": "4wvMqy",
"txnid": "payuTestTransaction2746829",
"amount": "1.10",
"addedon": "2022-06-01 17:39:29",
"productinfo": "Product Info",
"firstname": "Postman",
"lastname": "",
"address1": "",
"address2": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"country": "",
"zipcode": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "9988776655",
"udf1": "",
"udf2": "",
"udf3": "",
"udf4": "",
"udf5": "",
"udf6": "",
"udf7": "",
"udf8": "",
"udf9": "",
"udf10": "",
"card_token": "",
"card_no": "XXXXXXXXXXXX8006",
"field0": "",
"field1": "6540854745166970506094",
"field2": "947167",
"field3": "1.10",
"field4": "15270336226",
"field5": "100",
"field6": "",
"field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
"field8": "",
"field9": "Transaction is Successful",
"payment_source": "payuPureS2SAuth",
"error": "E000",
"error_Message": "No Error",
"cardToken": "",
"net_amount_debit": "1.1",
"discount": "0.00",
"offer_key": "",
"offer_availed": "",
"unmappedstatus": "captured",
"hash": "cdc409dfd15a842b8d15d6627d0027619882ed800773fa413cef491ae8ff2ef0cdfa654680ba4c8f3567313c6a6b00b94cb3bb5e16bad21d26be01216a69af41",
"bank_ref_no": "6540854745166970506094",
"bank_ref_num": "6540854745166970506094",
"bankcode": "CC",
"surl": "",
"curl": "",
"furl": "",
"card_hash": "fdb59253e36daf8b3969525ae3799ccb4bb41993a5d2fcaf22737ec3ac8b90ab"
Updated 5 months ago