Onboarding Child Merchants Workflow - Split Settlements

After you create a merchant using the Create a PayU Merchant API, you can onboard child merchants. For more information, refer to Create Merchant API under API Reference.

The steps involved in creating a child merchant are:

  1. Get Client Token API
  2. Create Child Merchant API



Before you onboard child merchants, ensure you have followed the Prerequisites (one-time).


Common onboarding

Hub service domains

Test Environmenthttps://uat-accounts.payu.in
Production Environmenthttps://accounts.payu.in


Before you onboard child merchants, you need to ensure the following (one-time process):

  • Caller client service should be registered on Hub (PayU’s oAuth2 Service ) with the details as described in the following table:
Customer NameThe legal name of the customer.
Customer Service NameThe service name of the customer.
Customer Owner phone numberThe phone number of the owner who is assigned for the customer.
Customer Owner EmailThe customer owner’s email ID.
ScopesThe scope to be whitelisted on the client must be refer_child_merchant
Grant typeThe grant type must be specified as client_credentials in this field.
Client typeProvide External as input since you are outside the PayU ecosystem.
Access Token Expiry TimeThe access token expiry time from the times of creation (in seconds). There is no defined limit for configuring the access token expiry time.

Step 1: Get client token

Use the Get Client Token API with the scope as refer_child_merchant to create a client token from Hub. For more information, refer to Get Client Token API

Step 2: Create a child merchant

You can create child merchants using the Create Child Merchant API. For more information, refer to Create Child Merchant API under API Reference.

Sample request

curl --location -g --request POST '{{onboarding_base_url}}/api/v1/merchants' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
--data-raw '{
	"merchant": {
	"product": "PayUbiz", 
	"name": "child agg test",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"mobile": "8447640850", 
	"aggregator_parent_mid": "8020009", 
	"merchant_type": "aggregator", 
	"pancard_number”:”Harsh “Agarwal,
	"business_category_id": 37,
	"business_sub_category_id": 313,
	"gst_number": "09ABQFA5416M1ZX",
	"monthly_expected_volume": 300000,
	“business_name”:”Harsh Agarwal”
	"bank_detail": {
	"bank_account_number": "6633809947434",
	"holder_name”:”Harsh Agarwal”,
	"ifsc_code": "ICIC0000031"




Sample Response

Success Scenario

Create Child Merchant Success Scenario

    "merchant": {
        "name": "Merchant",
        "email": "[email protected]", // email
        "registered_mobile": "8860890286",
        "id": 13131,
        "mid": 8006727, // MID of Child merchant
        "test_mid": null,
        "uuid": "11ec-29e1-9b1030da-a0b8-02053299b2da", // Child merchant uuid
        "product": "PayUbiz",
        "device": "Other",
        "business_type": "LongTail",
        "quality_score": null,
        "display_name": "Merchant",
        "account_id": null,
        "business_entity_id": null,
        "business_category_id": null,
        "business_sub_category_id": null,
        "business_name": null,
        "pancard_name": null,
        "pancard_number": null,
        "website_url": null,
        "android_url": null,
        "ios_url": null,
        "business_origin": "SMB-ENT",
        "gst_number": null,
        "integration_type": "Not Selected",
        "routing_mid": null,
        "average_delivery_time": null,
        "downjones_check": null,
        "aggregator_model": null,
        "aggregator_type": null,
        "monthly_expected_volume": null,
        "sap_id": null,
        "source_type": null,
        "active": true,
        "source_url": null,
        "campaign_name": null,
        "campaign_medium": null,
        "campaign_source": null,
        "campaign_term": null,
        "partner_uuid": null,
        "created_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z",
        "admin_user_id": 10050,
        "mobile": "8860890286",
        "terms_and_condition_accepted_at": null,
        "website_approval_status": null,
        "sub_source": null,
        "account_uuid": null,
        "blocked": false,
        "pan_verification_status": "Pending",
        "website_remarks": null,
        "settlement_status": null,
        "source_details": null,
        "merchant_vertical": null,
        "notification_email": "[email protected]",
        "bank_update_attempt_count": 0,
        "partner_source": null,
        "flag": 32,
        "integration_status": "Not Integrated",
        "merchant_type": "child_aggregator",
        "gmv_amount": null,
        "shop_number": null,
        "area_code": null,
        "bank_update_attempt_left": 11,
        "business_entity_uuid": null,
        "business_category_uuid": null,
        "business_sub_category_uuid": null,
        "first_name": "",
        "last_name": "Merchant",
        "is_service_agreement_accepted": false,
        "is_service_agreement_esigned": false,
        "is_authorisation_letter_required": true,
        "acl_role_name": null,
        "dashboard_preference": "one_dashboard",
        "next_bank_update_time": "2021-10-10T21:19:14.916+05:30",
        "business_pan_name_match": false,
        "admin_user_uuid": "11ec-29e1-b00fb80c-9f40-02f413145cce",
        "contact_details": [],
        "migration_status": 0,
        "saved_kyc_address": null,
        "document_status": "Pending",
        "kyc_status": {
            "kyc_status": "LOCKED"
        "service_intent": "default",
        "revamp_merchant": true,
        "is_cs_eligible": true,
        "bank_detail": null,
        "operating_address": null,
        "registration_address": null,
        "business_entity": null,
        "merchant_statuses": [
                "id": 28277,
                "record_type": "Merchant",
                "record_id": 13131,
                "status_type": "WEBSITE",
                "status_value": null,
                "uuid": "11ec-29e1-9e9a998e-a0b8-02053299b2da",
                "created_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z",
                "updated_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z"
                "id": 28278,
                "record_type": "Merchant",
                "record_id": 13131,
                "status_type": "KYC_DOCUMENTS",
                "status_value": "Pending",
                "uuid": "11ec-29e1-9ea4fc94-a0b8-02053299b2da",
                "created_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z",
                "updated_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z"
                "id": 28279,
                "record_type": "Merchant",
                "record_id": 13131,
                "status_type": "Agreement",
                "status_value": "Not Generated",
                "uuid": "11ec-29e1-9eafdc2c-a0b8-02053299b2da",
                "created_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z",
                "updated_at": "2021-10-10T15:49:14.000Z"
        "account_statuses": [],
        "website_detail": null,
        "attached_configs": [],
        "kyc_documents": [],
        "cs_plan": null,
        "website_pages": [],
        "product_account_detail": null

Failure Scenarios

  • The token is invalid or expired
    "status": "Unauthorized"

After you onboard your child merchants, you can fetch the child merchant details as described in the following section: