1. Integration Steps
Steps to integrate UPI payments in your mobile application bulit on Flutter framework.
To integrate the Flutter UPI SDK, perform the following steps:
- Step 1: Include the Flutter UPI SDK in Your App
- Step 2: Intialise the Flutter SDK
- Step 3: Implement the Callback protocol
- Step 4: Setup Payment Hashes
- Step 5: Generate Payment Params
- Step 6: Initiate Payment
Step 1: Include the SDK in your App
The UPI SDK for Flutter is offered through Flutter pub.dev.
To add the SDK plugin use the following dependency in your app:
//Add plugin in your app
$ flutter pub add payu_upi_flutter
//Import UPI Plugin in your dart code
import 'package:payu_upi_flutter/payu_upi_flutter.dart';
If you are developing for iOS, Install the pod using the following command inside “ios” folder.
//Install payu dependencies in your ios project. $ pod install
Step 2: Initialize Flutter SDK
Declare the PayUUpiFlutter
instance and initialize the object.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> implements PayUUPIProtocol {
late PayUUpiFlutter payUUpiFlutter;
void initState() {
payUUpiFlutter = PayUUpiFlutter(this);
Keep in mind
If you are developing for iOS, make sure your minimum deployment target is iOS 11.
Step 3: Implement the Callback protocol
- Implement PayUPIProtocol to receive hash and transaction callback.
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> implements PayUUPIProtocol
- Implement the following methods in your class to receive the callbacks.
onPayUUPIMakePayment(Map response) {
String eventType = response[PayUEventType.eventType];
switch(eventType) {
case PayUEventType.onPaymentSuccess: {
String eventResponse = parsePayUResponse(response);
//handle PayU response
case PayUEventType.onPaymentFailure: {
String eventResponse = parsePayUResponse(response);
//handle PayU response
case PayUEventType.onErrorReceived: {
String eventResponse = parsePayUResponse(response);
//handle PayU response
case PayUEventType.onPaymentTerminate:
String eventResponse = parsePayUResponse(response);
//handle PayU response
default: {
//handle unknown events
onPayUUPIValidateVPA(Map response) {
String eventType = response[PayUEventType.eventType];
switch(eventType) {
case PayUEventType.onValidateSuccess: {
String eventResponse = parsePayUResponse(response);
//handle PayU response
case PayUEventType.onErrorReceived: {
String eventResponse = parsePayUResponse(response);
//handle PayU response
default: {
//handle unknown events
String parsePayUResponse(Map response){
var eventResponse = response[PayUEventType.eventResponse];
return eventResponse != null ? eventResponse.toString() : "";
Step 4: Setup Payment Hashes
Always generate the hash at your backend to ensure security.
Hash is required to authenticate the request and to make sure MiTM has not happened while data was traveling over the network. You have to set the hash in the hash parameter during the creation of payment parameters. Use the following format to generate the hash:
For TPV transactions, use the following format to generate the hash:
The beneficiarydetail parameter value will be at last or the last value to be appended.{"beneficiaryAccountNumber":,"ifscCode":}
Here is a sample hash value for your reference:
smsplus|1695662774012|1|Info|Abc|[test@gmail.com](mailto:test@gmail.com)|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5|||||| {"beneficiaryAccountNumber":"1234567890","ifscCode":"IFSC0000024"}|1b1b0
Step 5: Generate Payment Parameters
Set up the payment parameters for the SDK to initiate a transaction request. Use the following sample code for a quick integration:
var additionalParam = {
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf1: <user defined value 1>,
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf2: <user defined value 2>,
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf3: <user defined value 3>,
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf4: <user defined value 4>,
PayUAdditionalParamKeys.udf5: <user defined value 5>,
var payUPaymentParams = {
key: <Merchant Key>,
amount: <Amount>,
product_info: <Product Info>,
first_name: <First Name>,
email: <Email>,
phone: <Phone>,
ios_surl: <SURL>,
ios_furl: <FURL>,
android_surl: <SURL>,
android_furl: <FURL>,
environment: <String>, //0 => Production 1 => Test
user_credentials: <unique user identifier>
transaction_id:<Transaction ID>,
additional_param: additionalParam,
beneficiary_account_number: <Beneficiary Account Number>,
beneficiary_ifsc: <ifsc code>,
payment_mode:<String> // for Intent flow use "INTENT", for collect flow use "upi",
disable_intent_seamless_failure: <String>, // -1 | 0 ,
var si_details = {
is_free_trial: "0", // 1 | 0 (true | false)
si: '1',
si_params: {
is_free_trial: "0", // 1 | 0 (true | false)
billing_amount: '1.00', //Required
billing_interval: 1, //Required
payment_start_date: '2022-12-24', //Required Ex: yyyy-mm-dd
payment_end_date: '2023-12-24', //Required Ex: yyyy-mm-dd
billing_cycle: //Required
billing_currency: 'INR', //Currency Code
billing_limit: 'ON', //ON, BEFORE, AFTER
billing_rule: 'MAX', //MAX, EXACT
si: '1', //MAX, EXACT
Payment Parameters
Parameter | Description | Notes |
keymandatory | String This parameter must contain your merchant key received from PayU. | Cannot be null or empty |
transaction_idmandatory | String It should be unique for each transaction. | Cannot be null or empty and should be unique for each transaction. The maximum allowed length is 25 characters. It cannot contain special characters like: -_/ |
amountmandatory | String Total transaction amount. | Cannot be null or empty and should be a valid double-stringified example: “100.0” |
product_infomandatory | String Product information. | Cannot be null or empty |
first_namemandatory | String Customer’s first name | Cannot be null or empty |
emailmandatory | String Customer’s email id | Cannot be null or empty |
phonemandatory | String Customer’s phone number. | There should be a valid phone number |
ios_surlmandatory | String When the transaction is successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.Note: This field is applicable for iOS integration | Should be a valid URL |
ios_furlmandatory | String When the transaction fails, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.No****te: This field is applicable for iOS integration | Should be a valid URL |
android_surlmandatory | String When the transaction is successful, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.Note: This field is applicable for Android integration | Should be a valid URL |
android_furlmandatory | String When the transaction fails, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response.When the transaction is a success, PayU will load this URL and pass the transaction response. Note: This field is applicable for Android integration | Should be a valid URL |
environmentmandatory | String Environment of SDK | "0" for Production and "1" for Test |
user_credentialsmandatory | String User bank account number for TPV transaction. | |
beneficiary_ifscno | String IFSC of bank account for TPV transaction. | |
beneficiary_account_number | Users bank account number for TPV transaction. |
Step 6: Initiate the payment
Initialise and launch the SDK by calling the following code snippet:
payUUpiFlutter.makeUPIPayment(params: <PayU Payment Params>);
Step 7: VPA validation
Initialise and launch the Flutter UPI SDK by calling the following code snippet to validate the VPA
validateVPA() async {
// ignore: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
var vpaHash = HashService.calculateHash(PayUTestCredentials.merchantKey +
'|' +
"validateVPA" +
'|' +
PayUTestCredentials.vpa +
'|' +
var params = PayUParams.createPayUPaymentParams(PayUPaymentModeKeys.upi);
params[PayUPaymentParamKey.vpa] = PayUTestCredentials.vpa;
params[PayUPaymentParamKey.hashes] = {
PayUPaymentParamKey.validate_vpa: vpaHash
var data = await payUUpiFlutter.validateVPA(params: params);
showAlertDialog(context, "Validate VPA", "$data");
The sample response of a VPA validation request is similar to the following:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"vpa": "9999999999@upi",
"isVPAValid": 0,
"payerAccountName": "PayUNeer",
"isAutoPayVPAValid": 0,
"isAutoPayBankValid": "NA"
Step 8: List the UPI apps
Initialise and launch the Flutter UPI SDK by calling the following code snippet to get the list of UPI apps installed on Android and iOS devices
intentApps() async {
var data = await payUUpiFlutter.intentApps();
showAlertDialog(context, "intentApps", "$data");
Here is how a sample response of UPI list request looks like:
"data": {
"value": "net.one97.paytm",
"title": "Paytm"
Updated 8 months ago