Enable Payment Options

This API is used enable multiple payment options on your checkout page.


Hash logic

The hash logic for this API is:


For more information, refer to Generate Static Hash.

Step 1: Execute GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask

This class is used to get payment-related details. It takes an instance of a class that implements the PaymentRelatedDetailsListener interface as input.

GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask paymentRelatedDetailsForMobileSdkTask = new GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask(this);

The PaymentRelatedDetailsListener interface has an abstract method called onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse(). This method is called when the payment-related details are received.

Step 2: Get Response using onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse()

Get response to determine the availability of various payment options (UPI, Google Pay, PhonePe, LazyPay, and Generic Intent) similar to the following code snippet:

public void onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
mPayuResponse = payuResponse;
// Check if UPI as payment option available.
// To check if UPI as payment option is available
// To check if Google Pay as payment option is available
// To check if Phonepe as payment option is available
// To check if LazyPay as payment option is available
// To check if Generic Intent as payment option is available
//For SI Payments
//Fetch SI NB List from payuResponse.getSiBankList() method

This method is called when the payment-related details are received. This method takes a PayuResponse object as input. The PayuResponse object contains the payment-related details.

The onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse() method can be used to check if the following payment options are available:

  • UPI
  • Google Pay
  • PhonePe Intent
  • LazyPay
  • Generic Intent
  • The onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse() method can also be used to fetch the list of SI banks if SI payments are enabled.