Setup Recurring Payments

Step 1: Calculate hash

For SI transactions, the hash calculation formula is different from the normal type of payment:

Hash Formula

siDetail = "{"billingAmount": "150.00","billingCurrency": "INR","billingCycle": "WEEKLY","billingInterval": 1,"paymentStartDate": "2019-09-18","paymentEndDate": "2020-10-20"}"
beneficiaryDetail = "{"beneficiaryAccountNumber":"1234567890"}"
// Hash calculation for Cards & StoreCards
Hash = sha512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||siDetail|SALT)
// Hash calculation for NB
Hash = sha512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||siDetail|beneficiaryDetail|SALT)



For more information on Static Hashing, refer to Generate Static Hash.

Step 2: Make payment

For Net Banking, StoreCard, and Card, create an object of PayUSIParams and pass in the payment parameter object:

let siParam = PayUSIParams(billingAmount: <#T##String#>,
paymentStartDate: <#T##Date#>,
paymentEndDate: <#T##Date#>,
billingCycle: <#T##PayUBillingCycle#>,
billingInterval: <#T##NSNumber#>)
paymentParamForPassing.siParams = siParam

For more details on PayUSIParams, refer to PayU Standing Instructions Parameters. For Net Banking payment, you have to give beneficiary details using the following code snippet:

let beneficiaryParams = PayUBeneficiaryParams(beneficiaryName: <#T##String#>,
beneficiaryAccountNumber: <#T##String#>,
beneficiaryAccountType: <#T##BeneficiaryAccountType#>)
paymentParamForPassing.beneficiaryParams = beneficiaryParams

After setting the above parameters, create the request object. For more information, refer to Seamless Integration.

Handle response

The procedure for Response handling is similar to how you handle for other payment options.