Virtual Card Integration

You can integrate Virtual card using payu_ppi_flutter SDK in Flutter. This section describes the procedure to integrate Virtual Card using Flutter SDK.

Step 1: Add Dependency

Add the following dependency in your app’s pubspec.yaml .


Step 2: SDK Initialisation

  1. Import classes from payu_ppi_flutter SDK in your project.
import 'package:payu_ppi_flutter/payu_ppi_flutter.dart'; 
import 'package:payu_ppi_flutter/PayUConstantKeys.dart';`
  1. Create theparams object
static Map createPayUPPIParams() {
  var payUParams = {
    PayUPPIParamKey.merchantKey: "<String - Merchant Key>",
    PayUPPIParamKey.referenceId: "<String - Any unique reference id>",
    PayUPPIParamKey.walletUrn: "<String - User wallet urn linked with above mobile number>",
    PayUPPIParamKey.environment: "<Environment in which you want to run 0 - Prod, 1 - Test>",
    PayUPPIParamKey.walletIdentifier: "<String - Merchant wallet identifier>",
    PayUPPIParamKey.mobileNumber: "<String - User Mobile number>"
  return payUParams;
  1. Create the PayUPPIFlutter object and call showCards function.
 PayUPPIFlutter _ppi = PayUPPIFlutter(this);
  _ppi.showCards(payUPPIParams: <params created with createPayUPPIParams>)
  1. Inherit class with PayUPPIProtocol in which you are creating thePayUPPIFlutter object and override PayUPPIProtocol methods.
  generateHash(Map response) {
    var hashName = response[PayUHashConstantsKeys.hashName];
    var hashStringWithoutSalt = response[PayUHashConstantsKeys.hashString];
    // Pass response param to your backend server
    // Backend will generate the hash and will callback to
    var hash = <generateHash on backend>;
    Map hashResponse = {hashName: hash};
    _ppi.hashGenerated(hash: hashResponse);

  onCancel() {
    // This function is called when user presses the back button on Card and OTP Page

  onError(Map? response) {
    // This function is called when any error occurs

Step 3: Hashing

PayU will get hash string in map "hashString" key and hash name "hashName" in generateHash.  You need to send this string to server and append salt there, after appending salt convert string to sha512 hash and return back to sdk in hashGenerated  as  Map.