Create a New Webhook

You can create as many webhooks as per your requirements and monitor the response from PayU. This section describes how to create any of the following type of webhook:

  • Payments: Configure the webhook URL for payments.
  • Payouts: Configure the webhook URL for payouts.

To create a new webhook:

  1. Select Settings > Webhook.

    The Create Webhooks page is displayed with the list of webhooks.

  1. Click Create Webhook on the top-right corner of the Create Webhooks page.

    The Create Webhook pop-up page is displayed.

  1. Select any of the following types from the Type drop-down list:
    • Payments
    • Payouts

  1. Select the event type from the Event drop-down list.

Note: You need to select the payout account from the Payout Account drop-down list.

  1. Enter the webhook URL in the Webhook URL field.
  2. Click Create to finish.