1. Integration steps

This section describes how to integrate with Google Pay SDK.

Before you start with the integration, enable the payment methods that you want to offer to your customers from Dashboard > Settings > Payment methods. We enable Cards, UPI, and other payment methods by default, and we recommend that you enable other payment methods that are relevant to you.

Step 1: Create a PayU account

First, create a PayU account. For more information, refer to Register for a Merchant Account.

Step 2: Gradle dependency

Add the following dependency in the application’s build.gradle.

implementation 'in.payu:payu-gpay:3.0.1'

Step 3: Create Callbacks Instance

The following is of list callback functions provided by PayU Google Pay:

  • onPaymentFailure (String payuResponse, String merchantResponse): Calls when payment fails
  • onPaymentSuccess (String payuResponse, String merchantResponse): Calls when payment succeeds
  • onPaymentOptionInitialisationFailure (int errorCode, String description): Called for Google Pay initialisationfailure where:
    • errorCode: Error Code
    • description: Error Description
  • onPaymentInitialisationSuccess(): Callback when Google Pay is successfully initialized.
  • onGpayErrorReceived(int errorCode, String description): Callback when found any error while making a payment transaction.

The following are error messages when the Google Pay Payment fail:

Error CodeError MessageDescription
1Google Pay payment is not enabled on this merchant key
2Please check the input data.Input Data is missing to make payments with Google Pay.
3Payment APIs Error

Create an instance of PayUGPayCallback similar to the following code block:

PayUGPayCallback payUGPayCallback = new PayUGPayCallback() {
            public void onPaymentSuccess(String payuResponse, String merchantResponse) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onPaymentSuccess: " + payuResponse + "-------------------" + merchantResponse);

            public void onPaymentFailure(String payuResponse, String merchantResponse) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onPaymentFailure: " + payuResponse + "-------------------" + merchantResponse);

            public void onPaymentInitialisationSuccess() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onPaymentInitialisationSuccess: ");

            public void onPaymentInitialisationFailure(int errorCode, String description) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onPaymentInitialisationFailure: " + errorCode + "---------------------" + description);

            public void onGpayErrorReceived(int errorCode, String description) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onGpayErrorReceived: " + errorCode + "---------------------" + description);

Step 4: Set up for Test/Sandbox Merchant

If you are using the SDK with a test merchant, provide this metadata value to the manifest file:

  android:value="https://test.payu.in" />
  android:value="https://test.payu.in" />

Step 5: Check Payment Availability

Call the checkForPaymentAvailability method available in Google Pay to check if Google Pay payment is available or not on the device. The checkForPaymentAvailability method is called before showing Google Pay as a checkout option.

GPay.getInstance().checkForPaymentAvailability(Activity activity, PayUGPayCallback callback, String paymentOptionHash, String merchantKey, String user_credentials)


  • PayUGPayCallback : the class to provide callbacks
  • Activity : Activity
  • paymentOptionHash : Payment Related Details hash (payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk)
  • merchantKey : PayU Merchant Key
  • user_credentials : Provide user credentials or use "default"


Generate PaymentOption Hash

To generate PaymentOption Hash refer to Hash Generation.

Formula :-sha512(key|command|var1|salt)


  • key= "Your Key"
  • command= <"payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk"> // Pass Command Name
  • salt= "Your SALT"
  • var1= <"default"> // Pass the "default" value in var1

Step 6: Make Payment by Google Pay

After the successful initialization of Google Pay using the checkForPaymentAvailability method, call the makePayment method to make a payment.

GPay.getInstance().makePayment(Activity activity, String postData, final PayUGPayCallback payUGPayCallback, String merchantKey, View loadingDialogView);

The PayUGPayCallback class provides the following callbacks:

  • Activity: activity instance
  • postData: PayU postdata
  • merchantKey: Your Merchant Key
  • loadingDialogView: ProgressDialog View


Generate Payment Hash

To generate a Payment Hash refer to Hash Generation.

Formula :-sha512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||salt)

Sample PostData

txnid=1524122818080&productinfo=product_info&user_credentials=default&key=*****&surl=**SUCCESS_URL**&furl=**FAILURE_URL&firstname=firstname&[email protected]&amount=10&udf1=udf1&udf2=udf2&udf3=udf3&udf4=udf4&udf5=udf5&pg=UPI&bankcode=TEZ&hash=***PAYMENT_HASH***

Step 7: Verify the transaction using Webhooks

After you get the response from SDK, make sure to confirm it with the PayU server.



It is recommended to implement the PayU Webhook or backend verify call from your backend.

Webhook is a server-to-server callback. Once this feature is activated for merchants, PayU would send an S2S response, in addition to an SDK callback, to the merchant. It is recommended that the merchant process the transaction order status – based on the S2S response and not via the Browser Redirection/SDK callback response to ensure optimum translation outcomes. For more information on the Webhook implementation, refer to Web Checkout Integration Documentation > Webhooks,

Also, you can verify payment through polling, the transaction status after the SDK callback from your backend. For more information, refer to Verify the Transaction.