Troubleshooting CheckoutPro SDK

Troubleshoot the errors that you may encounter during the integration lifecylce with Android checkoutpro SDK

  1. 'verify your server' OR Something went wrong, please verify with your server.

Solution: In PayUCheckotPro SDK, Native OTP feature is not supported in UAT. Please comment the below line of code from build.gradle file.

implementation 'in.payu:native-otp-assist:1.3.9'



Once you moved in prod Enviornment then Kindly uncomment that above code from build.gradle file.

  1. Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

Solution: This error occurs when you take the payment integration live without setting the value of the setIsProduction parameter to true. Check the integration code to make the necessary changes and try again.


Error: β€œOops Something went Wrong”

Solution: txn-s2s_flow flag is not enabled on your MID. Send an email to enable this flag on [email protected].


Error: "Something Went Wrong"

Solution: Please check if the merchant VPAs are whitelisted at Google end for this merchant. Otherwise, you need to fill out the onboarding form and submit it to Google Console. Post that Google will whitelist the VPAs and then GPay in-app will start working. Use the following link for the onboarding form.


Error: "Some Problem Occurred Issue"

SoultionThis happens when incorrect parameters are passed in the payment request. Please check the parameter that you have sent.


Solutiontxn-s2s_flow flag is not enabled on your MID. Contact PayU Support to enable the txn-s2s_flow flag.

How to fix the build error after adding PayUCheckoutPro SDK gradle dependency?

After adding PayUCheckoutPro SDK gradle dependency, if the below build error is received

Add the below code in the tag of your App's AndroidManifest.xml file
