Test Cards, UPI ID and Wallets


Test cards only for Test environment

These test cards, UPI, and Wallet credentials must only be used in the sandbox environment. Using these test cards in production environment may cause validation error.

Test Cards

The following table provides details of some of the test cards that you can use to test your integration in the sandbox (Test environment). As Sandbox is a replica of the production environment, you can push the code in production by just replacing account credentials and URLs.



The character “X” in the card numbers are placeholders that can be substituted with any number (1-9).

Web Checkout



Any value can be used for the name parameter in Test environment.

Credit Card

Payment FlowCard NumberNetworkExpiryCVVOTP
PayU/Merchant Hosted Checkout5123456789012346Mastercard05/25123123456
PayU/Merchant Hosted Checkout4012001037141112VISA05/25123123456
PayU/Merchant Hosted Checkout6082015309577308RUPAY05/25123123456

Debit Card

Card NumberNetworkExpiryCVVOTP

EMI test cards



Any value can be used for the name parameter in Test environment.

Payment FlowCard NumberExpiryCVVOTPMobile (mandatory for EMIs)
Kotak Bank DC EMI4706137805099594
Note: Amount range is : 5000.00 to 10000.00
05/25any random three-digit number1111119123412345
AXIS Bank DC EMI401151000000000705/25any random three-digit number1234568884758579
HDFC Bank CC EMI445334106587643705/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
ICICI Bank CC EMI480855784874146305/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
Onecard CC EMI401063623661210805/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
Axis Bank CC EMI524178470366510605/251231234569123412345
Standard Chartered CC EMI540460801408322505/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
HSBC Bank CC EMI486269627880702305/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
Kotak Bank CC EMI436388815500662105/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
IndusInd Bank CC EMI402970657277715005/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
Citibank CC EMI455038724627340005/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
SBI CC EMI526468682345157605/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345
HSBC Bank CC EMI486269627880702305/25any random three-digit number1234569123412345

Other EMIs


  • Mob: 9999999999
  • OTP = 123456
  • PAN = XYZPA1234A (for eKYC)
  • DOB = 21-07-1980
  • Aadhaar = 9999 9999 1234
  • Aadhaar OTP = 123456
  • UPI ID - test@upi

International Payments or DCC



Any name can be used for the name parameter in Test environment.

CurrencyCard NumberExpiryCVVOTP
USD $475596445358723612/2024596111111
Euro €402041992656693612/2024041111111

Save cards



Any value can be used for the name parameter in Test environment.

Card NumberNetworkExpiryCVV
5506900480000008Master Card05/2025123


You can use anything@payu or [email protected] as VPA to test your UPI-related integration in the sandbox (Test environment) only for the payment flows involving _payment AP.



Test Net Banking credentials

Use the following credentials for Net Banking in the sandbox:

  • user name: payu
  • password: payu
  • OTP: 123456

The above Net Banking credentials must be used in API Playground.

Test Wallets

VendorMobile NumberOTP
PayTM7777777777 or use card mentioned under Test Cards.888888
AmazonYou can test using your original Amazon account details.
AirtelYou can use your mobile number.

Test BNPL credentials

BNPL ProviderbankcodeTenureMobile NumberCredit Card No.
LazypayLAZYPAYNATo use your mobile number, contact PayU Support to whitelist your mobile number.NA
HDFC BankHDFCF1515 days91234123454234567890056334
HDFC BankHDFCF3030 days91234123454234567890056334
HDFC BankHDFCF6060 days91234123454234567890056334
HDFC BankHDFCF9090 days91234123454234567890056334