Eligible Bins for EMI API

The Eligible BINs for EMI API fetches a list of eligible Bins for EMI corresponding to each Bank name along with minimum amount.โ€ฏ


Hash logic

The hash logic for this API is:


For more information, refer to Generate Static Hash.

Step 1: Set parameters

Set the parameters similar to the following snippet:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setVar1("BIN"); // This parameter needs can include either Bin or NET.
merchantWebService.setVar2(cardBin); // The first 6/8/9 digits of card number or network token.
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

Step 2: Handle the response

Handle the API response for eligible bins for EMI and log the raw response for debugging or informational purposes.

 public void onEligibleBinsForEMIApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onEligibleBinsForEMIApiResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());