Tokenized Payment APIs

You can store and get stored card details from the vault. The tokenized payments for Android Core SDK includes the following APIs:

Get Tokenized Stored Cards API

The Get Tokenized Stored Cards API is helpful in getting all the stored cards for a particular user. For this API, you need to set theuserCredentials in the payment params similar to the following:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey("<pass the merchant key>");
merchantWebService.setVar1(user_credentials); //In var1, pass the user_credential
merchantWebService.setHash("<pass the hash value>"); 

To integrate this API call the getTokenizedStoredCards method similar to the following:

public void onGetTokenisedCardResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {

Get Tokenized Stored Card Details API

The Get Tokenized Stored Card Details API is used to get details of the stored card to make payment on another PG.

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey("<pass the merchant key>");
merchantWebService.setVar1("<user_credentials>"); //In var1, pass the user_credential
merchantWebService.setVar2("<cardToken>"); //In var2, pass the cardToken to get the saved card details
merchantWebService.setHash("<pass the hash value>"); 
public void onTokenisedCardDetailsResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {

Delete Tokenized Stored Cards API

The Delete Tokenized Stored Cards API is helpful in deleting stored cards.

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey("<pass the merchant key>");
merchantWebService.setVar1("<user_credentials>"); //In var1, pass the user_credential
merchantWebService.setVar2("<cardToken>"); //In var2, pass the cardToken to delete the saved card details
merchantWebService.setHash("<pass the hash value>"); 

To integrate this API call the deleteTokenizedStoredCard method similar to the following:

public void onDeleteTokenisedCardResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
