Create a Payment Link with SI

You can create a payment link with Standing Instruction on PayUBiz Dashboard and send it to your customer. After the customer enters his card details, the Standing Instruction or recurring payment is enabled or registered.

To create a payment link with Standing Instruction on PayUBiz Dashboard:

  1. Log on to PayUBiz Dashboard.

  2. Select New Email Invoice from the menu of the left pane.

    The New Invoice popup page is displayed.

  1. Provide the the basic details as described in the following table:
NameEnter the name of your customer.
Transaction IDEnter the transaction ID for the transaction.
Email IDEnter the customer email ID.
DescriptionEnter the description of the transaction details.
AmountEnter the transaction amount.
Mobile NoEnter the customer’s mobile number.
  1. Scroll down the New Invoice pop-up page to enable the Standing Instructions and provide the additional details.
  1. Provide the Standing Instructions details as described in the following table:
SI credentialEnter the SI credential provided by PayU to you (merchant).
Send ReminderSelect this check box and perform the following:
Use the first drop-down list to configure the frequency.
Select the period in the second drop-down list.
* Select the period duration in the third drop-down list.
Set ExpirySelect this check box and perform the following:
Use the date selector to configure the expiry date of the Standing Instruction.
Enter the time of expiry in the second field on the specified date.
Enable SISelect this check box to enable Standing Instruction for this transaction.
Billing AmountEnter the billing amount that must be collected using Standing Instruction.
Billing CurrencySelect the currency for the transaction.
Billing IntervalSelect the billing interval from the drop-down list.
Billing CycleSelect the billing cycle from the drop-down list.
Payment ExpirySelect the payment expiry date using the date selector.
  1. Click Confirm.