This API is used to get the list of down Net Banking and card BIN that is down.


Note :

You can check if a particular NetBanking service is down or not by just passing the bankCode or card-bin (first 6 digits of card number) and in payuResponse, the response will be fetched, for instance.

Step 1: Call ValueAddedServiceTask

Integrate this API by calling the ValueAddedServiceTask method:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

Step 2: Get onValueAddedServiceApiResponse

After you execute ValueAddedServiceTask, the onValueAddedServiceApiResponse callback method is called:

    public void onValueAddedServiceApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
        if (mPayuResponse != null) {
           // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is not down i.e. it is in good to go condition
            } else {
           // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is down and you can display the responseMessage if you want or you can customize it