Get Checkout Details API
The Get Checkout Details API provides information on additionalCharges
, bankDownStatus
, taxSpecification
, offerDetails
, customerEligibility
, merchantDetails
, extendedPaymentDetails
, and pg id information for payment options on a merchant key.
To integrate this API:
- Call this API is similar to other Web Services, the only difference is that it requires a JSON in var1. Check the following code block for more details. Here, requestId is a unique random number passed in the request.
- Set
in the payment parameters, for instance:
self.paymentParamForPassing.getExtendedPaymentDetails = true;
self.paymentParamForPassing.checkTaxSpecification = true;
self.paymentParamForPassing.checkDownStatus = true; self.paymentParamForPassing.checkAdditionalCharges = true;
self.paymentParamForPassing.checkOfferDetails = true; self.paymentParamForPassing.getPgIdForEachOption = true; self.paymentParamForPassing.checkCustomerEligibility = true;
self.paymentParamForPassing.getMerchantDetails = true; self.paymentParamForPassing.getPaymentDetailsWithExtraFields = true;
self.paymentParamForPassing.amount = @"<Amount>"; self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.getCheckoutDetailsHash = @"hash"; PayUModelGetCheckoutAPIFilters *getCheckoutAPIFilters = [PayUModelGetCheckoutAPIFilters new]; getCheckoutAPIFilters.dcEMIBankCode = @"<BankCode>"; getCheckoutAPIFilters.cardlessEMIBankCode = @"<BankCode>"; getCheckoutAPIFilters.bnplBankCode = @"<BankCode>"; self.paymentParamForPassing.getCheckoutAPIFilters = getCheckoutAPIFilters;
- Call the
to integrate this API:
getCheckoutDetail:self.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *paymentRelatedDetails, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
if (errorMessage) {
// Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
// paymentRelatedDetails object is having the required detail
Updated 6 months ago