PhonePe Deep Offers S2S Integration
The following are the sequence of API calls for SDK less Deep-Offer integration:
- Initiate S2S Transaction with PayU and Check Response
- Invoke Intent on The Customer’s Device
- Get Web Service Response
- S2S Call Back Response
Before you begin:
Register for a account with PayU before you start integration. For more information, refer to Register for a Merchant Account.
Step 1: Initiate S2S transaction with PayU and check the response
First request from Merchant to PayU with the required transaction mandatory/ optional parameters. This needs to be a server-to-server curl call request. For the sample request and response, refer to Collect Payment API - Server-to-Server.
Test Environment | |
Production Environment | |
- You need to check before hand, whether the customer’s device has a PhonePe app or not. If the customer’s device does not have a PhonePe App, do not show this feature on your check out page
- The highlighted parameter i.e. udf 1 parameter contains the offer details to be applied against the transaction. The offer details are pre-determined between you and PhonePe.
- You can find the version of PhonePe app using this code:
public boolean doesPhonePeExist(Context context) {PackageInfo packageInfo = null; long phonePeVersionCode = -1L; try { packageInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(PHONEPE_PACKAGE_NAME,PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); phonePeVersionCode = packageInfo.versionCode; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, String.format("failed to get package info for package name = {%s}, exception message = {%s}", PHONEPE_PACKAGE_NAME, e.getMessage())); } if (packageInfo == null) { return false; } if (phonePeVersionCode > 94033) { return true; }return false; }
Collect the response in the Collect Payment API - Server-to-Server under API Reference. The response for the S2S payment request is not similar to Merchant Hosted or PayU Hosted Checkout. For description of response parameters, refer to Additional Info for Payment APIs.
Step 2: Invoke Intent in the Customer’s Device
After you receive a successful response, with redirect type as Intent and with a redirect URL, then the merchant invokes the Intent in the customer’s device.
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
startActivityForResult(i, PHONEPE_REQUEST);
You have to override on Activity Result to listen to debit result:
@OverrideprotectedvoidonActivityResult(intrequestCode, intresultCode, Intentdata)
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
{/*This callback indicates only about completion of flow. Inform your server to make the transaction status call to get the status. Update your app with the success/failure status.*/
Step 3: Get Web Service Response
After receiving a successful debit response from the application, you check the transaction status with PayU. Based on the debit request, the transaction should not be marked as success. It has to be marked successful only after checking with PayU servers through the get_ws_response API and WS Call Response.
Step 4: S2S Call Back Response
PayU can also send a Server to server call back response whenever the transaction status gets updated.
The server to server response would be sent by PayU on a pre-set URL, which has to be provided by the merchant. PayU will configure it at the back-end for the merchant.
This response would be sent in key/value pair separated by ‘&’ character. In case any parameter is not used, we would send it back to the merchant with an empty string.
Sample Response
unmappedstatus=success&phone=9999999999&txnid=FCDA1R100870163781&hash=84e3 35094bbcb2ddaa0f9a488eb338e143b273765d89c9dfa502402562d0b6f3c7935e28194ca92f7 380be7c84c3695415b106dcf52cb016a15fcf6adc98d724&status=success&curl=https://www. 00&field4=6807112311042810&field3=6807112311042810&field2=838264&field9=SUCC ESS&email=NA&mihpayid=175477248&surl= osne&card_hash=9e88cb0573d4a826b61d808c0a870ed4a990682459b0ec9e95ea421e8e47b e8c&field1=42812
The parameter list includes: mihpayid, mode, status, key, txnid, amount, productinfo, firstname, lastname, address1, address2, cit y, state, country, zipcode, email, phone, udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, udf5, udf6, udf7, udf8, udf9, udf10, car d_token,card_no, field0, field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, offer, discou nt, offer_availed,unmappedstatus, hash, bank_ref_no, surl, curl, furl, and card_hash
Whitelisting Required
Whitelisting is required at both merchant’s and PayU’s end to establish this connection.
- You need to white list the following IP address on your Firewall:
- PayU will white list merchant server side IP address that you have provided to PayU.
Updated 10 months ago