Integration Steps
The PayU Hosted Checkout integration involves the following steps:
During the Collect Payment (_payment) API integration, refer the Generate Hash for hash generation details.
Checkout page customization
After you integrate, you can perform the following customization on your Checkout page:
Recommended integrations for PayU Hosted Checkout
- Offers: Configure offers for cards on Dashboard and then collect payments with offers. For more information, refer to Create an Instant Discount or Cashback Offer and Offers .
- Pre-authorize Credit Card Transactions: PayU’s pre-authorization (also card authorization, authorization hold or Auth and Capture) product allows merchants two-step card payments so you can temporarily block some amount of funds when a customer places an order (authorization) and then capture the amount later.. For more information, refer to Pre-authorize Credit Card Payments .
- Sodexo Integration: Accept Sodexo payments by enabling Sodexo integration with PayU Hosted Checkout. For more information, refer to Enable Sodexo on Checkout .
Updated 6 months ago