VAS Integration API

The VAS Integration API is used to get the list of down Net Banking and down card BIN. Integrate this API by calling the callVASForMobileSDKWithPaymentParam. The command name and var1 for this API integration are:

  • Command Name - vas_for_mobile_sdk
  • Var1 - default


Hash format

The hash will be in the format of:


For more information, refer to Generate Static Hash.

For this API, you need to set hash in the payment params similar to the following code block

self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.vasForMobileSDKHash = "hash"


webServiceResponse?.callVASForMobileSDK(withPaymentParam: paymentParamForPassing, withCompletionBlock: { result, error, json in


       if (errorMessage) {
                  // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
            } else {
                 // It is good to go & paymentRelatedDetails is having the full detail of it
[webServiceResponse getPayUPaymentRelatedDetailForMobileSDK:self.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelPaymentRelatedDetail *paymentRelatedDetails, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
if (errorMessage) {
    // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
    // It is good to go & paymentRelatedDetails is having the full detail of it



You can check if a particular NetBanking service is down or not by just passing the bankCode or card-bin (first 6 digits of card number) and in completionBlock, the response will be fetched, for instance.

[webServiceResponse getVASStatusForCardBinOrBankCode:@"AXIB" withCompletionBlock:^(id ResponseMessage, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
    	if (errorMessage == nil) {
        		if (ResponseMessage == nil) {
			        // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is not down i.e. it is in good to go condition
            		NSString * responseMessage = [NSString new];
            		responseMessage = (NSString *) ResponseMessage;
			        // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is down and you can display the responseMessage if you want or you can customize it
		    // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail