VAS Integration API
The VAS Integration API is used to get the list of down Net Banking and down card BIN. Integrate this API by calling the callVASForMobileSDKWithPaymentParam
. The command name and var1 for this API integration are:
- Command Name - vas_for_mobile_sdk
- Var1 - default
Hash format
The hash will be in the format of:
For more information, refer to Generate Static Hash.
For this API, you need to set hash
in the payment params similar to the following code block
self.paymentParamForPassing.hashes.vasForMobileSDKHash = "hash"
webServiceResponse?.callVASForMobileSDK(withPaymentParam: paymentParamForPassing, withCompletionBlock: { result, error, json in
if (errorMessage) {
// Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
} else {
// It is good to go & paymentRelatedDetails is having the full detail of it
[webServiceResponse getPayUPaymentRelatedDetailForMobileSDK:self.paymentParamForPassing withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelPaymentRelatedDetail *paymentRelatedDetails, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) {
if (errorMessage) {
// Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail
// It is good to go & paymentRelatedDetails is having the full detail of it
You can check if a particular NetBanking service is down or not by just passing the bankCode or card-bin (first 6 digits of card number) and in completionBlock, the response will be fetched, for instance.
[webServiceResponse getVASStatusForCardBinOrBankCode:@"AXIB" withCompletionBlock:^(id ResponseMessage, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) { if (errorMessage == nil) { if (ResponseMessage == nil) { // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is not down i.e. it is in good to go condition }else{ NSString * responseMessage = [NSString new]; responseMessage = (NSString *) ResponseMessage; // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is down and you can display the responseMessage if you want or you can customize it } }else{ // Something went wrong errorMessage is having the Detail } }];
Updated 6 months ago