Bulk Upload of Payment Links for Recurring Payments + Pre-Debit Notication
In PayUBiz Dashboard, you can upload payment links to notify customers and initiate the recurring transactions in bulk using the Process Bulk Actions pop-up page.
Ensure that you download the Excel file template as described in this procedure and specify the details for each column in the Excel file.
To upload payment links with Standing Instruction in bulk on PayUBiz Dashboard:
- Log on to PayUBiz Dashboard.
- Select Bulk Upload from the menu of the left pane.
The _Process Bulk Actions pop-up_ page is displayed

- Perform any of the following steps based on Net Banking or cards:
- Cards: Select Standing Instruction PreNotify+Recurring from the Select Action drop-down list.
- Net Banking: Select Standing Instruction from the Select Action drop-down list.

- Click the Download an example file option next to the Choose File field if you require the Excel file template.
- Open the Excel template to include the details to initiate recurring transactions.
- Select the Send Email check box in the Send Invoice as field.
- Select Default Template from the Select Email Template drop-down list.
- Click Browse File in the Choose File field to select the Excel file containing the invoice bulk upload details.
- Enter the bulk identifier provided by PayU to you in the Bulk Identifier field.
- Click Upload & Process.
Updated over 1 year ago