Fetch Recommendation Engine API
Use this API to fetch the Recommendation Engine.
Environment | URI |
Test Environment | https://sandbox.payu.in/recommendation/v1/fetch |
Production Environment | https://api.payu.in/recommendation/v1/fetch |
Request headers
Field | Description | Example |
Datemandatory | The date and time should be in the GMT time conversion(not the IST). For example, current time in India is 18:00:00 IST, the time in the date header should be 12:30:00 GMT. | Thu, 17 Feb 2022 08:17:59 GMT |
Digestmandatory | Base 64 encode of (sha256 hash of the JSON data (post to server). | vpGay5D/dmfoDupALPplYGucJAln9gS29g5Orn+8TC0= |
Authorizationmandatory | This field is in the following format:hmac username="smsplus", algorithm="hmac-sha256", headers="date digest", signature="CkGfgbho69uTMMOGU0mHWf+1CUAlIp3AjvsON9n9/E4=" Where the above format includes the following: username: The merchant key of the merchant. algorithm: This must have the value as hmac-sha256 that is used for this API headers: This must have the value as date digest signature: This must contain the hmacsha256 of (signing_string, merchant_secret), where: signing_string: This is in the "Date"+"\n"+"Digest" format. Here, the Date and Digest is the same values in the fields listed in this table For example, "Thu, 17 Feb 2022 08:17:59 GMT""\n"+“vpGay5D/dmfoDupALPplYGucJAln9gS29g5Orn+8TC0=“ merchant_secret: The merchant Salt of the merchant. For more information on getting the merchant Salt, refer to Generate Merchant Key and Salt. | hmac username="smsplus", algorithm="hmac-sha256", headers="date digest", signature="zGmP5Zeqm1pxNa+d68DWfQFXhxoqf3st353SkYvX8HI=" |
Sample request
curl --location 'https://api.payu.in/recommendation/v1/fetch'\
--header 'Authorization: {{authorization}}' \
--header 'Date: {{date}}' \
--header 'Digest: {{digest}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"amount":1000.50, \\ Mandatory - Transaction amount
"phone":"8167585681", \\ Optional - Phone number of the user
"transactionId":"ho8yihilu76rtgj", \\ Optional - Transaction ID
"mode":null, \\ Optional - If you need recommendations at a mode level (Comma separated)
"ibiboCode":null \\ Optional - If you need recommendations at an IBIBO code (Comma separated)
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Example |
amountmandatory | Double The transaction amount. | 5000 |
userTokenmandatory | String Long This parameter is used to uniquely identify a user for a client/merchant. | |
phoneoptional | String The phone number of the customer. | 8167580000 |
transactionIdoptional | String The Unique payment ID for a transaction which is generated by merchant and sent in the request. | |
modeoptional | String Pass the payment mode as the value of this parameter if you need recommendations at payment mode level. See Supported payment modes. | emi |
ibiboCodeoptional | String Pass the ibibo code as the value of this parameter if you need recommendations at ibibo code level. | MOBIZIP |
Response parameters
Parameter | Description |
code | This parameter returns the HTTP status code of the request. |
message | This parameter is the result message which contains information about the result. |
status | This parameter returns the status of web service call. The status can be any of the following: 0 - If web service call failed. 1 - If web service call succeeded. |
result | JSON Object This parameter gives the information about the result of the API response in a JSON format. |
result.savedPaymentOptions | This field contains saved options corresponding to phone number |
result.paymentOptions | This field contains the payment options and corresponding Ibibo codes mapping sorted on merchant goals |
Sample response
Merchant goal — Affordability
"status": 1,
"message": "payment options fetched successfully",
"result": {
"savedPaymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"pgId": 1,
"pgTitle": "PhonePe-98482xxxxx@ybl",
"pgDetails": "98482xxxxx@ybl",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"pgId": 4,
"pgTitle": "GooglePay-kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"pgDetails": "kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"nb": [],
"cashcard": [],
"pg_recency": [
"paymentOptions": {
"emi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"cardless": [
"bnpl": [
"upi": [
"nb": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"cashcard": [
"status": 1,
"message": "payment options fetched successfully",
"result": {
"savedPaymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"pgId": 1,
"pgTitle": "PhonePe-98482xxxxx@ybl",
"pgDetails": "98482xxxxx@ybl",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"pgId": 4,
"pgTitle": "GooglePay-kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"pgDetails": "kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"cashcard": [],
"nb": [],
"pg_recency": [
"paymentOptions": {
"bnpl": [
"emi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"cardless": [
"upi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"cashcard": [
"nb": [
"status": 1,
"message": "payment options fetched successfully",
"result": {
"savedPaymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"pgId": 1,
"pgTitle": "PhonePe-98482xxxxx@ybl",
"pgDetails": "98482xxxxx@ybl",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"pgId": 4,
"pgTitle": "GooglePay-kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"pgDetails": "kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"cashcard": [],
"nb": [],
"pg_recency": [
"paymentOptions": {
"bnpl": [
"upi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"emi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"cardless": [
"cashcard": [
"nb": [
Merchant goal — Success rate
"status": 1,
"message": "payment options fetched successfully",
"result": {
"savedPaymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"pgId": 1,
"pgTitle": "PhonePe-98482xxxxx@ybl",
"pgDetails": "98482xxxxx@ybl",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"pgId": 4,
"pgTitle": "GooglePay-kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"pgDetails": "kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"nb": [],
"cashcard": [
"pgId": 16,
"pgTitle": "Paytm",
"pgDetails": "-",
"ibiboCode": "PAYTM",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "cashcard",
"phoneNumber": "9848250640"
"pg_recency": [
"paymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"cc": [
"dbqr": [
"dc": [
"nb": [
"cashcard": [
"bnpl": [
"status": 1,
"message": "payment options fetched successfully",
"result": {
"savedPaymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"pgId": 1,
"pgTitle": "PhonePe-98482xxxxx@ybl",
"pgDetails": "98482xxxxx@ybl",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"pgId": 4,
"pgTitle": "GooglePay-kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"pgDetails": "kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"nb": [],
"cashcard": [
"pgId": 16,
"pgTitle": "Paytm",
"pgDetails": "-",
"ibiboCode": "PAYTM",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "cashcard",
"phoneNumber": "9848250640"
"pg_recency": [
"paymentOptions": {
"dbqr": [
"upi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"bnpl": [
"nb": [
"cashcard": [
"status": 1,
"message": "payment options fetched successfully",
"result": {
"savedPaymentOptions": {
"upi": [
"pgId": 1,
"pgTitle": "PhonePe-98482xxxxx@ybl",
"pgDetails": "98482xxxxx@ybl",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"pgId": 4,
"pgTitle": "GooglePay-kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"pgDetails": "kxxxxxxxxxh@okhdfcbank",
"ibiboCode": "UPI",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "upi"
"nb": [],
"cashcard": [
"pgId": 16,
"pgTitle": "Paytm",
"pgDetails": "-",
"ibiboCode": "PAYTM",
"pgDisplay": true,
"userCredentials": null,
"pgUP": true,
"paymentMode": "cashcard",
"phoneNumber": "9848250640"
"pg_recency": [
"paymentOptions": {
"dbqr": [
"upi": [
"cc": [
"dc": [
"bnpl": [
"nb": [
"cashcard": [
Supported payment modes
- netbanking
- debitcard
- creditcard
- emi
- upi
- bnpl
- cashcard {For wallet}
Updated over 1 year ago