Verify Payment API

The Verify Payment (verify_payment) API gives you the status of the transaction. PayU recommends using this API to reconcile with PayU’s database after you receive the response, where var1 is your transaction ID.


Sample request
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'key=JP***g' \
--data-urlencode 'command=verify_payment' \
--data-urlencode 'var1=IhfgcZnXR4o4nB' \
--data-urlencode 'hash=a0ae79fdd66c875af6e9b21c4a67f1822deb00f2df5e9f0b1948f3222f536a9bf741b24efbb1874ca0f84f76b036e6c0d641581d0100f7abe4aeed2f3264f5c9'
Sample response
  • If credit card payment is made, the response is similar to the following:
      "status": 1,
      "msg": "1 out of 1 Transactions Fetched Successfully",
      "transaction_details": {
            "7fa6c4783a363b3da573": {
                  "mihpayid": "403993715521889530",
                  "request_id": "",
                  "bank_ref_num": "721522",
                  "amt": "10.00",
                  "transaction_amount": "10.00",
                  "txnid": "7fa6c4783a363b3da573",
                  "additional_charges": "0.00",
                  "productinfo": "Test",
                  "firstname": "K",
                  "bankcode": "CC",
                  "udf1": "",
                  "udf3": "",
                  "udf4": "",
                  "udf5": "",
                  "field2": "177047",
                  "field9": "No Error",
                  "error_code": "E000",
                  "addedon": "2020-10-26 14:12:13",
                  "payment_source": "payu",
                  "card_type": "UNKNOWN",
                  "error_Message": "NO ERROR",
                  "net_amount_debit": 10,
                  "disc": "0.00",
                  "mode": "CC",
                  "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
                  "card_no": "512345XXXXXX2346",
                  "name_on_card": "Test",
                  "udf2": "",
                  "field5": "211939174867",
                  "field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
                  "status": "success",
                  "unmappedstatus": "captured",
                  "Merchant_UTR": null,
                  "Settled_At": "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
  • Offer availed on cart level
    "status": 1,
    "msg": "1 out of 1 Transactions Fetched Successfully",
    "transaction_details": {
        "4ef9a47883e3618b9256": {
            "mihpayid": "613345678912533633",
            "request_id": "",
            "bank_ref_num": "321980",
            "amt": "9800.00",
            "transaction_amount": "10000.00",
            "txnid": "4ef9a47883e3618b9256",
            "additional_charges": "0.00",
            "productinfo": "Product Info",
            "firstname": "Payu-Admin",
            "bankcode": "CC",
            "udf1": "",
            "udf2": "",
            "udf3": "",
            "udf4": "",
            "udf5": "",
            "field2": "296675",
            "field9": "No Error",
            "error_code": "E000",
            "addedon": "2024-03-05 12:59:40",
            "payment_source": "payu",
            "card_type": "VISA",
            "error_Message": "NO ERROR",
            "net_amount_debit": 10000.00,
            "disc": "200.00",
            "mode": "CC",
            "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
            "card_no": "XXXXXXXXXXXX0000",
            "status": "success",
            "unmappedstatus": "captured",
            "Merchant_UTR": null,
            "Settled_At": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "name_on_card": null,
            "offerApplied": "SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU",
            "offerAvailed": "SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU",
            "offerLevel": "CART_LEVEL",
            "cart_details": {
                "id": "21",
                "payu_id": "613345678912533633",
                "total_items": "1",
                "total_cart_amount": "10000.00",
                "offer_applied": "SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU",
                "offer_availed": "SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU",
                "offer_auto_apply": "0",
                "instant_discount": "200.00",
                "cashback_discount": "0.00",
                "total_discount": "200.00",
                "net_cart_amount": "9800.00",
                "created_at": "2024-03-05 12:59:40",
                "updated_at": "2024-03-05 13:00:34",
                "sku_details": [
                        "id": "26",
                        "cart_id": "21",
                        "payu_id": "613345678912533633",
                        "mid": "180012",
                        "sku_id": "airpodCohort",
                        "sku_name": "airpodCohort",
                        "amount_per_sku": "10000.00",
                        "quantity": "1",
                        "amount_before_discount": "10000.00",
                        "discount": "200.00",
                        "amount_after_discount": "9800.00",
                        "offer_applied": "SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU",
                        "offer_availed": "SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU",
                        "offer_status": "success",
                        "offer_type": "INSTANT",
                        "offer_auto_apply": "0",
                        "is_nce": "0",
                        "failure_reason": "",
                        "created_at": "2024-03-05 12:59:40",
                        "updated_at": "2024-03-05 13:00:34",
                        "offer_title": "SkuTest",
                        "offer_description": "SkuTest",
                        "instant_discount": "200.00",
                        "cashback_discount": "0.00",
                        "offers_raw_response": null,
                        "raw_response": "[{\"status\": \"SUCCESS\", \"discount\": 200, \"isNoCost\": false, \"offer_key\": \"SkuTest@tW3YT0TZ4laU\", \"offer_type\": \"INSTANT\", \"offer_title\": \"SkuTest\", \"record_type\": \"OFFER\", \"failure_code\": null, \"flag_to_fail\": false, \"nce_discount\": 0, \"failure_reason\": \"Offer Applied Successfully\", \"offer_category\": null, \"instant_discount\": 200, \"parent_offer_key\": null, \"cashback_discount\": 0, \"offer_description\": \"SkuTest\", \"gstSubventedViaOffer\": false, \"nce_instant_discount\": 0, \"nce_cashback_discount\": 0}]"
  • Offer availed at Transaction level
    "status": 1,
    "msg": "1 out of 1 Transactions Fetched Successfully",
    "transaction_details": {
        "e4a62ffa2f53ccf4a0e1": {
            "mihpayid": "999000000000521",
            "request_id": "",
            "bank_ref_num": "854334142158",
            "amt": "49900.00",
            "transaction_amount": "50000.00",
            "txnid": "e4a62ffa2f53ccf4a0e1",
            "additional_charges": "0.00",
            "productinfo": "Product Info",
            "firstname": "Payu-Admin",
            "bankcode": "UPI",
            "udf1": "",
            "udf2": "",
            "udf3": "",
            "udf4": "",
            "udf5": "",
            "field2": "1708668284316",
            "field9": "SUCCESS|Completed Using Verify API",
            "error_code": "E000",
            "addedon": "2024-02-23 11:34:27",
            "payment_source": "payu",
            "card_type": null,
            "error_Message": "NO ERROR",
            "net_amount_debit": 49900.00,
            "disc": "100.00",
            "mode": "UPI",
            "PG_TYPE": "UPI-PG",
            "card_no": "",
            "status": "success",
            "unmappedstatus": "captured",
            "Merchant_UTR": null,
            "Settled_At": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "App_Name": "GooglePay",
            "offerApplied": "UpiInstantOffer@nkTu0jJcPlS9",
            "offerAvailed": "UpiInstantOffer@nkTu0jJcPlS9",
            "offerType": "instant",
            "offerLevel": "TRANSACTION_LEVEL",
            "transactionOffer": "\"{\\\"offer_data\\\": [{\\\"status\\\": \\\"SUCCESS\\\", \\\"isDpEmi\\\": false, \\\"discount\\\": 100, \\\"isNoCost\\\": false, \\\"offer_key\\\": \\\"UpiInstantOffer@nkTu0jJcPlS9\\\", \\\"offer_type\\\": \\\"INSTANT\\\", \\\"offer_title\\\": \\\"UpiInstantOffer\\\", \\\"record_type\\\": \\\"OFFER\\\", \\\"failure_code\\\": null, \\\"flag_to_fail\\\": false, \\\"failure_reason\\\": \\\"Offer Applied Successfully\\\", \\\"offer_category\\\": null, \\\"parent_offer_key\\\": null, \\\"offer_description\\\": \\\"instant 100 \\\"}], \\\"discount_data\\\": {\\\"total_discount\\\": 100, \\\"instant_discount\\\": 100, \\\"cashback_discount\\\": 0, \\\"downPaymentAmount\\\": 0, \\\"total_nce_discount\\\": 0, \\\"gstSubventedViaOffer\\\": false, \\\"instant_nce_discount\\\": 0, \\\"cashback_nce_discount\\\": 0}}\""

Failure Responses

  • If txnID is not found, the response is similar to the following:
"status":0,"msg":"0 out of 1 Transactions Fetched

Successfully","transaction_details":{"IhfgcZnXR4o4nB":{"mihpayid":"Not Found","status":"Not Found"}}
Response parameters
statusThis parameter returns the status of web service call. The status can be any of the following:
0 - If web service call failed.
1 - If web service call succeeded
msgThis parameter returns the reason string.For example, any of the following messages are displayed:

- Parameter missing
- Token is empty

- Amount is empty
- Transaction not exists
transaction_detailsThis parameter contains the response in a JSON format. For more information refer to JSON fields description for transaction_details parameter .
This parameter may or may not be returned depending on the web service being called.mihpayid,request_id, bank_ref_num etc
request_idPayU Request ID for a request in a Transaction. For example, a transaction can have a refund request.7800456
bank_ref_numThis parameter returns the bank reference number. If the bank provides after a successful action.204519474956

To learn more about the possible error codes and their description, refer to Error Codes.

Request parameters

Reference information for request parameters
keyFor more information on how to generate the Key and Salt, refer to any of the following:

- Production: Generate Merchant Key and Salt

- Test: Generate Test Merchant Key and Salt
hashHash logic for this API is:

Sample values

Use the following sample values while trying out the API:

  • var1 (your transaction ID/order ID): 7fa6c4783a363b3da573
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!