Web Services for Core SDK

This page describes how to make api calls from SDK.

This section provides a reference for the following Web Service APIs for Code iOS Core:

  1. Fetch Payment Option
  2. VAS
  3. Check Offer Status
  4. Get Offer Status
  5. Get EMI According to Interest
  6. Verify Payment
  7. Check is Domestic
  8. Get Transaction Info
  9. Get Bin Info
  10. Get Checkout Details
  11. Lookup API
  12. Tokenization

Step 1: Initialise Merchant web service

Create an object of MerchantWebService with any of the supported API commands.

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey(merchantKey); // Merchant key
merchantWebService.setCommand(<Api Commands>); // Pass the command name
merchantWebService.setVar1(<Pass var 1 value>) // Pass the var1 calue
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

For more information on Web Service hash generation, refer to Generate Hash.


Generate Hash for MerchantWebService

To generate Hash refer to Hash Generation.

Formula :-sha512(key|command|var1|salt)


key= "Your Key"

command= <"Api Commands"> // Pass Command Name

var1= <"default"> // Pass the var1 value

salt= "Your SALT"

Step 2: Create Merchant web service PostData

PostData postData = new MerchantWebServicePostParams(merchantWebService).getMerchantWebServicePostParams();
if (postData.getCode() == PayuErrors.NO_ERROR) {


Troubleshoot Postdata code errors

If the PostData code snippet (above) is returning errors, check the data point set in merchantWebService.

Supported API commands

The following API commands are offered in the PayUConstantsclass.

PAYMENT_RELATED_DETAILS_FOR_MOBILE_SDKTo get all enabled payment optionsGetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask payuTask = GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);PaymentRelatedDetailsListener
VAS_FOR_MOBILE_SDKTo get the health status of payment optionsValueAddedServiceTask payuTask = ValueAddedServiceTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);ValueAddedServiceApiListener
GET_BIN_INFOGet Bin information on CC/DCBinInfoTask binInfoTask = new BinInfoTask(this); binInfoTask.execute(payuConfig);GetCardInformationApiListener
CHECK_IS_DOMESTICGet Card information on CC/DCGetCardInformationTask payuTask = GetCardInformationTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);
GET_TRANSACTION_INFOGetting Transaction informationGetTransactionInfoTask payuTask = GetTransactionInfoTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);GetTransactionInfoApiListener
VERIFY_PAYMENTVerify Payment StatusVerifyPaymentTask payuTask = VerifyPaymentTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);VerifyPaymentApiListener
CHECK_OFFER_DETAILSTo get the offer details.CheckOfferDetailsTask payuTask = CheckOfferDetailsTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);CheckOfferDetailsApiListener
API_GET_EMI_AMOUNT_ACCORDING_INTERESTTo get the EMI amount according to interest.GetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestTask payuTask = GetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);GetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestApiListener
CHECK_OFFER_STATUSTo check the status of the offerGetOfferStatusTask payuTask = GetOfferStatusTask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);GetOfferStatusApiListener
ELIGIBLE_BINS_FOR_EMITo check if the bin is eligible for EMIEligibleBinsForEMITask payuTask = EligibleBinsForEMITask(this); payuTask.execute(payuConfig);EligibleBinsForEMIApiListener
GET_CHECKOUT_DETAILSTo get info about additional charges, bank down, tax info, and offersGetCheckoutDetailsTask getCheckoutDetailsTask = GetCheckoutDetailsTask(this); getCheckoutDetailsTask.execute(payuConfig);CheckoutDetailsListener
GET_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENTTo get stored cards of the userGetTokenisedCardTask getTokenisedCardTask = GetTokenisedCardTask(this); getTokenisedCardTask.execute(payuConfig);GetTokenisedCardApiListener
DELETE_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENTTo delete the stored card of the userDeleteTokenisedCardTask deleteTokenisedCardTask = DeleteTokenisedCardTask(this); deleteTokenisedCardTask.execute(payuConfig);DeleteTokenisedCardApiListener
GET_PAYMENT_DETAILSTo get details of the stored card to make payment on another PGGetTokenisedCardDetailsTask getTokenisedCardDetailsTask = GetTokenisedCardDetailsTask(this); getTokenisedCardDetailsTask.execute(payuConfig);GetTokenisedCardDetailsApiListener
CHECK_BALANCETo get info about Sodexo saved CardCheckBalanceTask checkBalanceTask= CheckBalanceTask(this); checkBalanceTask.execute(payuConfig);CheckBalanceListener

Additional APIs

Enable Payment Options for Merchant Web Services

This section describes how to get all payment options enabled on your merchant key, along with additional information like stored cards and payment option details.

Step 1: Call GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask

GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask paymentRelatedDetailsForMobileSdkTask = new GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask(this);
//where ,
//Input param (this) is the instance of class which implements PaymentRelatedDetailsListener
//‘PaymentRelatedDetailsListener’ is interface with abstract method, which is
//public void onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse)

After you execute the GetPaymentRelatedDetailsTask, onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse callback is called. Check for the available methods to check if the selected payment option is available.

public void onPaymentRelatedDetailsResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
mPayuResponse = payuResponse;
// Check if UPI as payment option available.
// To check if UPI as payment option is available
// To check if Google Pay as payment option is available
// To check if Phonepe as payment option is available
// To check if LazyPay as payment option is available
// To check if Generic Intent as payment option is available
//For SI Payments
//Fetch SI NB List from payuResponse.getSiBankList() method

Get Checkout details API

The Get Check Out Details API provides information on the bank down status, tax info, and offers enabled on a merchant key. You can call this API similar to other Web Services. The only difference is that it requires a JSON in var1 as in the following code block:

    "customerDetails": {
      // optional
      "mobile": "9999999999", // optional



In the above example, requestId is a unique random number passed in the request.

Step 1: Create var1

Mobile SDK has a Utility class to create a JSON, as explained above. The implementation is similar to the following code snippet:

  Usecase.Builder usecase = new Usecase.Builder()
  .shouldCheckDownStatus(true) // set it to true to fetch bank down status for each payment option 
  .shouldGetAdditionalCharges(true) // set it to true to fetch additional charges applicable on each payment option
  .shouldGetOfferDetails(true) // set it to true to fetch offers enabled on merchant key 
  .shouldGetExtendedPaymentDetails(true) // set it to true to get extended payment details
  .shouldGetTaxSpecification(true) // set it to true to fetch tax info applicable on each payment mode 
  GetTransactionDetails.Builder transactionDetails = new GetTransactionDetails.Builder()
  .setAmount(1000.0)//transaction amount in double
  //Passing Customer Details is optional and can be used 
  //to check EMI eligibility based on mobile number
  CustomerDetails.Builder customerDetails = new CustomerDetails.Builder()
  .setMobile("9999999999") //pass the mobile number if want to get eligibility status in payment option
  String var1 = new GetCheckoutDetailsRequest.Builder()

After getting var1, pass that in Merchant Web Service with the commandPayuConstants.GET_CHECKOUT_DETAILS.

Get API Response

PayuResponse is received in the onCheckoutDetailsResponse() callback method of CheckoutDetailsListener as mentioned in the API Commands Supported table.

Get Additional Charges, Bank Down Status and Offers

Additional Charges are returned in the PaymentDetails object for each payment option. The following example code snippet is for fetching Additional Charges for Net Banking:

//if netbanking is available on merchant key
ArrayList<PaymentDetails> = payuResponse.getNetbanks();

Additional Charge is available inside each PaymentDetails object and can be accessed using the paymentDetails.getAdditionalCharge() method

Similarly, bank health is available inside each PaymentDetails object and can be accessed using the paymentDetails.isBankDown() method.

For Offers, An ArrayList<PayuOffer> is available inside each PaymentDetails object. To get the offers list, use paymentDetails.getOfferDetailsList().

Get Tax Info

Tax is not applied on individual Net Banking or card schemes but instead applied at the payment mode-level for all CC(Credit Card), DC(Debit Card), NB(Net Banking), Wallets, etc. So, to fetch the Tax Specification, use the following code block:

TaxSpecification taxSpecification = payuResponse.getTaxSpecification();

taxSpecification.getCcTaxValue() //tax applicable on CC transactions
taxSpecification.getDcTaxValue() //tax applicable on DC transactions
taxSpecification.getNbTaxValue() //tax applicable on NB transactions
taxSpecification.getCashTaxValue() //tax applicable on Wallet transactions

Look up API

Step 1: Create request

The Lookup API needs a JSON request. Product type needs to be passed either as DCC or MCP. DCC means Direct Currency Conversion, that is, it returns the conversion prices for card currency only. To get all enabled currencies on Merchant Access Key and their conversion prices, use product type as MCP. For DCC, cardBin is mandatory, but cardBin is not required for MCP.
The following example is a request for DCC as the product type.


To create the Lookup API request as above, use the LookupApiRequestBuilder class similar to the following code block:

String postData = new LookupRequest.LookupApiRequestBuilder()
 val postData = LookupRequest.LookupApiRequestBuilder()

The following example request is for MCP as the product type.


To create the Lookup API request for MCP, use the LookupApiRequestBuilder class similar to the following code block:

String postData = new LookupRequest.LookupApiRequestBuilder()
 val postData = LookupRequest.LookupApiRequestBuilder()
Parameter NameDescription
AmountTransaction Amount
Card BinFirst 6 digits of card number
CurrencyBase Currency of Transaction
Merchant Access KeyMerchant Access Key provided by PayU
Merchant OrderIdA unique request id for Lookup API request
Product TypeUse MCP to get all enabled currency on Merchant Access Key or DCC to get direct currency conversion for card currency
SignatureHmac SHA1 hash created with formula explained below

To calculate signature, create the HmacSHA1 hash of the following data:

Signature =HMAC-SHA1(data, key);
Data = baseCurrency+merchantOrderId+baseAmount
Key = Secret Key shared with the merchant at the time of on-boarding
Example data,
baseCurrency = "INR"
merchantOrderId = "OBE-JU89-13151-110"
baseAmount = "10000.00"
hashString = INROBE-JU89-13151-11010000.00

Step 2: Call LookupTask

Here, this is an object of a class that implements LookupApiListener. The following is a signature of LookupApiListener:

public interface LookupApiListener {
    void onLookupApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse);
interface LookupApiListener {
    fun onLookupApiResponse(payuResponse: PayuResponse?)   

Step 3: Get LookUp API response

After you execute LookupTask, the onLookupApiResponse callback method is called:

public void onLookupApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse){    
    //Fetch lookup Details using below code
    LookupDetails lookupDetails = payuResponse.getLookupDetails();     
override fun onLookupApiResponse(payuResponse: PayuResponse?){    
    //Fetch lookup Details using below code
    val lookupDetails = payuResponse.lookupDetails



Note :

You can check if a particular NetBanking service is down or not by just passing the bankCode or card-bin (first 6 digits of card number) and in payuResponse, the response will be fetched, for instance.

This API is used to get the list of down Net Banking and down card BIN. Integrate this API by calling the ValueAddedServiceTask method:

Step 1: Call ValueAddedServiceTask

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

Step 2: Get onValueAddedServiceApiResponse

After you execute ValueAddedServiceTask, the onValueAddedServiceApiResponse callback method is called:

    public void onValueAddedServiceApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
        if (mPayuResponse != null) {
           // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is not down i.e. it is in good to go condition
            } else {
           // It means given NetBanking code or cardnumber is down and you can display the responseMessage if you want or you can customize it

EligibleBinsForEMI API

This API fetches a list of eligible Bins for EMI corresponding to each Bank name along with minimum amount. For this API, you need to set params as below:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setVar1("BIN"); // This parameter needs can include either Bin or NET.
merchantWebService.setVar2(cardBin); // The first 6/8/9 digits of card number or network token.
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula
 public void onEligibleBinsForEMIApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onEligibleBinsForEMIApiResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

GetEMIAccordingToInterest API

Use this API to get information to get details related to EMI such as EMI amount, tenure in month, interest rate, etc.

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setVar1(amount); // The amount that must be converted to EMI.
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula
public void onGetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onGetEmiAmountAccordingToInterestApiResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

Get Transaction Info API

This API is used to extract the transaction details between two given time periods. The API takes the input as two dates and the time (initial and final) between which the transaction details are needed. The output would consist of the status of the API (success or failed) and all the transaction details in an array format. Set startTime and endTime in the payment params as described in the following code block:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setVar1(startDate); // The starting Time (from when the transaction details are needed
merchantWebService.setVar2(endDate); // The end Time (till when the transaction details are needed).
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula
public void onGetTransactionApiListener(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onGetTransactionApiListener: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

VerifyPayment API

This web service is used to reconcile the transaction with PayU. When PayU posts back the final response to you (merchant), PayU provides a list of parameters (including the status of the transaction). For example, success, failure, etc. On a few occasions, the transaction response is initiated from our end, but it does not reach you due to network issues or user activity (like refreshing the browser, etc.).



PayU strongly recommends that this API is used to reconcile with PayU’s database once you receive the response. This will protect you from any tampering by the user and help in ensuring safe and secure transaction experience.

For this API, you need to set transactionID inside your payment parameters for instance:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setVar1(txnId); // In this parameter, you can put all the transaction IDs, that is, txnid (your transaction ID/order ID) values separated by pipe or PayU ID.
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

Note: You can send multiple txnIDs (transaction IDs) using the pipe symbol(|) as a separator.

public void onVerifyPaymentResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onVerifyPaymentResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

Get BIN Info API

The getBinInfo API is used to get the following using the BIN number, that is, the first six digits of a credit card or debit card:

BIN information

  • Detect whether a particular BIN number is international or domestic.
  • Determine the card’s issuing bank, the card type brand, that is, Visa, Master, etc.,
  • Determine the card category, that is, credit, debit, etc.

This API is used to get the card BIN details. For this API, you need to set the following parameter in the payment params similar to the following code block:

Step 1: Create Post Request for Get BIN Info API

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey(merchantKey); // Merchant key
merchantWebService.setVar2("1") //only for SI
merchantWebService.setVar5("<pass card BIN Number>") // Pass card BIN Number
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

Step 2: Get onBinInfoApiResponse

public void onBinInfoApiResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {

Get Card Information (Check isDomestic)

This API is used to get if the card (passed in cardBin info API) is domestic or international. This API returns the following parameters: card_type, category, issuing_bank, is_atmpin_card, etc..

For this API, you need to set the following parameter in the payment params similar to the following code block:

Step 1: Create Post Request for Get Card Info API

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey(merchantKey); // Merchant key
merchantWebService.setVar1("<pass the card Bin number>")
merchantWebService.setHash(<Api Command Hash>) // Pass the Hash value, and use the below formula

Step 2: Get onGetCardInformationResponse

public void onGetCardInformationResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
   Log.d(TAG, "onGetCardInformationResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

Offer API

Fetch Offer Details

Use this API to fetch the offer list available for the merchant.

To integrate this API call the fetchOfferDetails pass the requestData as parameters as shown in the code snippet below:

payuConfig = new PayuConfig();

V2ApiTask v2ApiTask = new V2ApiTask(merchantKey, payuConfig);
FetchOfferApiRequest fetchOfferApiRequest = new FetchOfferApiRequest.Builder().setAmount(100.00).setUserToken("56789067890").build();
v2ApiTask.getOffers(fetchOfferApiRequest, new HashGenerationListener() {
    public void generateSignature(HashMap<String, String> hashMap, HashCompletionListener hashCompletionListener) {
        String hashName = hashMap.get(PayuConstants.CP_HASH_NAME);
        String hashData = hashMap.get(PayuConstants.CP_HASH_STRING);
        Log.d(TAG, "generateSignature: " + hashName);
        Log.d(TAG, "generateSignature: " + hashData);
        String hash = HashGenerationUtils.generateHashFromSDK(hashData, salt);
        HashMap hashMap1 = new HashMap();
        hashMap1.put(hashName, hash);
        hashCompletionListener.onSignatureGenerated(hashMap1);  // If you are passing wrong Hash then you will get null response
}, new FetchOfferDetailsListener() {
    public void onFetchOfferDetailsResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onFetchOfferDetailsResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

Validate Offer API

Use this API to validate the offer for the merchants.

To integrate this API call the method  validateOfferDetails and pass the requestData as parameters as shown in the code snippet below:

List<String> offerKey = new ArrayList<>();
offerKey.add("<pass the offer key>");

PaymentDetailsForOffer paymentDetailsForOffer = new PaymentDetailsForOffer.Builder().setPaymentCode("CC").setCardNumber("5123456789012346").setCategory("CREDITCARD").build();

UserDetailsForOffer userDetailsForOffer = new UserDetailsForOffer.Builder().setUserToken("56789067890").build();

payuConfig = new PayuConfig();

V2ApiTask v2ApiTask = new V2ApiTask(merchantKey, payuConfig);
ValidateOfferRequest validateOfferRequest = new ValidateOfferRequest.Builder().setAmount("100.00").setOfferKey(offerKey).setPaymentDetails(paymentDetailsForOffer).setuserDetails(userDetailsForOffer).setAutoApply(false).build();
v2ApiTask.validateOffers(validateOfferRequest, new HashGenerationListener() {
    public void generateSignature(HashMap<String, String> hashMap, HashCompletionListener hashCompletionListener) {
        String hashName = hashMap.get(PayuConstants.CP_HASH_NAME);
        String hashData = hashMap.get(PayuConstants.CP_HASH_STRING);
        Log.d(TAG, "generateSignature: " + hashName);
        Log.d(TAG, "generateSignature: " + hashData);
        String hash = HashGenerationUtils.generateHashFromSDK(hashData, salt);
        HashMap hashMap1 = new HashMap();
        hashMap1.put(hashName, hash);
        hashCompletionListener.onSignatureGenerated(hashMap1);  // If you are passing wrong Hash then you will get null response
}, new ValidateOfferApiListener() {
    public void onValiDateOfferResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onValiDateOfferResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

CheckBalance API

This can be used to fetch detail of the Sodexo card with the source ID:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setVar1(sodexoSourceId); // This parameter must contain the Sodexo Source ID
merchantWebService.setHash(HashGenerationUtils.generateHashFromSDK(hashData, salt));        
  public void onCheckBalanceResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
    Log.d(TAG, "onCheckBalanceResponse: " + payuResponse.getRawResponse());

Tokenized Payment

You can store and get stored card details from the vault.

Get Tokenized Stored Cards

This API is helpful in getting all the stored cards for a particular user. For this API, you need to set theuserCredentials in the payment params similar to the following:

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey("<pass the merchant key>");
merchantWebService.setVar1(user_credentials); //In var1, pass the user_credential
merchantWebService.setHash("<pass the hash value>"); 

To integrate this API call the getTokenizedStoredCards method similar to the following:

public void onGetTokenisedCardResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {

Get Tokenized Stored Card Details

Get details of the stored card to make payment on another PG.

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey("<pass the merchant key>");
merchantWebService.setVar1("<user_credentials>"); //In var1, pass the user_credential
merchantWebService.setVar2("<cardToken>"); //In var2, pass the cardToken to get the saved card details
merchantWebService.setHash("<pass the hash value>"); 
public void onTokenisedCardDetailsResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {

Delete Tokenized stored cards

This API is helpful in deleting stored cards.

MerchantWebService merchantWebService = new MerchantWebService();
merchantWebService.setKey("<pass the merchant key>");
merchantWebService.setVar1("<user_credentials>"); //In var1, pass the user_credential
merchantWebService.setVar2("<cardToken>"); //In var2, pass the cardToken to delete the saved card details
merchantWebService.setHash("<pass the hash value>"); 

To integrate this API call the deleteTokenizedStoredCard method similar to the following:

public void onDeleteTokenisedCardResponse(PayuResponse payuResponse) {
