Error codes for QR APIs

StatusMessageError CodeDescription
-"if it is invalid, an HTML page is shown with a message : 'Sorry, Some Problem Occurred"-Command name is empty
-"if it is invalid, an HTML page is shown with a message : 'Sorry, Some Problem Occurred"-Merchant key is empty
-"if it is invalid, an HTML page is shown with a message : 'Sorry, Some Problem Occurred"-Hash is empty
failedtransactionId isE2003-
failedtransactionId is longer than 40E2017-
failedtransactionId is not alphanumericE2018-
failedAmount is empty or less than 1E2004-
failedAmount is less than 1E2006-
failedNo vpa exists against given merchant. Please contact sales supportE2007-
failedIncoming VPA Does Not Match with registered vpa. Please provide a valid vpaE2008-
failedExpiry Time cannot be less than 1E2009-
failedPG Params are missing. Please contact sales supportE2015Mastercard, Rupay & Visa IDs are missing for the merchant
failedQR Generation FailedE2013Couldn't generate QR due to internal issues
failedqr already exists but amount does not match with existing qr amountE2010Couldn't match the incoming amount with existing QR's amount
failedqr already exists but vpa does not match with existing qr vpaE2011
failedQR with the given transactionId has been already used. Please provide a new TransactionIdE2012when status of transaction with the sent transactionId is success
failedDuplicate RequestE2025when multiple qr generation requests are sent with same txnid at the same time