
You can collect payments from customers with leading wallets using the Merchant Hosted integration. You need to ensure that CC or DC for the pg parameter and card code based on the desired card provider for the bankcode parameter is posted.



PayU accepts domestic and international transactions, but international transactions need to be enabled by writing to PayU Integration Team (


Sample request
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "key=JP***g&txnid=EaE4ZO3vU4iPsp&amount=10.00&firstname=Ashish&"
Sample response

Normal tranasaction

Response for a normal transaction


Parsed response for a normal transaction

  "mihpayid": "403993715531077182",
  "mode": "CC",
  "status": "success",
  "unmappedstatus": "captured",
  "key": "JPM7Fg",
  "txnid": "ypl938459435dfdfdf",
  "amount": "1000.00",
  "cardCategory": "domestic",
  "discount": "0.00",
  "net_amount_debit": "1000",
  "addedon": "2024-02-27 15:00:42",
  "productinfo": "iPhone",
  "firstname": "Ashish",
  "lastname": "",
  "address1": "",
  "address2": "",
  "city": "",
  "state": "",
  "country": "",
  "zipcode": "",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "9876543210",
  "udf1": "",
  "udf2": "",
  "udf3": "",
  "udf4": "",
  "udf5": "",
  "udf6": "",
  "udf7": "",
  "udf8": "",
  "udf9": "",
  "udf10": "",
  "hash": "84bbbf0fa3ba2a39942f6c3deab234c4d00bc5b6aceee5cda3c8200d6e1714e19c224d47e24d0c4a9a0cce40eddbae1dc46455c69e5e7d5dd62f6636bfab337c",
  "field1": "896193988312194700",
  "field2": "857712",
  "field3": "1000.00",
  "field4": "",
  "field5": "00",
  "field6": "02",
  "field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
  "field8": "AUTHORIZED",
  "field9": "Transaction is Successful",
  "payment_source": "payu",
  "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
  "bank_ref_num": "896193988312194700",
  "bankcode": "CC",
  "error": "E000",
  "error_Message": "No Error",
  "cardnum": "XXXXXXXXXXXX2346",
  "cardhash": "This field is no longer supported in postback params.",
  "splitInfo": "{\"splitStatus\":\"splitNotReceived\",\"splitSegments\":[]}"

Save card transaction

Response for a save card transaction


Parsed response for a save card transaction

[mihpayid] => 403993715532392220
    [mode] => CC
    [status] => success
    [unmappedstatus] => captured
    [key] => gtKFFx
    [txnid] => 05539c1e8d56c0bf4f2e
    [amount] => 10.00
    [cardCategory] => domestic
    [discount] => 0.00
    [net_amount_debit] => 10
    [addedon] => 2024-09-26 16:39:03
    [productinfo] => Product Info
    [firstname] => Payu-Admin
    [lastname] => 
    [address1] => 
    [address2] => 
    [city] => 
    [state] => 
    [country] => 
    [zipcode] => 
    [email] =>
    [phone] => 1234567890
    [udf1] => 
    [udf2] => 
    [udf3] => 
    [udf4] => 
    [udf5] => 
    [udf6] => 
    [udf7] => 
    [udf8] => 
    [udf9] => 
    [udf10] => 
    [hash] => 14b08bf22072fde0a6a59cac5826d386e107dd8dce058d1a457b102e624aa729b0119d8b7920354ee0d6e6541af2851f7b88e9332eda8fd79c556a5ea6babe4c
    [field1] => 639639309044936000
    [field2] => 696292
    [field3] => 10.00
    [field4] => 
    [field5] => 00
    [field6] => 02
    [field7] => AUTHPOSITIVE
    [field8] => AUTHORIZED
    [field9] => Transaction is Successful
    [payment_source] => sist
    [pa_name] => PayU
    [PG_TYPE] => CC-PG
    [bank_ref_num] => 639639309044936000
    [bankcode] => CC
    [error] => E000
    [error_Message] => No Error
    [cardToken] => 96f5e43b7fa3c78b93656
    [cardnum] => XXXXXXXXXXXX0008
    [cardhash] => This field is no longer supported in postback params.
    [issuing_bank] => YES
    [card_type] => MAST

Response parameters
mihpayidIt is a unique reference number created for each transaction at PayU’s end which is used to identify a transaction in case of a refund.
modeThis parameter describes the payment category by which the transaction was completed/attempted by the customer. The values are:
• Credit Card – CC

• Debit Card – DC

• Net Banking – NB
• Cash Card – CASH

• Cardless EMI – CLEMI
• Buy Now Pay Later - BNPL
bankcodeThis parameter contains the code indicating the payment option used for the transaction. For example, Visa Debit Card – VISA, Master Debit Card – MAST.
statusThis parameter returns the status of the transaction and must be used to map the order status. Possible values are success, failure, or pending. The significance of the values for these values are:
Success: If the value of status parameter is ’success’, the transaction is successful.

Failed: If the value of status parameter is ‘failure’ or ‘pending’, must only be treated as a failed transaction.
unmappedstatusThis parameter holds the status of a transaction in PayU's internal database, which can include intermediate states. Possible values include: dropped, bounced, captured, auth, failed, usercancelled, or pending. For information on status description, refer to  Payment State Explanations.
keyThis parameter contains the merchant key.
errorFor the failed transactions, this parameter provides the reason for failure.
error_messageThis parameter contains the error message. For the list of error message, refer to Error Codes.
bank_ref_numFor each successful transaction – this parameter contains the bank reference number generated by the bank.
txnidThis parameter contains the transaction ID value posted by the merchant during the transaction request.
amountThis parameter contains the original amount which was sent in the transaction request by the merchant.
cardCategoryThis parameter contains the card category to indicate whether it is domestic or international.
discountThis parameter contains the discount amount by the merchant.
net_amount_debitThis parameter contains the net amount debited.
addedonThe transaction date and time of the transaction.
productinfoThis parameter contains the same value of product information which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
firstnameThis parameter contains the same value of first name which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
lastnameThis parameter contains the same value of last name which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
emailThis parameter contains the same value of email which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
phoneThis parameter contains the same value of phone which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
hashThis parameter is crucial and is similar to the hash parameter used in the transaction request. For more information, refer to Generate Hash.
PG_TYPEThis parameter gives information on the payment gateway used for the transaction.
udf1This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf2This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf3This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5 which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf4This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf5This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf6This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf7This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.****
udf8This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
udf9This parameter contains the same value of udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, or udf5, which was sent in the transaction request from the merchant’s end to PayU.
success_atThis parameter contains the date and timestamp when the transaction was successful.
cardnumThe parameter contains the card number masked and only last 4 digits are returned.
issuing_bankThe parameters contains the card issuing bank.



To identify a particular transaction is routed to which aggregator you have to check the udf parameters of the response. The following aggregators are showing udf parameters if the transaction are routed them:

  • PayU
  • RazorPay
  • BillDesk
  • Pinelabs
  • Paytm

Request parameters

Additional info for request parameters
keyFor more information on how to generate the Key and Salt, refer to any of the following:

- Production: Access Production Key and Salt

- Test: Access Test Merchant Key and Salt
hashHash logic for _payment API is:
For more information about the hash generation process, refer to Generate Hash.
Note: Hash logic for _payment API version 19:

The following hash logic must be used for _payment API with api_version=19:



The following parameters are mandatory for Cross-Border Payments in addition to user-defined parameters specified above: firstname, lastname, address1, city, state, country and zipcode.


Values to be used in Test environment

For values to be used in Test environment, refer to Test Cards.


Error Handling

If any error message is displayed with an error code, refer to the Error Codes section to understand the reason for these error codes.



Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!