Get Child/Parent Split Transaction Info

The Get Child/Parent Split Transactions API is for getting the transaction info of a child or parent split in Aggregator Flow.



You can check the transaction info only for a single child or parent split. You need to submit separate requests for multiple splits to get the corresponding split information.


Response parameters and sample response

statusThis parameter contains the status of response. It can be any of the following:
- 0: Failed
- 1:Success
msgThis parameter contains the response or error message.
Transaction_detailsThis parameter contains the transaction details in an array format and it is displayed only when the status field returns the value as 1. For more information on each field in the array, refer to Additional Info for Split Settlements APIs.

For sample response, refer to Additional Info for Split Settlements APIs.

Request parameters



For error codes and description, refer to Additional Info for Split Settlements APIs.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!