This API is used to generate authentication tokens using client_secret and private client ID. You must pass the generated token as the value of the Authorization header for all Payout APIs.
Sample request
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=cf608fd***4fd52f94fb**02e4bb431641c40339991787568773411df368&client_secret=26ec3cc4bc7caaasdf90b006b655582b92ed0116554597942a884c6cb626e3f&scope=create_payout_transactions'
Sample response
"access_token": "994as40fd3bee9a0e830b5a5743a93d4f5c32c84f637510b128a7c69586ab8d",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 6351,
"scope": "create_payout_transactions",
"created_at": 1585215909
Response parameters
Parameters | Description |
access_token | Indicates the Security Token used to get access in Payouts API calls. |
expire_in | Indicates the TTL i.e., the time limit (in seconds) after which the Security Token will expire |
scope | Represents the allowed scopes in generated security token. For e.g., the generated token can be used only for Payouts API requests |
created_at | Indicates the Time of creation in milliseconds |
Request parameters
Use your test client ID and secret that was provided by PayU. For getting your client_id and client_secret, refer to Get Client ID and Secret from Dashboard.