Response Code and Description - Invoice Upload API

Response CodeResponse MessageDescription
00 Uploaded Successfully AWB/Invoice has been uploaded successfully 
101 Invalid Format When format is not pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg or .jpeg 
102 Invalid Transaction Status If the transaction is not captured/auto-refunded 
103 Failed to Upload In case of some error in uploading the file 
104 Invalid upload type Only invoice and AWB are allowed 
105 Not an PACB merchant, contact KAM If the merchant is not mapped as an PACB merchant 
106 Size exceeding 5 MB When file size is greater than 2 MB 
107 Invalid PayU ID The PayU ID in the request is missing or invalid 
108 Empty Invoice/AWB ID The invoice/AWB ID is missing 
109 Empty file name Mandatory field(s) is/are missing