Get Merchant API

The Get Merchant API is used to get the merchant details. You require the access token to get the merchant details using this API. The access token can be fetched using the Get Token API. For more information, refer to Get Token API.



The access token with the scope as refer_merchant is required on the header. For more information on getting the access token, refer to Get Token API.


Test Environment
Production Environment
Sample request
curl --location -g --request GET '{{partner_base_url}}/api/v1/merchants/7060013' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer {{access_token}}'
Sample response

Success scenario

  "merchant": {
    "name": "test7_6july20",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "registered_mobile": "9466811031",
    "mid": 7060013,
    "product": "PayUmoney",
    "business_type": "LongTail",
    "business_name": null,
    "pancard_name": null,
    "pancard_number": null,
    "website_url": null,
    "android_url": null,
    "ios_url": null,
    "gst_number": null,
    "created_at": "2020-07-06T12:58:17.000Z",
    "mobile": "9466811031",
    "blocked": false,
    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": "test7_6july20",
    "bank_detail": {
      "bank_account_number": null,
      "ifsc_code": null,
      "holder_name": null,
      "nodal_code": null,
      "nodal_status": "Not Activated"
    "operating_address": {
      "address_line": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "pincode": null
    "registration_address": {
      "address_line": null,
      "city": null,
      "state": null,
      "pincode": null
    "business_entity": null,
    "status": "account_created",
    "partner_source": "Create Merchant API",
    "pan_verification_status": "Pending",
    "website_approval_status": "Not Applicable",
    "notification_email": "[email protected]",
    "settlement_status": null,
    "is_service_agreement_accepted": false,
    "is_authorisation_letter_required": true,
    "monthly_expected_volume": null,
    "business_category": null,
    "business_sub_category": null,
    "bank_verification_status": null,
    "penny_deposit_status": null,
    "uuid": "11ea-bf88-5c1eb1f4-9363-0acb18027a2a",
    "document_status": "Pending"

Failure Scenarios

  • 401: Unauthorised request
  "status": "Unauthorized"
  • 404: When merchant was not referred by partner
  "data": {
    "message": "Invalid merchant mid"
  • 422: When token is not of partner or not valid

  "error": "Partner Not Found"
  • 404: When merchant is not found:
  "status": "NotFound"
Response parameters
merchantThis parameter contains the following details of the merchant in an array format.
business_entityThis parameter contains the business entity of the merchant that was provided while onboarding.
statusThis parameter contains any of the following statuses:
โ€ข documents_pending โ€ข bank_verified โ€ข document_upload_in_progress โ€ข account_created โ€ข document_verification_in_progress โ€ข website_verification_in_progress โ€ข documents_rejected โ€ข live โ€ข settlement_on_hold โ€ข agreement_pending โ€ข agreement_rejected โ€ข not_available โ€ข website_error โ€ข profile_rejected โ€ข documents_pending โ€ข bank_verified โ€ข document_upload_in_progress โ€ข account_created โ€ข document_verification_in_progress โ€ข website_verification_in_progress โ€ข documents_rejected โ€ข live โ€ข settlement_on_hold โ€ข agreement_pending โ€ข agreement_rejected โ€ข not_available โ€ข website_error โ€ข profile_rejected
partner_sourceThis parameter returns the source through which the merchant joined or onboarded.
pan_verification_statusThis parameter contains any of the following PAN verification statuses:

โ€ข Success
โ€ข Pending
โ€ข Failed
website_approval_statusThis parameter contains any of the following website approval statuses:

โ€ข Website Not live
โ€ข Website Incomplete
โ€ข Website Under Construction
โ€ข Website Error
โ€ข Website OK
โ€ข Verification in Process
notification_emailThis parameter contains the email to which the notification was sent to the merchant on onboarding.
settlement_statusThis parameter contains any of the following settlement statuses:
โ€ข Risk Hold โ€ข Thirdparty Hold โ€ข Active โ€ข Suspended โ€ข Risk & Thirdparty hold โ€ข NEFT Return โ€ข Terminate
is_service_agreement_acceptedThis parameter contains the flag whether the service agreement was accepted or not.
is_authorisation_letter_requiredThis parameter contains the flag whether the authorization letter is required or not required.
monthly_expected_volumeThis parameter contains the monthly expected volume from the merchant.
business_categoryThis parameter contains the business category of the merchant that was provided while onboarding.
business_sub_categoryThis parameter contains the business sub-category of the merchant that was provided while onboarding.
bank_verification_statusThis parameter contains any of the following bank verification statuses:
โ€ข Pending โ€ข Success โ€ข Verification Attempts Exhausted โ€ข Failed
penny_deposit_statusThis parameter contains any of the following penny deposit statuses when bank account verification was performed:
โ€ข Not Initiated โ€ข Pending โ€ข SENT_TO_BANK โ€ข Success โ€ข Failed
uuidThis parameter contains the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID).
document_statusThis parameter contains the document status and can be any of the following:

โ€ข Pending: It indicates that document not yet submitted
โ€ข Docs Received: It indicates that documents are submitted
โ€ข Docs Approved: It indicates that documents are approved
โ€ข Docs Error: It indicates that mismatch in data or wrong document

Request parameters

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!