Merchant Hosted with Pre-Authorize Payment

The pre_authorize parameter is used to pre-authorize payments using the Merchant Hosted Checkout integration along with the parameters to collect card details.


Sample request
curl --request POST \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     --header 'accept: text/plain' \
     --data key=JPM7Fg \
     --data pg=CC \
     --data bankcode=CC \
     --data pre_authorize=1 \
     --data surl= \
     --data furl= \
     --data txnid=ypskjfdaaksdjfh \
     --data amount=10000 \
     --data productinfo=iPhone \
     --data firstname=Ashish \
     --data \
     --data phone=9889XXXXXX \
     --data ccnum=512*******012346 \
     --data ccname=Ashish \
     --data ccexpmon=11 \
     --data ccexpyr=2025 \
     --data ccvv=123 \
     --data hash=d99f230c19d781016fa64c57f976d0ec8ff3761fe5d9d6448933cf46d7177db6fb7b370e551e39dd37f2045a2a761f9065f8462838bbaad22963c083c84f9ced
Sample request

The formatted sample response body is similar to the following, and you need to look for the following parameters:

  • bankcode: CC
  • unamappedstatus: auth
  "mihpayid": "403993715531065775",
  "mode": "CC",
  "status": "success",
  "unmappedstatus": "captured",
  "key": "JPM7Fg",
  "txnid": "ypskjfdaaksdjfh",
  "amount": "10000.00",
  "cardCategory": "domestic",
  "discount": "0.00",
  "net_amount_debit": "10000",
  "addedon": "2024-02-26 07:20:56",
  "productinfo": "iPhone",
  "firstname": "Ashish",
  "lastname": "",
  "address1": "",
  "address2": "",
  "city": "",
  "state": "",
  "country": "",
  "zipcode": "",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "9889843845",
  "udf1": "",
  "udf2": "",
  "udf3": "",
  "udf4": "",
  "udf5": "",
  "udf6": "",
  "udf7": "",
  "udf8": "",
  "udf9": "",
  "udf10": "",
  "hash": "00f188fdda2d60d418b147e7dce3a6ead172cf760a95a4df09b763f7627c01d867127e022de97841f1fe41cecb420b12b482fd8b68aaf66476b840bdfe82ca3c",
  "field1": "261005309469848160",
  "field2": "724760",
  "field3": "10000.00",
  "field4": "",
  "field5": "00",
  "field6": "02",
  "field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
  "field8": "AUTHORIZED",
  "field9": "Transaction is Successful",
  "payment_source": "payu",
  "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
  "bank_ref_num": "261005309469848160",
  "bankcode": "CC",
  "error": "E000",
  "error_Message": "No Error",
  "cardnum": "XXXXXXXXXXXX2346",
  "cardhash": "This field is no longer supported in postback params.",
  "splitInfo": "{\"splitStatus\":\"splitNotReceived\",\"splitSegments\":[]}"

Request parameters

Reference for request parameters

Reference info for request parameters

keyFor more information on how to generate the Key and Salt, refer to any of the following:

- Production: Generate Merchant Key and Salt

- Test: Generate Test Merchant Key and Salt
hashHash logic for this API is:



  • Use the card details as follows: cccnum=5123456789012346, ccexpmon=11, ccexpyr=2025, ccvv=123 and OTP =123456 (displayed in Simulator page).
  • For the list of error codes, refer to Error Codes - Pre-Authorize Payment.
  • If you want to cancel or refund a pre-authorized transaction, refer to Cancel a Pre-Authorized Payment.

    Sample request

    curl --request POST \
         --url '' \
         --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
         --header 'accept: text/plain' \
         --data key=JPM7Fg \
         --data pg=CC \
         --data bankcode=CC \
         --data pre_authorize=1 \
         --data surl= \
         --data furl= \
         --data txnid=ypskjfdaaksdjfh \
         --data amount=10000 \
         --data productinfo=iPhone \
         --data firstname=Ashish \
         --data \
         --data phone=9889XXXXXX \
         --data ccnum=512*******012346 \
         --data ccname=Ashish \
         --data ccexpmon=11 \
         --data ccexpyr=2025 \
         --data ccvv=123 \
         --data hash=d99f230c19d781016fa64c57f976d0ec8ff3761fe5d9d6448933cf46d7177db6fb7b370e551e39dd37f2045a2a761f9065f8462838bbaad22963c083c84f9ced

    Check the PayU response

    The formatted sample response body is similar to the following, and you need to look for the following parameters:
    • PG_TYPE: CC PG
    • bankcode: CC
    • unamappedstatus: auth
      "mihpayid": "403993715531065775",
      "mode": "CC",
      "status": "success",
      "unmappedstatus": "captured",
      "key": "JPM7Fg",
      "txnid": "ypskjfdaaksdjfh",
      "amount": "10000.00",
      "cardCategory": "domestic",
      "discount": "0.00",
      "net_amount_debit": "10000",
      "addedon": "2024-02-26 07:20:56",
      "productinfo": "iPhone",
      "firstname": "Ashish",
      "lastname": "",
      "address1": "",
      "address2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state": "",
      "country": "",
      "zipcode": "",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "9889843845",
      "udf1": "",
      "udf2": "",
      "udf3": "",
      "udf4": "",
      "udf5": "",
      "udf6": "",
      "udf7": "",
      "udf8": "",
      "udf9": "",
      "udf10": "",
      "hash": "00f188fdda2d60d418b147e7dce3a6ead172cf760a95a4df09b763f7627c01d867127e022de97841f1fe41cecb420b12b482fd8b68aaf66476b840bdfe82ca3c",
      "field1": "261005309469848160",
      "field2": "724760",
      "field3": "10000.00",
      "field4": "",
      "field5": "00",
      "field6": "02",
      "field7": "AUTHPOSITIVE",
      "field8": "AUTHORIZED",
      "field9": "Transaction is Successful",
      "payment_source": "payu",
      "PG_TYPE": "CC-PG",
      "bank_ref_num": "261005309469848160",
      "bankcode": "CC",
      "error": "E000",
      "error_Message": "No Error",
      "cardnum": "XXXXXXXXXXXX2346",
      "cardhash": "This field is no longer supported in postback params.",
      "splitInfo": "{\"splitStatus\":\"splitNotReceived\",\"splitSegments\":[]}"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!