Info KYC Document API

This API is used to fetch a list of documents required for completing the KYC of the merchant. The access token is required on the header. For more information on getting the access token, refer to Get Token API.

The merchant ID in the request header must be included as a query parameter in the mid field.



The access token with theΒ scopeΒ asΒ refer_merchantΒ from is required on the header. For more information on getting the access token, refer to Get Token API.


Test Environment
Production Environment
Sample request
curl --location -g --request GET '{{partner_base_url}}/api/v3/merchants/kyc_document/info?business_entity=Individual' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Sample response
  "PAN Card of Signing Authority": [
    "PAN Card"
  "Address Proof of Signing Authority": [
    "Voter's ID",
    "Driving Licence",
    "Utilities Bill (electricity, water, landline, gas connection)",
    "Address Verification Letter from Bank"
  "Bank Account Proof": [
    "Cancelled Cheque",
    "Bank Verification Letter"
  "Service Agreement": [
    "Service Agreement"

Request parameters

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!