Get All Billers By Category API

The Get All Billers by Category API fetches all the billers from PayU based on the biller category name passed in the request.


Test Environment .
Production EnvironmentContact your Account Manager to get access to the production environment



Send the scope of the Get Token API as read_billers to obtain the access_token for this request. For more information refer to Get Token API - BBPS.

Sample request
curl --location --request GET 'https://<hostName>/payu-nbc/v1/nbc/getBillerByBillerCategory?billerCategoryName=&agentId=&pageNumber=&pageSize=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response parameters
Field NameDescription
codeThe global response code and can be any of the following:

- 0: If web service call failed
- 1: if web service call succeeded
statusThe status of the API command and can be any of the following:

payloadIt will contain a list of biller categories. For more information, refer to the payload table.


Field NameDescription
Success Scenarios
billerCategoriesThis field contains the biller categories in an array format.
billerNameThis field contains the biller name.
billerCategoryThis field contains the biller category.
Failure Scenarios
refIdFor failure scenarios, This parameter contains the reference ID.
Note: In case of category fetch refId will be null.
typeFor failure scenarios, this field contains the type of error.
codeThe global response code
payloadIt will contain payload with error messages.
statusThe status of the response. Example, SUCCESS/FAILURE
messageFor failure scenarios, this field contains the description of error type for failure or success.
errorsFor failure scenarios, this field contains the following in the response:

- reason: The error description if the request has failed.
- errorCode: The error code of the error if the request has failed
additionalParamsFor failure scenarios, this field contains the additional fields (if any) related to billers in an array format.
Sample response

Success scenario

                  "paramName":"Customer Code",
                  "regex":"<regex for biller>",
                  "values":"< values comma separated supported by a biller customer param >",
            "category":"<Name of the category>",
            "region":"<region name>",
                  "paymentMode":"Internet Banking",
                  "paymentMode":"Debit Card",
                  "paymentMode":"Credit Card",
                  "paymentMode":"Prepaid Card",
                  "paymentMode":"Account Transfer",
            "billerName":"<biller Name 2>",
                  "paramName":"<param Name>",
                  "regex":"<regex for biller>",
                  "values":"< values comma separated supported by a biller customer param>",
            "category":"<Name of Category>",
            "region":"<Region Name>",
                  "paymentMode":"Internet Banking",
                  "paymentMode":"Debit Card",
                  "paymentMode":"Credit Card",
                  "paymentMode":"Prepaid Card",
                  "paymentMode":"Account Transfer",

Failure scenario

  "code": 600, 
  "status": "FAILURE", 
  "payload": { 
    "errors": [ 
        "reason": "<error reason>", 
        "errorCode": "<error code>" 
    "refId": null, 
    "type": "biller_info_response", 
    "message": "biller_info_response_failure", 
    "additionalParams": { 
      "Key1": "value1", 
      "Key2": "value2", 
      "Key3": "value3" 

Request parameters

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!