Get Account Details API - Payouts

The getAccountDetail API returns complete account details of the merchant’s Payouts account.


Sample request
curl -X GET \
 -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
 -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -H 'authorization: bearer aab9dc927c4a68af7eb95ef694f0b48bb731c5a1a7111786d6658d774db14188' \
 -H 'payoutMerchantId: 1111123'
Sample response
"status": 0,
"msg": null,
"code": null,
"data": {
"payoutMerchantId": 1111123,
"uuid": "11e8-5a8f-05faaaa4-84a5-020d245326e4",
"virtualAccountNumber": "PAYUIN1111123",
"transferableAmount": 0,
"balance": 94003,
"lowBalance": false,
"ifsc": "YESB0CMSNOC",
"type": "current",
"clientId": "6f8bb4951e030d4d7349e64a144a534778673585f86039617c167166e9154f7e",
"transitAccountNumber": null
Response parameters
StatusIndicates any of the following API status codes as:
0: Success
1: Failure
msgDisplays the API response message in this parameter.
codeDisplays the error code in case of any error in this field. For the list of error codes, refer to Error Codes.
data.payoutMerchantIdDisplays the unique Payouts Merchant ID in this field.
data.uuidDisplays the unique User ID of user in this field.
data.virtualAccountNumberDisplays the virtual account number of merchant in this field. This is used for prefunding the merchant payout account
data.ifscDisplays the IFSC Code of the bank account in this field.
data.typeDisplays the type of the bank account in this field.
data.transferableAmountDisplays the the amount or limit set for transfer from futuristic payments in this field.
data.balanceDisplays the current balance of merchant’s Payout account in this field.
data.lowBalanceDisplays any of the following flag in this field:
- True: Payout Account holds low balance to process next transfer request
- False: Payout Account holds enough balance to process next transfer request
data.clientIdDisplays the public client ID for generating access token in this field.
data.transitAccountNumberDisplays the transit account number in this field.

Header & request parameters



The payoutMerchantId is different from PayU Merchant Id. Check the Payouts Dashboard or call the PayU Customer Support if you don’t know your payoutMerchantId.



For sample request and response, refer to Sample Request and Response for Initiation & Tracking APIs.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!