You can use this API to display the EMI plans along with all offers on the checkout page. This API may also be used to display the EMI plans on Product Page or any other screen the merchant may deem fit. You can use it for the following:
Fetch EMI plans: You can use this API to fetch EMI Amounts, rate of interest, total amount to be paid across eligible banks.
Fetch EMI plans for a particular bank
Fetch EMI plan for a particular bank & tenure
Fetch EMI plans with best offers applicable
Fetch EMI plans with one offer applied
Fetch EMI plans with SKU based offers
Parameter Example accept application/json content-type application/json x-credential-username OADt8R
Parameter Description amountmandatory
This parameter must include the principal amount that needs to be converted into EMI. additional_chargesoptional
This parameter must include the convenience fee if the merchant wants to collect. offer_keyoptional
This parameter must contain the offer key for the transaction-level offer. autoApplyOfferoptional
This parameter must be set to true if the merchant wants to apply best offer when no transaction offer keys specified. skusoptional
This parameter must include the SKU data. skus.skuAmount
mandatory This parameter must contain the amount per SKU. skus.quantity
mandatory This parameter must contain the SKU quantity. skus.skuName
mandatory This parameter must contain the name of SKU. skus.offerKeysoptional
This parameter must contain the offer key for SKU. skus.autoApplyOffer This parameter must be set to true if the merchant wants to apply best offer when no SKU offer keys specified.. bankCodesoptional
This parameter must contain the bank codes for filtering. emiCodesoptional
This parameter must contain the EMI bankcodes for filtering. disableOverrideNceConfigoptional
This parameter must be set to true PayU will not consider NCE through merchant parameters for the merchant.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-credential-username: smsplus' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"txnAmount": 10000,
"additionalCharges": 0,
"offerKeys": null,
"autoApplyOffer": true,
"disableOverrideNceConfig": true,
"skus": [
"skuId": "Product1",
"skuAmount": 8000,
"quantity": 1,
"offerKeys": null,
"autoApplyOffer": false
"skuId": "Product2",
"skuAmount": 1000,
"quantity": 2,
"offerKeys": null,
"autoApplyOffer": false
Field Description Example message Response message indicating success or failure of the API call. Success status Status code indicating the result of the API call (1 for success, 0 for failure). 1 result The result is in JSON format with an array of EMI options. For example, EMI6, EMI12, EMI18, etc. For more information, refer to EMI JSON fields description . 10000.0 In NCE (No-Cost EMI), total non-cash equivalent discount amount. 1266.78 nceDiscount.instant In NCE (No-Cost EMI), instant non-cash equivalent discount applied. 1266.78 nceDiscount.cashback In NCE (No-Cost EMI), cashback from non-cash equivalent discount. 0.0 sku SKU details in a JSON format. For more information, refer to sku JSON fields description Product1 totalPayableAmount Total amount payable after discounts and EMI. 10000.0 nceDiscountAmount Total non-cash equivalent discount amount applied. 1266.78 revisedPrincipal Revised principal loan amount. 10000.0 subventionAmount Subvention amount considered for the transaction. 10000.0 gstSubvention Indicates if GST is included in subvention. true nceViaConfig Indicates if NCE discount is via configuration. true bankCode Bank code of the bank providing EMI. For more information, refer to EMI Codes . YESB emi_value EMI value calculated. 555.55 emi_interest_paid Total interest paid over the EMI tenure. 1266.78
Field Description Example transactionAmount The total transaction amount for which the EMI is calculated. 10000.0 payBackAmount The amount to be paid back over the EMI tenure, including interest. 0.0 emiAmount The EMI amount to be paid in each installment. 555.56 additionalCost Any additional costs apart from the EMI amount. "0.0" emiMdrNote Merchant discount rate note related to EMI. 0.0 emiBankInterest Interest rate charged by the bank for the EMI. 15.0 bankRate Bank's rate for the EMI calculation. 0.0 bankCharge Additional bank charges associated with the EMI. 0.0 amount Amount per EMI installment including any charges. 555.56 cardType Type of card used for the transaction. credit card tenure Duration of the EMI plan. 18 months loanAmount Principal loan amount for EMI. 10000.0 offerKeys Keys associated with any offers applied. null Total discount amount provided as part of the offer. 0.0 offerDiscount.instant Instant discount amount applied. 0.0 offerDiscount.cashback Cashback amount provided as part of the offer. 0.0
Field Description Example skuId SKU identifier for the product. Product1 amountPerSku Amount per SKU for the product. 8000.0 amount Total amount for the SKUs provided. 8000.0 quantity Quantity of the SKU. 1 offerKeys Keys associated with any offers on SKU. null emiAmount EMI amount specific to SKU. 444.44 emiBankInterest EMI bank interest for SKU. 15.0 emiValue EMI value calculated for SKU. 444.44 emiInterestPaid Interest paid for EMI on SKU. 1013.42 Total offer discount on SKU. 0.0 offerDiscount.instant Instant offer discount on SKU. 0.0 offerDiscount.cashback Cashback offer on SKU. 0.0 Total non-cash equivalent discount on SKU. 1013.42 nceDiscount.instant Instant non-cash equivalent discount on SKU. 1013.42 nceDiscount.cashback Cashback from non-cash equivalent discount on SKU. 0.0 totalPayableAmount Total amount payable for the SKU. 7999.92 nceDiscountAmount NCE discount amount applied on SKU. 1013.42 subventionAmount Subvention amount for SKU. 8000.0 revisedPrincipal Revised principal amount for SKU. 8000.0 additionalCharge Additional charge applicable to SKU. 0.0
"message": "Success",
"status": 1,
"result": {
"YES": {
"EMIY18": {
"transactionAmount": 10000.0,
"payBackAmount": 0.0,
"emiAmount": 555.56,
"additionalCost": "0.0",
"emiMdrNote": 0.0,
"emiBankInterest": 15.0,
"bankRate": 0.0,
"bankCharge": 0.0,
"amount": 555.56,
"cardType": "credit card",
"tenure": "18 months",
"loanAmount": 10000.0,
"offerKeys": null,
"offerDiscount": {
"total": 0.0,
"instant": 0.0,
"cashback": 0.0
"nceDiscount": {
"total": 1266.78,
"instant": 1266.78,
"cashback": 0.0
"sku": [
"skuId": "Product1",
"amountPerSku": 8000.0,
"amount": 8000.0,
"quantity": 1,
"offerKeys": null,
"emiAmount": 444.44,
"emiBankInterest": 15.0,
"emiValue": 444.44,
"emiInterestPaid": 1013.42,
"offerDiscount": {
"total": 0.0,
"instant": 0.0,
"cashback": 0.0
"nceDiscount": {
"total": 1013.42,
"instant": 1013.42,
"cashback": 0.0
"totalPayableAmount": 7999.92,
"nceDiscountAmount": 1013.42,
"subventionAmount": 8000.0,
"revisedPrincipal": 8000.0,
"additionalCharge": 0.0
"skuId": "Product2",
"amountPerSku": 1000.0,
"amount": 2000.0,
"quantity": 2,
"offerKeys": null,
"emiAmount": 111.11,
"emiBankInterest": 15.0,
"emiValue": 111.11,
"emiInterestPaid": 253.36,
"offerDiscount": {
"total": 0.0,
"instant": 0.0,
"cashback": 0.0
"nceDiscount": {
"total": 1266.78,
"instant": 1266.78,
"cashback": 0.0
"totalPayableAmount": 1999.98,
"nceDiscountAmount": 253.36,
"subventionAmount": 2000.0,
"revisedPrincipal": 2000.0,
"additionalCharge": 0.0
"totalPayableAmount": 10000.0,
"nceDiscountAmount": 1266.78,
"revisedPrincipal": 10000.0,
"subventionAmount": 10000.0,
"gstSubvention": true,
"nceViaConfig": true,
"bankCode": "YESB",
"emi_value": 555.55,
"emi_interest_paid": 1266.78