Validate Offer API

The validate_offer API validates the payment request against an offer key. This API doesn’t apply the offer and only validates the request.


Request headers

The request header contains the following fields:

The following sample Java code contains the logic used to encrypt as described in the above table:

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class HmacAuth {

    public static String getSha256(String input) {
        try {
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
            byte[] digest = md.digest(input.getBytes());
            return Base64.encodeBase64String(digest);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ignored) {}
        return null;

    public static JsonObject getRequestBody(){
        JsonObject requestJson = new JsonObject();
        return requestJson;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
        String key = "smsplus";
        String secret = "admin";
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String date = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'").withZoneUTC().print(new DateTime());
        JsonObject requestJson = getRequestBody();
        String digest = getSha256(gson.toJson(requestJson));
        String signingString = new StringBuilder()
            .append("date: " + date)
            .append("\ndigest: " + digest).toString();
        Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");
        String signature = Base64.encodeBase64String(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(signingString.getBytes()));
        String authorization = new StringBuilder()
            .append("hmac username=\"")
            .append("\", algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\", headers=\"date digest\", signature=\"")

The sample header is similar to the following:



You need to include the current date and time in the Date field of the header.

'Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2022 12:14:51 GMT'
'Digest: omlvf5r6yimCxH+TfScrGryCGslY3CIF50/zIt/AMk4='
'Authorization: hmac username="smsplus", algorithm="hmac-sha256", headers="date digest", signature="PojEYoRaldbjj5NgO+B3c8R1Id4Sefm5mYdFN+MYf2E="'

Request parameters

float The offer amount is passed to validate whether the offer is applicable.10000
integer You can use this parameter to pass the client ID value.8000123
integer You can use this parameter to pass the clientId or merchantId.7043873219
boolean This parameter contains a flag to specify whether the offer can be automatically applied.
Note: If you had enable the Enforce Offer flag with PayU, the best offer out of the all the offers passed will be applied for the customer. While using this API, the autoApply parameter must be set to true if the offer is automatically applied.
boolean This parameter contains a flag to specify whether the NCE offer needs to be validated. It can contain any of the following:false
string Array Validate whether offerKey which are passed is valid.offer@123
JSON This parameter is in a JSON format. For the details of fields, refer to the Description of paymentDetail JSON Fields.
This parameter is mandatory when the payment method is saved card.
"cardNumber": 5123**789012346,
"cardToken" : null,
"cardTokenType" : null
"cardHash": "card hash",
"cardMask": "card mask",
"category": "DEBITCARD",
"paymentCode": null,
"vpa": null
integer The transaction ID is submitted using this parameter for logging purpose.
integerTe card bin for cards used in the transaction.
This field is mandatory for credit card /debit card offer transaction
stringThis parameter must contain any of the following payment category:

string The payment code used to identify the particular payment option.HDFC
vpa conditionalstringThe VPA and it is applicable for UPI transactions.
JSON This parameter is in a JSON format. For the details of fields, refer to the Description of userDetail JSON Fields.
JSON` This parameter is in a JSON format. For more information, refer to Description of skusDetail JSON Fields.

Description of paymentDetail JSON fields

mandatory with card number
integer This parameter must contain the card number for which offer needs to be validated.
Note: Either the cardNumber or cardToken parameter is mandatory for the credit card or debit card offer transaction.
mandatory for saved card
string This parameter is used to specify the card token of the saved card.
Note: Either the cardNumber or cardToken parameter is mandatory for the credit card or debit card offer transaction.
1234 4567 2456 3566
cardTokenType mandatory for save cardinteger This parameter is used to specify the card token type of the saved card. Currently, only network tokens are supported by PayU Offer Engine, so value of this field must be 1.1
string This parameter is used to specify the cardHash of the saved card. 
integer This parameter is used to specify the card mask of the saved card. 
string This parameter is used to specify any of the following payment mode used for the transaction:CREDITCARD
string This parameter used to specify the payment code that is used to identify the particular payment option. 
string This parameter is applicable only for UPI transactions to specify the VPA or UPI handle.
Note: This parameter is mandatory in case of UPI collect flow, that is, isCollect=true)

Sample paymentDetail JSON

"paymentDetail": {
    "cardNumber": 5123**789012346,
    "cardToken" : null,
    "cardTokenType" : null
    "cardHash": "card hash",
    "cardMask": "card mask",
    "category": "DEBITCARD",
    "paymentCode": null,
    "vpa": null

Description of userDetail JSON Fields

StringThis parameter contains the email ID of the merchant's customer who is eligible for the
String This parameter contains the phone number of the merchant's customer who is eligible for the offer.8042296254
String This parameter is used to uniquely identify a user for a client/merchant.

Sample userDetail JSON

 "userDetail": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNo": "string",
    "userToken": "useToken123456"

Description of skusDetails JSON fields

In addition to the request parameters listed in this section, the skusDetail parameter with skus in an JSON array is posted, where each skus contain the following fields are posted in an array:

The flag to specify to automatically apply the offer.
skuAmount optionalThe price of one/ single unit of SKU is specified in this field.
optionalThe offer keys to filter at SKU-level is specified in this field.
 optionalThe quantity for the product is specified in this field.
The product identifier to select offer is specified in this field. For more information on creating a SKU offer, refer to SKU-Based Offer using Merchant Hosted Checkout.

Sample skusDetails

"skusDetail": {
    "skus": [
        "skuAmount": 1000,
        "autoApply": true,
        "offerKeys": [
        "quantity": 1,
        "skuId": "1"

Sample request and response for normal transactional offers

With autoApply=true

Sample request

    "amount": 300,
    "autoApply": true,
    "offerKeys": [],
    "paymentDetail": {
        "cardNumber": 1234567890123456,
        "cardToken": null,
        "cardTokenType": null,
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "vpa": null
    "paymentId": 11111135,
    "platformId": 1,
    "userDetail": {
        "email": "string",
        "phoneNo": "string",
        "userToken": "sds"

Sample response

    "code": "200",
    "message": "Offer Validated Successfully",
    "status": 1,
    "result": {
        "flagToFail": false,
        "paymentId": 11111135,
        "clientId": 42693,
        "mid": 180012,
        "amount": 300,
        "downPaymentAmount": null,
        "emiAmount": null,
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "isValid": true,
        "offerDiscount": {
            "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 200.00,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE"
        "offerDetail": {
            "offerId": 66057,
            "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
            "anchorOfferKey": null,
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "offerCategory": null,
            "title": "TestOffer",
            "description": "offer",
            "validFrom": "2024-10-14 00:00:00",
            "validTo": "2024-11-30 23:59:00",
            "tnc": "tnc",
            "tncLink": null,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
            "offerPercentage": null,
            "maxDiscountPerTxn": 100.00,
            "minTxnAmount": 101.00,
            "maxTxnAmount": 111111.00,
            "minRangeDiscount": null,
            "maxRangeDiscount": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "isNce": false,
            "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
            "isSkuOffer": false,
            "isSubventedOffer": false,
            "isBaseOffer": false,
            "amount": 300,
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 200.00,
            "isValid": true,
            "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
            "recordType": "OFFER",
            "isGstSubvented": false,
            "isCohortOffer": false,
            "isDpEmi": false,
            "minDpRange": null,
            "maxDpRange": null,
            "downPaymentUnit": null,
            "issuerId": null,
            "issuerName": null
        "totalDiscountDetail": {
            "totalCashbackDiscount": 0,
            "totalInstantDiscount": 100.00,
            "totalDiscountedAmount": 200.00
        "offers": [
                "offerId": 66057,
                "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
                "anchorOfferKey": null,
                "offerType": "INSTANT",
                "offerCategory": null,
                "title": "TestOffer",
                "description": "offer",
                "validFrom": "2024-10-14 00:00:00",
                "validTo": "2024-11-30 23:59:00",
                "tnc": "tnc",
                "tncLink": null,
                "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
                "offerPercentage": null,
                "maxDiscountPerTxn": 100.00,
                "minTxnAmount": 101.00,
                "maxTxnAmount": 111111.00,
                "minRangeDiscount": null,
                "maxRangeDiscount": null,
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "isNce": false,
                "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
                "isSkuOffer": false,
                "isSubventedOffer": false,
                "isBaseOffer": false,
                "amount": 300,
                "discount": 100.00,
                "discountedAmount": 200.00,
                "isValid": true,
                "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                "recordType": "OFFER",
                "isGstSubvented": false,
                "isCohortOffer": false,
                "isDpEmi": false,
                "minDpRange": null,
                "maxDpRange": null,
                "downPaymentUnit": null,
                "issuerId": null,
                "issuerName": null
        "skusDetail": null,
        "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
        "failureReasonsBreakup": [
                "offerKey": "title@xsSMQwiE5wcq",
                "failureCode": "ERR6014"
        "autoApply": true,
        "isSkuOffer": false
    "traceId": "59bd685f-2923-459c-ab06-5edaf8e0ee50"

With autoApply=false

Sample request

    "amount": 300,
    "autoApply": false,
    "offerKeys": ["TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L"],
    "paymentDetail": {
        "cardNumber": 1234567890123456,
        "cardToken": null,
        "cardTokenType": null,
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "vpa": null
    "paymentId": 11111135,
    "platformId": 1,
    "userDetail": {
        "email": "string",
        "phoneNo": "string",
        "userToken": "sds"

Sample response

    "code": "200",
    "message": "Offer Validated Successfully",
    "status": 1,
    "result": {
        "flagToFail": false,
        "paymentId": 11111135,
        "clientId": 42693,
        "mid": 180012,
        "amount": 300,
        "downPaymentAmount": null,
        "emiAmount": null,
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "isValid": true,
        "offerDiscount": {
            "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 200.00,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE"
        "offerDetail": {
            "offerId": 66057,
            "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
            "anchorOfferKey": null,
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "offerCategory": null,
            "title": "TestOffer",
            "description": "offer",
            "validFrom": "2024-10-14 00:00:00",
            "validTo": "2024-11-30 23:59:00",
            "tnc": "tnc",
            "tncLink": null,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
            "offerPercentage": null,
            "maxDiscountPerTxn": 100.00,
            "minTxnAmount": 101.00,
            "maxTxnAmount": 111111.00,
            "minRangeDiscount": null,
            "maxRangeDiscount": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "isNce": false,
            "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
            "isSkuOffer": false,
            "isSubventedOffer": false,
            "isBaseOffer": false,
            "amount": 300,
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 200.00,
            "isValid": true,
            "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
            "recordType": "OFFER",
            "isGstSubvented": false,
            "isCohortOffer": false,
            "isDpEmi": false,
            "minDpRange": null,
            "maxDpRange": null,
            "downPaymentUnit": null,
            "issuerId": null,
            "issuerName": null
        "totalDiscountDetail": {
            "totalCashbackDiscount": 0,
            "totalInstantDiscount": 100.00,
            "totalDiscountedAmount": 200.00
        "offers": [
                "offerId": 66057,
                "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
                "anchorOfferKey": null,
                "offerType": "INSTANT",
                "offerCategory": null,
                "title": "TestOffer",
                "description": "offer",
                "validFrom": "2024-10-14 00:00:00",
                "validTo": "2024-11-30 23:59:00",
                "tnc": "tnc",
                "tncLink": null,
                "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
                "offerPercentage": null,
                "maxDiscountPerTxn": 100.00,
                "minTxnAmount": 101.00,
                "maxTxnAmount": 111111.00,
                "minRangeDiscount": null,
                "maxRangeDiscount": null,
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "isNce": false,
                "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
                "isSkuOffer": false,
                "isSubventedOffer": false,
                "isBaseOffer": false,
                "amount": 300,
                "discount": 100.00,
                "discountedAmount": 200.00,
                "isValid": true,
                "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                "recordType": "OFFER",
                "isGstSubvented": false,
                "isCohortOffer": false,
                "isDpEmi": false,
                "minDpRange": null,
                "maxDpRange": null,
                "downPaymentUnit": null,
                "issuerId": null,
                "issuerName": null
        "skusDetail": null,
        "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
        "failureReasonsBreakup": [],
        "autoApply": false,
        "isSkuOffer": false
    "traceId": "9bfb1312-d154-4160-acc6-415b0c78c974"

Failure scenarios

  • Merchant ID does not exists
    "code": "404",
    "message": "Merchant with merchant Id :1800122 does not exists",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "9cf201ab-2ad3-439e-a7a6-f707d2f76e48"
  • Client ID does not exist or not matching with platform ID
    "code": "404",
    "message": "client with clientId :4 , platformId :12 does not exists.",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "6985749b-9de4-4d39-9242-d19d35a82d0c"
  • Service Unavailable

    "code": "500",
    "message": "Service Unavailable",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "65466805-5be1-4fa4-912d-d28cf620d687"

Sample request and response for SKU-based offers

With autoApply=true

Sample request

    "amount": 300,
    "autoApply": false,
    "offerKeys": [],
    "paymentDetail": {
        "cardNumber": 1234567890123456,
        "cardToken": null,
        "cardTokenType": null,
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "vpa": null
    "paymentId": 11111135,
    "platformId": 1,
    "userDetail": {
        "email": "string",
        "phoneNo": "string",
        "userToken": "sds"
    "skusDetail": {
        "skus": [
                "skuCategory": "sku_only",
                "skuAmount": 300,
                "quantity": 1,
                "autoApply": true,
                "skuId": "sampleProductId",
                "offerKeys": []

Sample response

    "code": "200",
    "message": "Offer Validated Successfully",
    "status": 1,
    "result": {
        "flagToFail": false,
        "paymentId": 11111135,
        "clientId": 42693,
        "mid": 180012,
        "amount": null,
        "downPaymentAmount": null,
        "emiAmount": null,
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "isValid": false,
        "offerDiscount": null,
        "offerDetail": null,
        "totalDiscountDetail": null,
        "offers": null,
        "skusDetail": {
            "skusDiscountDetail": {
                "totalCashbackDiscount": 0,
                "totalInstantDiscount": 50.00,
                "totalDiscountedAmount": 250.00
            "skus": [
                    "skuId": "sampleProductId",
                    "skuCategory": "sku_only",
                    "skuName": "sampleProductName",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "skuAmount": 300,
                    "isValid": true,
                    "discountDetail": {
                        "offerKey": "hellosku@rFTxczzbDmj6",
                        "offerType": "INSTANT",
                        "discount": 50.00,
                        "discountedAmount": 250.00,
                        "discountType": "ABSOLUTE"
                    "skuTotalDiscountDetail": {
                        "totalCashbackDiscount": 0,
                        "totalInstantDiscount": 50.00,
                        "totalDiscountedAmount": 250.00
                    "offerDetail": {
                        "offerId": 66067,
                        "offerKey": "hellosku@rFTxczzbDmj6",
                        "anchorOfferKey": null,
                        "offerType": "INSTANT",
                        "offerCategory": null,
                        "title": "hello sku",
                        "description": "qwe4",
                        "validFrom": "2024-10-15 00:00:00",
                        "validTo": "2024-10-16 23:59:59",
                        "tnc": "123e",
                        "tncLink": null,
                        "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
                        "offerPercentage": null,
                        "maxDiscountPerTxn": 50.00,
                        "minTxnAmount": 11.00,
                        "maxTxnAmount": 1000000.00,
                        "minRangeDiscount": null,
                        "maxRangeDiscount": null,
                        "status": "ACTIVE",
                        "isNce": false,
                        "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
                        "isSkuOffer": true,
                        "isSubventedOffer": false,
                        "isBaseOffer": false,
                        "amount": 300,
                        "discount": 50.00,
                        "discountedAmount": 250.00,
                        "isValid": true,
                        "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                        "recordType": "OFFER",
                        "isGstSubvented": false,
                        "isCohortOffer": false,
                        "isDpEmi": false,
                        "minDpRange": null,
                        "maxDpRange": null,
                        "downPaymentUnit": null,
                        "issuerId": null,
                        "issuerName": null
                    "offers": [
                            "offerId": 66067,
                            "offerKey": "hellosku@rFTxczzbDmj6",
                            "anchorOfferKey": null,
                            "offerType": "INSTANT",
                            "offerCategory": null,
                            "title": "hello sku",
                            "description": "qwe4",
                            "validFrom": "2024-10-15 00:00:00",
                            "validTo": "2024-10-16 23:59:59",
                            "tnc": "123e",
                            "tncLink": null,
                            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
                            "offerPercentage": null,
                            "maxDiscountPerTxn": 50.00,
                            "minTxnAmount": 11.00,
                            "maxTxnAmount": 1000000.00,
                            "minRangeDiscount": null,
                            "maxRangeDiscount": null,
                            "status": "ACTIVE",
                            "isNce": false,
                            "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
                            "isSkuOffer": true,
                            "isSubventedOffer": false,
                            "isBaseOffer": false,
                            "amount": 300,
                            "discount": 50.00,
                            "discountedAmount": 250.00,
                            "isValid": true,
                            "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                            "recordType": "OFFER",
                            "isGstSubvented": false,
                            "isCohortOffer": false,
                            "isDpEmi": false,
                            "minDpRange": null,
                            "maxDpRange": null,
                            "downPaymentUnit": null,
                            "issuerId": null,
                            "issuerName": null
                    "statusMessage": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                    "autoApply": true
        "failureReason": null,
        "failureReasonsBreakup": [],
        "autoApply": false,
        "isSkuOffer": false
    "traceId": "d2851fa2-cf37-4669-b316-41b7143282f4"

With autoApply=false

Sample request

    "amount": 300,
    "autoApply": false,
    "offerKeys": [],
    "paymentDetail": {
        "cardNumber": 1234567890123456,
        "cardToken": null,
        "cardTokenType": null,
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "vpa": null
    "paymentId": 11111135,
    "platformId": 1,
    "userDetail": {
        "email": "string",
        "phoneNo": "string",
        "userToken": "sds"
    "skusDetail": {
        "skus": [
                "skuCategory": "sku_only",
                "skuAmount": 300,
                "quantity": 1,
                "autoApply": false,
                "skuId": "sampleProductId",
                "offerKeys": [

Sample response

    "code": "200",
    "message": "Offer Validated Successfully",
    "status": 1,
    "result": {
        "flagToFail": false,
        "paymentId": 11111135,
        "clientId": 42693,
        "mid": 180012,
        "amount": null,
        "downPaymentAmount": null,
        "emiAmount": null,
        "paymentCode": "CC",
        "category": "CREDITCARD",
        "isValid": false,
        "offerDiscount": null,
        "offerDetail": null,
        "totalDiscountDetail": null,
        "offers": null,
        "skusDetail": {
            "skusDiscountDetail": {
                "totalCashbackDiscount": 0,
                "totalInstantDiscount": 50.00,
                "totalDiscountedAmount": 250.00
            "skus": [
                    "skuId": "sampleProductId",
                    "skuCategory": "sku_only",
                    "skuName": "sampleProductName",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "skuAmount": 300,
                    "isValid": true,
                    "discountDetail": {
                        "offerKey": "hellosku@rFTxczzbDmj6",
                        "offerType": "INSTANT",
                        "discount": 50.00,
                        "discountedAmount": 250.00,
                        "discountType": "ABSOLUTE"
                    "skuTotalDiscountDetail": {
                        "totalCashbackDiscount": 0,
                        "totalInstantDiscount": 50.00,
                        "totalDiscountedAmount": 250.00
                    "offerDetail": {
                        "offerId": 66067,
                        "offerKey": "hellosku@rFTxczzbDmj6",
                        "anchorOfferKey": null,
                        "offerType": "INSTANT",
                        "offerCategory": null,
                        "title": "hello sku",
                        "description": "qwe4",
                        "validFrom": "2024-10-15 00:00:00",
                        "validTo": "2024-10-16 23:59:59",
                        "tnc": "123e",
                        "tncLink": null,
                        "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
                        "offerPercentage": null,
                        "maxDiscountPerTxn": 50.00,
                        "minTxnAmount": 11.00,
                        "maxTxnAmount": 1000000.00,
                        "minRangeDiscount": null,
                        "maxRangeDiscount": null,
                        "status": "ACTIVE",
                        "isNce": false,
                        "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
                        "isSkuOffer": true,
                        "isSubventedOffer": false,
                        "isBaseOffer": false,
                        "amount": 300,
                        "discount": 50.00,
                        "discountedAmount": 250.00,
                        "isValid": true,
                        "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                        "recordType": "OFFER",
                        "isGstSubvented": false,
                        "isCohortOffer": false,
                        "isDpEmi": false,
                        "minDpRange": null,
                        "maxDpRange": null,
                        "downPaymentUnit": null,
                        "issuerId": null,
                        "issuerName": null
                    "offers": [
                            "offerId": 66067,
                            "offerKey": "hellosku@rFTxczzbDmj6",
                            "anchorOfferKey": null,
                            "offerType": "INSTANT",
                            "offerCategory": null,
                            "title": "hello sku",
                            "description": "qwe4",
                            "validFrom": "2024-10-15 00:00:00",
                            "validTo": "2024-10-16 23:59:59",
                            "tnc": "123e",
                            "tncLink": null,
                            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
                            "offerPercentage": null,
                            "maxDiscountPerTxn": 50.00,
                            "minTxnAmount": 11.00,
                            "maxTxnAmount": 1000000.00,
                            "minRangeDiscount": null,
                            "maxRangeDiscount": null,
                            "status": "ACTIVE",
                            "isNce": false,
                            "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
                            "isSkuOffer": true,
                            "isSubventedOffer": false,
                            "isBaseOffer": false,
                            "amount": 300,
                            "discount": 50.00,
                            "discountedAmount": 250.00,
                            "isValid": true,
                            "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                            "recordType": "OFFER",
                            "isGstSubvented": false,
                            "isCohortOffer": false,
                            "isDpEmi": false,
                            "minDpRange": null,
                            "maxDpRange": null,
                            "downPaymentUnit": null,
                            "issuerId": null,
                            "issuerName": null
                    "statusMessage": "Offer Validated Successfully",
                    "autoApply": false
        "failureReason": null,
        "failureReasonsBreakup": [],
        "autoApply": false,
        "isSkuOffer": false
    "traceId": "c80dde13-cfcb-473a-b200-b3be788ac7f2"

Failure scenarios

  • Merchant ID does not exists
    "code": "404",
    "message": "Merchant with merchant Id :1800122 does not exists",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "9cf201ab-2ad3-439e-a7a6-f707d2f76e48"
  • Client ID does not exist or not matching with platform ID
    "code": "404",
    "message": "client with clientId :4 , platformId :12 does not exists.",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "6985749b-9de4-4d39-9242-d19d35a82d0c"
  • Service Unavailable

    "code": "500",
    "message": "Service Unavailable",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "65466805-5be1-4fa4-912d-d28cf620d687"
  • Invalid request
    "code": "400",
    "message": "Invalid Request",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "252e1602-2a9a-449a-8f17-f55fe1f0949a"
  • Offer key is mandatory when autoApply=false
    "code": "400",
    "message": "Offer key is mandatory when offer is not auto applied",
    "status": 0,
    "exceptionId": "0e2012e76b4347f48d58808bf3c39122",
    "traceId": "4baa1329-b3c5-479c-b98e-b3f2a99f0158"

Sample request with Using a saved card

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2022 12:14:51 GMT' \
--header 'Digest: omlvf5r6yimCxH+TfScrGryCGslY3CIF50/zIt/AMk4=' \
--header 'Authorization: hmac username="smsplus", algorithm="hmac-sha256", headers="date digest", signature="PojEYoRaldbjj5NgO+B3c8R1Id4Sefm5mYdFN+MYf2E="' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=fucavghe82bnd1baej5mdgmaem' \
--data-raw '{
  "amount": 500,
  "offerKeys": [
  "paymentDetail": {
    "cardToken": 1234 4567 2456 3566,
    "cardTokenType": 1,
    "cardHash": "card hash",
    "cardMask": "card mask",
    "category": "DEBITCARD",
    "paymentCode": null,
    "vpa": null,
  "paymentId": 2500,
  "userDetail": {
    "email": "string",
    "phoneNo": "string",
    "userToken": "userToken"

Response parameters

The response involves the following parameters and the result parameter contains the offer results:

result parameter JSON Details

The result parameter contains the result in a JSON format and the fields in the JSON are described in the following table. The offerDiscount and offerDetail fields in this JSON contains the offer details as described in the following subsections:

This field contains any of the following values to specify whether the offer is valid or not valid:

paymentidInteger This field contains payment ID for the transaction.2500
clientIdInteger This field contains reference of the merchant.1
midIntegerThis field contains the unique identifier provided by PayU to each merchant.1
amountFloat This field contains the Offer transaction amount10000.00
paymentcodeStringThe payment code that is used to identify the particular payment option.HDFC
categoryStringThis field payment mode used for the
isValidThis field contains any of the following values to specify whether the offer is valid or not valid:

- true: Signifies that the offer is a valid offer
- false: Signified that the offer is a valid offer
offerDiscountJSON Object This field contains offer discount details in a JSON format. For more information, refer to the offerDiscount Field JSON Details subsection.Refer to the offerDiscount Field JSON Details subsection.
offerDetailJSON Object This field contains offer details in a JSON format. For more information, refer to the offerDetail Field JSON Details subsection.Refer to the offerDetail Field JSON Details subsection.
failureReasonString This field is used to display the reason for failure."Success"
skusDetailArray This parameter contains the product or SKU offer details. For more information, refer to skusParameter Field Description. 

The sample value for result parameter in a JSON is similar to the following:

"result": {
        "paymentId": 2500,
        "clientId": 1,
        "mid": 1,
        "amount": 500,
        "paymentCode": null,
        "category": "DEBITCARD",
        "isValid": true,
        "offerDiscount": {
            "offerKey": "SummerSpecialOffer2021@07qIdabo1AHl",
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 400.00,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE"
        "offerDetail": {
            "offerId": 10005,
            "offerKey": "SummerSpecialOffer2021@07qIdabo1AHl",
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "title": "SummerSpecialOffer",
            "description": "SummerSpecialOffer discount",
            "validFrom": "2021-07-01 17:02:11",
            "validTo": "2022-08-05 15:53:16",
            "tnc": "abc",
            "tncLink": "abcd",
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
            "offerPercentage": null,
            "maxDiscountPerTxn": 100.00,
            "minTxnAmount": 10.00,
            "maxTxnAmount": 25000.00,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "isNce": false,
        "failureReason": "Success"

offerDiscount Field JSON Details

The offerDiscount field in the result JSON contains the offer discount details in a JSON format as described in the following table:

offerKeyString This field contains the unique identifier for a particular offer.SummerSpecialOffer2021@q1Bh0jsogwqP
offerTypeString The field contains any of the following type of offer:


discountThis field contains the total discount available on the transaction once applied the specific offer.100.00
discountedAmountThis field contains the final Net amount of the transaction after applying the specific offer.400.00
discountTypeThis field contains any of the following discount type that were defined:



The sample value for offerDiscount field in a JSON is similar to the following:

"offerDiscount": {
            "offerKey": "SummerSpecialOffer2021@07qIdabo1AHl",
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 400.00,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE"

offerDetail Field JSON Details

The offerDetail field in the result JSON contains the offer details in a JSON format as described in the following table:

offerIdInteger This field contains the unique identifier to identify an offer.10005
offerKeyString This field contains the unique identifier for a particular offer.SummerSpecialOffer2021@q1Bh0jsogwqP
anchorOfferKeyBoolean This field contains the flag to indicate if it an anchor offer key.
offerTypeString This field contains the offer owner.MERCHANT
titleString This field contains the title of the offer that will be displayed for customers.festive_500
descriptionString This field contains the description of offer for the merchant's reference.festive discount
validFromString The field contains the offer start time.2021-07-01 17:02:11
validToString The field contains the offer end time.2022-08-05 15:53:16
tncString This field contains the Terms & Conditions for applying promo that will be displayed to customers while accessing the link provided in the tncLink
tncLinkString This field contains URL to fetch details on Terms & Conditions and details specified in the tnc is displayed.abcd
discountTypeStringThis field contains any of the following discount type that was defined:ABSOLUTE
offerPercentageFloatThis field contains the define the discount percentage for the offer.10
maxDiscountPerTxnString The field contains the max discount available for a transaction.100.00
minTxnAmountFloat The field contains the minimum transaction amount offer will be applicable.10.00
maxTxnAmountFloat The field contains the maximum transaction amount offer will be applicable25000.00
statusStringThis field contains any of the following current offer status:

isNceBooleanThis field contains any of the following values to specify whether the offer is a no cost EMI offer or not:

- true: The offer is a No Cost EMI offer
- false: The offer is not a No Cost EMI offer
Boolean This field contains any of the following values to specify whether the transaction should continue without offer or with offer:

- true: The transaction should continue without offer
- false: The transaction should continue with offer
isSkuOfferBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it is an SKU-based offer.true
isSubventedOfferBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it is a subvented offer.false
isBaseOfferBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it a base offer.false
amountFloatThis field contains the offer amount.300
discountFloat This field contains the offer amount.
discountedAmountFloat This field contains the discounted offer amount.true
isValidBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it is a valid offer.
failureReasonStringThis field contains failure reason.Offer Validated Successfully
recordTypeStringThis field contains the record type.OFFER
isGstSubventedBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it is a GST subvented.false
isCohortOfferBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it is a cohort offer.false
isDpEmiBooleanThis field contains flag to indicate if it is a downpayment EMI.false
minDpRangeFloat This field contains the minimum downpayment amount.
maxDpRangeFloat This field contains the maximum downpayment amount.
downPaymentUnitFloat This field contains the downpayment unit.
issuerIdStringThis field contains issuer ID.
issuerNameStringThis field contains issuer name.

The sample value for offerDetail field in a JSON is similar to the following:

"offerDetail" {
            "offerId": 66057,
            "offerKey": "TestOffer@fY6HdoP7da8L",
            "anchorOfferKey": null,
            "offerType": "INSTANT",
            "offerCategory": null,
            "title": "TestOffer",
            "description": "offer",
            "validFrom": "2024-10-14 00:00:00",
            "validTo": "2024-11-30 23:59:00",
            "tnc": "tnc",
            "tncLink": null,
            "discountType": "ABSOLUTE",
            "offerPercentage": null,
            "maxDiscountPerTxn": 100.00,
            "minTxnAmount": 101.00,
            "maxTxnAmount": 111111.00,
            "minRangeDiscount": null,
            "maxRangeDiscount": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "isNce": false,
            "disallowTransactionInvalidOffer": null,
            "isSkuOffer": false,
            "isSubventedOffer": false,
            "isBaseOffer": false,
            "amount": 300,
            "discount": 100.00,
            "discountedAmount": 200.00,
            "isValid": true,
            "failureReason": "Offer Validated Successfully",
            "recordType": "OFFER",
            "isGstSubvented": false,
            "isCohortOffer": false,
            "isDpEmi": false,
            "minDpRange": null,
            "maxDpRange": null,
            "downPaymentUnit": null,
            "issuerId": null,
            "issuerName": null

skusDetail Parameter Description

In addition to the request parameters listed in the Fetch Offers API section, the skusDetail parameter is posted with the following fields are posted in an array:

String The price of one/ single unit of SKU is specified in this field.
String The product identifier to select offer is specified in this field.

String The quantity for the product is specified in this field.
StringThe offer keys to filter at SKU-level is specified in this field.